“God bless the grandmothers.”

“You said it. How was your day?”

“Good. Busy as always this time of year shutting down the marina for the winter and getting my ducks in a row for off-season construction work.”

“The summer goes by too fast, but this year, I’m thankful for that because we need you here.”

“I’m here, love.”

“I’m so glad Kelsey agreed to stay on until the twins turn one. She’s such a godsend.”

“The kids love her.”

“I love her. I might even love her more than I love you.”


“Sorry, but it’s the truth.”

Mac smiled at her. “I get it, babe.”

“I don’t really love her more than you, but it’s close.”

Still smiling, he kissed her and then the two sleeping babies as Mac squirmed in his arms, trying to get free.

“I’ve decided he needs a nickname,” Maddie said. “I can’t have two Macs in this house plus your dad. Every time I say Mac, your mom asks which one. I think we should call him Trip. I read somewhere that’s the nickname for boys who are the third to have a name in their family.”

“Trip. I like that. What do you think, son? Do you want your nickname to be Trip?”

“Aye ya ya,” he said.

“I’d take that as a yes,” Mac said.

“Sounded like one to me.”

“How about I take over for a bit so you can take a break?”

“I can’t recall the last shower I had, so that sounds good.” She transferred the sleeping babies to him and got up, waving her arms to get the blood pumping through them again. “I’ll be quick.”

“Take your time. Daddy is on the job.”

After she went upstairs, Mac made sure his son was content with his trucks and Paw Patrol on TV before he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Just for a minute.