“Okay, now let’s go to the rooms.” The guide opened the door and we followed.
“What would happen if one of us came on our heat while we were here?” I asked.
“We don’t promote the island for an omega’s heat purpose, not when conventional places are available for that time. The island is more about fun and less about need, but we do still cater for it and have several nesting rooms. Plus, we have experienced omegas coming into their heat by being in the presence of so many alphas, especially if they are only taking suppressants.”
She pressed a code onto the panel, and the door opened. “These rooms are highly secure to prevent uninvited alphas from trying to join your heat pack.”
Polly pulled her hair into her hands and tied it into a low ponytail. She turned and grinned. “Imagine going into heat and then doing the chase. I want to be hunted when I’m in heat. I’m going to come back and do that.”
“That isn’t the aim of the resort, but we would grant it if you arrived with your pack,” Miss Trimble said.
We strolled down a corridor and glanced through the floor to ceiling windows and into the rooms. The first room had a large circular bed in the centre of the room, pillows, blankets, and different materials covered the bed. A large hot tub was in a corner, looking out at the sea.
“And now to the other rooms,” the guide said, holding her hand in the air and pointing her finger at another set of doors.
There was a long corridor, multiple doors came off either side. She tapped on the code on the door. “Each letter represents a viewing room for this room.” She opened the door to Blue A01, and we followed her inside the room. “This area is the public viewing room. You cannot lock the door to this room, meaning anyone can come inside and watch what goes on inside the room.”
I glanced at the tinted window ahead. “If we are inside that room, can we see the people watching us?”
The guide grinned. “That’s part of the fun, knowing voyeurs are watching you, but...” She held her finger in the air and curled it and we followed her with bated breath. We departed that room and entered a much smaller room next door. “This room is a private room. You may lock yourself in with or without an alpha. You have safety buttons around the room, underneath each chair, on the walls and around the glass if things get ugly.”
My eyes popped open as I looked into the room the voyeurs would watch. A wooden X stood proudly in the centre, our guide pressed a button on her panel, the X moved and lowered into different positions.
“Imagine being strapped to that, not being able to do anything but take everything the alphas give you as they move you around,” Polly said, and blew out a breath.
I grinned at her. “I thought you wanted to be chased.”
“Oh I do, I want it all. I come here every couple months for three nights and while I’m here, I try everything. But this will be the first time I will run the real hunt and this time I’ll be wearing the black mask permanently.”
I laughed. “Leave some alphas for the rest of us.”
“You really should come back next week. I’m going to pick them all.”
“I only need one,” I said. I wanted more, and yes, I would have loved a pack of my own. Especially after waking up in the arms of Harrison and Finn, I now knew that. But if I couldn’t have what Tilly got, I would settle for the next best thing, and that only required a very fertile alpha.
“I’ll let you have one,” she said and grinned.
“Do each of these rooms have a different theme?” a girl with dark skin and curly dark brown hair asked.
“Yes, details of each room are in your welcome pack. If you want to use a room, be aware that all rooms inside this block have an audience and if you don’t want that, you need to pick a room in the Beach Block. All those rooms are private. Remember, all rooms correspond the same as the masks, blue masks and rooms are BDSM.”
“And we book the room at the same time we give you our alpha choices,” Polly asked.
She was definitely planning on being busy.
The guide smiled. “You do. But right now, I would recommend you have lunch and relax for a couple of hours until this evening’s event. And remember, the white mask is for the masquerade, afterwards you may change.”
I had read the instructions in my room before attending the walkabout. Tonight, all guests wore their white mask to the masquerade ball to scent the alphas. I agreed with the venue that looks weren’t as important as loving another’s scent before hopefully being attracted to them, too.
The venue advised to always keep the mask on for our future safety and I would heed that advice, because I wanted to stay anonymous. I wasn’t taking off my mask for any alpha.
And after I’d enjoyed my time with two alphas in Vegas, I doubted another alpha's scent would arouse me during this trip. Two in my lifetime was unusual, two in a few days was damn right insane.
But I wanted my identity to stay a secret. I wanted my plan to succeed. Because all I wanted from these days here was to leave pregnant.