Iatelunchwith all the omegas, a light meal of chicken, rice and salad, not wanting a bloated stomach and not wanting it to churn any more than it already was. Most of the girls were friendly and opened up about their lives. I stayed quiet. I had to keep my secret. I could hardly tell anybody why I was really here in case it got back to the alphas.
On our table there was a girl called Beth who had a beta boyfriend, and some of the omegas thought it was strange that she was at the resort, because she said she loved him. But it turned out that he allowed her to make this trip once a year to get what her biology needed. “It’s the only way we’re still together,” she stated.
Jess was red-haired and had pretty freckles on her pert nose, and as much as she told me, she was here for the sex. She picked nervously at her food and I wondered if Jess was a virgin. I expected if she Jess was, the alphas would hound her once they scented her. Would her perfume be different?
“I want to be fucked by loads of alphas. I want them all to fall in love with me,” Polly said. There was something about the way Polly excitedly told everyone what she had got up to each time she came to the resort that had Jess listening with intent interest. Rather than the roll of eyes Polly got from everyone else.
Then again, maybe it was because Polly was more mature, older than my twenty-five by a few years, and she knew exactly what she wanted.
“You’re hoping to scent match here?” I asked, sipping on my coffee. “They advised us not to tell the alphas of how they smell to us.”
“I don’t believe in scent matching,” she said, flicking her hair behind her shoulder.
I nodded and thought of what the guide advised us. “For your chosen alphas, we only need a number and the scent you have for him.”
I had a feeling they had problems in the past with alphas claiming scent matching. I now knew exactly how that felt.
And the betrayal was heartbreaking.
A chair scraped behind us as Leah came over to the table. “Good luck girls, hope you all get what you need out of this. But from now on, it’s each omega for themselves.”
I smiled. These girls were so competitive, most of them were definitely here for something more than me.
“I’m going for a chill in the pool area and then I’ll read so I can relax for later,” I said, pushing out my chair. “See you all later. And enjoy.”
“See you later, Isla,” Jess called.
I paid... Actually, Noah paid for the best room in the resort, but I got seventy-five per cent returned from my first hotel booking, and treated myself to the upgrade. It was a spa suite with French doors that opened onto a small area that homed a plunge pool and a private beach, which was ideal for when I wanted my alone time.
Which lately was more often than not.
I spent the afternoon in the resort pool, swimming up and down the Olympic sized pool, something that I hadn’t done for a long time. But nothing was as good as chilling while reading a book, which was how I planned to spend the rest of the day, at least until this evening’s event.
Placing my key card on the table and shutting the door behind me and strolling into this one bedroomed suite. Then I showered, which helped a little to cool my growing temperature, before I put on a bikini and took my e-reader and strolled to the private outside area, laid on the sun lounger and continued reading my steamy book.
Half an hour was all it took before curiosity got the better of me and I grabbed the folder supplied by the resort and familiarised myself with the Omega Play Rooms.
There were vanilla rooms, to swinging chairs, to BDSM rooms, to rooms that had contraptions I’d never seen before, fabrics which hung from the ceiling, apparently allowing an omega to be taken by two alphas with ease. My eyes popped open, and I swallowed back an enormous gulp of air.
Horny omegas and alphas could play in the rooms as long as they both respected the colour of their partner's mask and as long as it wasn’t in the public area.
I made the decision that tonight I would watch. Because I wanted to pick my alpha out with careful planning, this was my future child I was thinking of rather than my own needs.
Which meant I would keep wearing the white masquerade mask.
White for voyeurism and kissing, but nothing sexual.
Pink, same as white, oral sex, but no penetration.
Red, same as pink, including penetration.
Pale blue was the same as pink, including BDSM.
Navy, same as red and including BDSM.
Black was anything goes, which included the chase.