Page 91 of Isla

“King,” Harrison warned.

King still didn’t listen. He lifted his free hand, shifting loose hair that had fallen from my ponytail, and tucked it behind my ear. Our eyes locked. He then leaned in to kiss me and when our lips touched, it was the same incredible electrical surge that pulsed through me every time before that moment.

“Kingsley,” Harrison growled, and I laughed because Harrison was chastising the big man. But as King stroked his hand over my back, reality set in quick. They were being nice because as much as Harrison knew I couldn’t have children, he hadn’t told them yet.

I knew how much Harrison wanted me, but this was too much.

“Shush, baby, it’ll be okay,” King purred against my face. His bond feeling the anxiety I ebbed.

“I think we need to talk,” I said because if Harrison hadn’t told them, it was time for me too.

“Come home with us,” King said.

“I have to do my job and then clean up the restaurant,” I said, laughing, trying to calm my growing nerves. “And then I need to talk to you.”

“We’ll eat and then we’ll help you,” Harrison said.

“And then we can talk,” I said. Knowing once they learned the truth, I would go home alone.

Harrison chewed his lip as I took out my pen from my apron and tapped on the pad and took their orders. Strolling away and handing the slip over to the kitchen.

“Who are they?” my boss asked, his lip curled up in a sneer.

“None of your business.” It wasn’t, and I didn’t want to cause a scene. I certainly didn’t want him calling Noah to stir the shit. Especially as I now knew he had called him when I was last at work.

All I wanted was a peaceful night to tell Finn and King my truth and then go home and cry myself to sleep.

But my boss didn’t like my response, and he rushed me off my feet after that. He sent me to every table, gave me trays of drinks, made me wash an overflow of dishes and by the time I got back to the table to Harrison, Finn and King, I was shaking and almost crying.

“Can I take your plates?” I asked, trying to hold back the tears as I swallowed down the sobs.

They stood together.

“It’s okay,” I whispered.

“Isla, will you stop fawning over the alphas?” My boss was right behind me and there was a growl from the table as he put his hand on my sore shoulder and pushed me away. I grimaced, but he didn’t stop. “You had your chance omega, you don’t get second chances. Not when Mr Nichols finds out about this.”

I sucked back a sob.

“Get your hands off her,” King roared. He stood to his full height, dominating everybody around him. “Get your fucking hands off her or I will kill you.”

“I’ll kill him,” Finn said, standing and pushing out of his chair and facing my boss. Grabbing hold of the hand that had rested heavily on my shoulder, Finn squeezing until my boss squealed like the pig he was.

“I’m sorry,” my boss squeaked beside me. “I thought she was bothering you. She isn’t a good omega, not one most alphas would want in their life.”

“We’re alphas and want her in our lives. What does that make us?” Harrison said, pulling me away and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “And she doesn’t need this crap job, working for a shittier employer.”

“Harrison,” I warned. I knew they were trying to protect me, but I was going to have to get used to it.

“Say sorry to her,” Finn said, his fingers tightening around those of my boss.

“She’s an omega. I don’t have to say sorry to her,” he hissed and squirmed as Finn brought him to his knees on the floor.

The whole time, I couldn’t stop staring at the three of them. My eyes kept wandering to Harrison, and he glanced at me now and again. His expression suggested he was as nervous as me, knowing I was about to tell Finn and King the truth.

“She’s our omega. Not that you need to think about that again after today. Because she quit,” Finn barked and squeezed.

I blinked hard at the sound of a crack.