Page 81 of Isla

“Follow him for now. We need to work out who Tilly is, because Noah thinks that's where she is, so I doubt she's inside there,” I said, nodding to the apartment block.

We pulled out at the same time as Noah and followed him for a very short distance. Noah pulled into a parking space. He slammed the door to his car, shrugged a coat over his back. There were no more spaces for Mart to park and Noah was moving further away from us.

“Stop here, I’ll follow him and I’ll call you when I want picking up,” I said.

Mart slammed his foot on the brake and I jumped out, running as fast as I could in the drizzle. Until I finally caught up to him and then kept my distance.

He pushed the door to an Italian restaurant. The garlic, tomato and herb smells wafting out of the door were enough to make my mouth water.

I didn’t follow him inside the cafe. I stood outside, opening up my cell as I pretended to search for a number. Glancing inside as Noah talked to a stocky, short man. The man nodded, and they both walked to the door.

“Let me know the moment she arrives at work,” Noah said, handing over a business card and what looked like money.

“She is coming in today,” the stocky man said.

“You told me that for the past three days, I’m not waiting around for hours again. I’ve eaten enough pasta to give me energy for the rest of the year.”

The stocky man waved Noah’s business card in the air. “Don’t drive too quickly. I’ve threatened to sack her if she doesn’t come in today.”

“She left me standing at the altar. Don’t hold your breath," Noah hissed.

I turned and called Mart as I crossed over the road and watched as Noah got back in his car. Mart answered within two rings. “She works at the restaurant. I’m going to stay and wait for fifteen minutes. Park up and I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

“Will do,” Mart said.

“And try to find out who Tilly is,” I said, giving him something to do as he waited. I hung up as Noah pulled out of his car parking space and sped off too quickly in the opposite direction and as though divine intervention was at full force. A cab pulled up outside the eatery and my beautiful wife got out of the car, paid the fee, put her hood up and quickly rushed out of the rain.

She avoided people on the street as she sprinted to the restaurant, and I couldn’t breathe. A large coat encased her slight body. But I didn’t need to see her skin to know how her body flowed, or how the curves of her arse and tits felt. But I could see her legs and they looked delicious, and I wanted them wrapped around my waist again.

I was so fucking happy we were married and she was going to struggle to get rid of me. The thought of not being in her life was painful and twisting at my stomach. But that was soon to end.

She married me, and now she was mine for good. Because only she did this to me, this clench in my stomach that twisted like a knife. The last time I felt it in my gut was the last time I saw her and the time before that. It had never happened with another and that was the reason I knew she was mine.

I pushed my feet against the concrete to get to her. But I knew where she was now and first I had to make a call.

“Finn, get here. I’ve found her,” I said as Noah walked into the cafe and adrenaline spiked in my blood.