Page 108 of Code of Courage

“Any way you can be more specific?”

“Following leads. She might be trying to contact Mayor White.”

This information put a wrinkle in things and gave Gabe pause. “Might be or is?”

Harper stood, clearly annoyed. At me or Danni? Gabe wondered.

“She’s out looking for a suspect. During her investigation of the suspect’s residence, she found a photo of the mayor’s son. Detective Grace wanted to ask the mayor if she had any knowledge of the suspect. I told her to follow the evidence. So she might be at the mayor’s. Clear enough?”

“Yes, thanks.” He left the office, uneasy. Something was going on at the mayor’s house. Was Danni in the middle of it?


Gabe turned back at Harper’s call.

“I’m sorry you’re off the case. According to Investigator Ponce, you were quite the hero the other night at the fire.”

“Thanks. I was just in the right place at the right time.” Gabe went back toward the records office, punching in Danni’s number as he did so.


“Gabe,” Danni answered the call, forgetting for a moment she was in a hurry. “What’s up?”

“I found something big regarding the cold case I told you about. I brought it to Gomez. What is up with you? You didn’t find Moore?”

“No, his place was empty. But I think I found the third guy.”

“Moore’s third man?”

“Yes.” She explained to him about Croft.

“Harper said you were going to see the mayor.”

“We tried.” She told him about the visit to the mayor’s and what the boys said about Lenny.

“Mayor White’s son?”

“Yeah, weird, huh? They said he just disappeared and the mayor told them he’s home and will stay home. But the boys think he’s missing. There is definitely something strange going on at that house.”

Gabe stopped her. “Hey, hang on. You aren’t thinking Leonard White’s been kidnapped?”

“I don’t know what to think. All I know is I need to find Moore and Croft.”

“Where are you going now?”

“Heading to the address Hobbs gave as his residence. It’s number 4 in the tiny house compound.”

“You should probably get a warrant.”

“I’m flying on a hunch here. I’m not sure a judge would okay a warrant just on my intuition.”

“Be careful and take backup.”

Danni arrived at the tiny house compound. “Thanks, Gabe.”


Danni was probably correct with her assessment, Gabe had to admit. The evidence she had was thin for a warrant. He wishedhe could be there with her, but he had his own stuff to work on.