Samuel Day would not wake.

Even those among the non-human races who were gifted with healing hadn’t been able to fix the damage. Brigid, the Fae healer Niko trusted more than most people on the planet, had finally made him understand why.

Sam wouldn’t let them.

But Niko had made a promise to his father, the man who’d led Appalachia for decades before Niko was even a whisper between his parents in the night.

Just weeks ago, Niko had said his final goodbyes to his own father.

As if Jameson had been expecting his time was at an end, he’d spent many hours in the weeks preceding his death talking to Niko about the responsibilities of being a wise leader.

Now, one of those nightly talks stood out.

You must care for all under my aegis, Nikolai. Soon, they will be yours to lead. I need you to understand that a wise leader doesn’t always like or respect those he leads. Yet he will be defined by how he protects and guides all under his care, not just those who have his favor.

Jameson Whelan had been taken down while protecting some of the young in his pack when they’d been attacked by an anti-Therian brigade who’d wanted to destroy the animals polluting their planet. Three other Appalachian Therians had also fallen, two wolves and a wildcat, but the others had held position, even while bloodied and injured, until back-up arrived.

Niko had taken out each man from that group who still lived, hunting down every last one.

But he was still searching for their base. They’d been only a small unit, in contact with larger anti-Pretern groups via internet groups. Several had been in on planning the assault on the Appalachia pack and Niko would find them all if it took the rest of his life.

One family who’d been under his father’s aegis, as Jameson had stated, consisted of Samuel Day and his offspring.

Moving across the room, he stood by the side of the bed and glared at the man in bed. He’d learned about the deviancy of the man who’d once been Samuel Day’s Alpha, a man who’d been killed by Jameson himself. Whispers of his cruelty had spread across the country in the months before Niko learned of Zee’s deception, before he’d even met her. He’d waited, wondered, if she’d ever ask him for his help in sheltering her family.

He would have done so in a heartbeat, would have even challenged the fucker himself—and won—and after she’d told him she’d marry him, he’d planned to knock down the final barriers, coax her to talk to him, no matter what it took.

Then he’d learned. Then he’d discovered just how merrily and easily she’d deceived him.

All she’d had to do was go before Jameson and ask, and he would have helped.

If she’d even explained the issue to Niko, he would have argued her case to his father himself. And Jameson would have done it, not just for his son, but because he abhorred those who used their strength to batter and bruise others.

But she’d lied to Niko, misled him, used weaknesses he hadn’t known he’d had.

He’d never forgive her for it.

This man had sent her to him so she’d do just that. He’d never forgive Sam either.

But Sam and Zee were pack. They didn’t abandon the pack to suffer and fade alone. It wasn’t the Therian way.

“Wake up, Samuel Day,” he said, infusing dominance into every word.

Sam’s lids flickered.

“You are not permitted to die now,” Niko said, demanding more of a response than that.

But there wasn’t even a hint of one.

There was a whisper of sound at the door and Nikolai caught the scent of a young wolf, anger, grief, twined with that of the forest and earth. Closing his eyes, he forced his own rage to calm.

“That isn’t going to work,” Liam Day said in a surly voice, one so at odds with the boy everybody else saw.

But Niko never saw the kind, loving young man others saw when they looked at Liam.

Turning his head, he met Liam’s gaze and held it.

Liam’s jaw went tight as he struggled to hold the connection—and he did. For almost thirty seconds. It would have impressed Nikolai if he hadn’t already been so fucking pissed off.