“Babies are kinda gross.”

“And very adorable.”

“If you say so.”

“Don’t you want kids?”

“I mean, sure. Someday in the far-off future.”

“I want a lot of kids.”

“How many is a lot?”

“At least six.”

He looked over at her, astounded. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously. I longed for more siblings, but my parents couldn’t have any more after me, so it was just my brother and me, and he was quite a bit older. You were so lucky to have six others.”

“Yeah, for sure. They’re all great.” He couldn’t imagine life without them—and didn’t want to. “So, six kids, huh?”

“A girl has to have a goal.”

“You’d be a wonderful mother. You’re so good with the kids.”

“I adore them.”

Those three little words confirmed what he already knew—she wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.

But he was, and sooner rather than later.

Still holding his younger son,Mac sat next to Maddie on the sofa and leaned in to kiss his wife. “How’d the day go?”

“Not bad, all things considered. Tiffany took Thomas and Hailey to the beach after school, so that helped. She’s bringing them home after dinner.”

“Did Hailey have a good day at preschool?”

“She did. Ned said she didn’t even cry this time when he dropped her off.”

“That’s progress. And how about first grade?”

“Thomas and Ashleigh had a good day, too, but the teacher separated them, so they won’t talk to each other all day.”

Mac laughed. “That’s probably a good idea.”

“Tiffany said she’s praying they don’t decide to play Naked-Boy-Naked-Girl in school.”

“Oh my God, don’t even say it!”

“I know! That’s what I said to Tiffany, too.”

“They’d be remembered forever for that.”

“I’d rather they be remembered for being outstanding students or athletes or anything else, actually.”


“Your wonderful mother was here earlier and made dinner,” Maddie said.