Lastnight,Harrisonwasn’t happy when I sent him to his hotel, because as much as I wanted him, I couldn’t because I wasn’t the omega for their pack. They would find another omega, one who could give them what their biology needed.
Unfortunately, that omega wasn’t me.
A matching scent may never happen with another omega, but that wasn’t important now that they knew I wasn’t the omega for their pack. As hard as it was for me, I couldn’t pretend, not now that I knew that I’d left it too late to have children of my own.
A search on Dr Google told me my suppressant usage would have harmed me. An omega’s body would suffer if she took them for too long.
And that was me.
I took them for five years, and now I was going to pay the price. Now this was all my life would comprise, alone and doing a shitty job taking food orders and smiling nicely, before taking home the leftovers from the kitchen.
It wasn’t enough.
There had to be more to my life than this. I could beg Noah to marry me, annul my marriage as he asked, but not tell him about my inability to give the children he needed.
He lied to me. I could do the same to him.
“Isla, table twelve needs serving,” my boss hissed into my ear as I stood daydreaming once again. He called me offering to give me my restaurant manager’s job. Apparently, Noah had asked him. But I knew it was only to sweeten me, fall for him again.
It shocked him when I turned him down, but I didn’t want the job any longer. I was going to apply for jobs closer to where Tilly lived. I wanted to be near to her and her children. Anything to quench my need for children by always being around her babies.
“Isla,” he hissed again.
“Okay,” I said, walking away to table twelve, taking the notepad from my apron.
I stopped dead in my tracks, opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
“Hi, Isla,” Finn said.
I blinked like he was a vision and not really sat in front of me. I glanced down at my hands and slowly lifted my gaze to his face again.
“Hi,” I said, my voice shaking and my knees trembled. “Can I get you something?”
Finn tilted his head to one side, smiling lightly. “You know what I want.”
I glanced over my shoulder at my boss, who was speaking to the chef in the kitchen.
“The kitchen will be closed soon,” I said. Purposely not getting involved in the conversation.
“I’m not interested in food, Isla. I came for you, you know you belong to this pack and we belong to you. Now why don’t you be a good girl and jump on the plane with us and go home?”
The door to the restaurant opened and King came in, accompanied by Harrison. My heart ached to see King, my hand raised as I touched my shoulder.
He’d lost weight. Not that anyone else in this restaurant would see that. King was around six-five tall, but somehow he looked small today.
“Isla,” he whispered as he walked to me, holding out his hand as his eyes begged me to take it.
And I did. He picked me up in his arms and held me close to his chest. “Oh Isla, I’ve missed you.”
I smiled lightly at King. His face was so close to mine, I could see the flecks of gold dancing in those green eyes. “You need to put my feet on the floor.”
He shook his head, nuzzling as he purred against my face. “I’m not letting you go again.”
I glanced over my shoulder at my boss. He had his arms crossed over his chest before he unfolded them and showed me his mobile, glaring at me. I knew there was a threat of a call to someone, Noah, his father, my father... I wasn’t sure.
“I’m going to get sacked if you don’t let me do my job,” I said.