Once Liam jerked his gaze away, Niko asked coolly, “Why not?”

“Because my father’s been dead inside for years. His body finally has a chance to catch up. It doesn’t matter how dominant you are. You can’t will him into wanting life.” Liam might look terribly young and sad in at that moment, more the boy he still was, but he sounded far older than his eighteen years.

Liam had been living on his own for more than year, graduating early, much as Zee had. He’d moved to Atlanta after accepting a scholarship to Emory.

He’d been offered—and refused—a scholarship to Duke.

He’d also refused to accept the educational package that was offered to Therian young by their Primes, in exchange for five years of service after graduation.

He’d received a scholarship to Emory but it only covered tuition, so he worked to cover his living expenses.

As smart as Zee, and just as stubborn.

He shoved thoughts of her out of his head.

“Perhaps you should try talking to him then.” He dragged his eyes from Liam’s face—away from the green eyes that reminded him too much of Zee’s. “Tell him to hold on for the rest of your family, long enough for your brothers and sister to get here, say their goodbyes.”

Liam’s gaze swung back to his. This time, there was no attempt to challenge Nikolai’s dominance but the rage burned hot and bright and sharp as a blade. “It won’t break any of their hearts if they don’t make it back here, except maybe Zee. She’s probably soft-hearted enough to still love him although I don’t know why in the fuck you think she can come anyway.”

“Watch your mouth, pup,” Nikolai growled, not even attempting to control it.

“I’m so sorry, Prime.” Liam sneered at him, derision in every word.

The urge to lash out was strong, but the hurt, the loss and pain and agony in the boy’s eyes whispered and spoke to one of Niko’s deeper instincts, the part that was created to care for the young, the weak, the lost.

“Why can’t she come?” he asked stiffly. “If it’s money or a job—”

“What in the fuck do you mean, why can’t she come?” Liam’s voice cracked as he interrupted, half-shouting. He crossed the empty space with Therian speed and ferocity. When he snarled, he showed teeth that had started to lengthen and sharpen, revealing the first hint of the wolf that lay under Liam’s skin. “You fucking kicked her out of Appalachia! If she even tries to come back, any of your people can kill her for daring to disobey, you fucking bastard. She’s an outcast and will be treated like one.”


The harsh growl from the doorway didn’t even penetrate the hot, thudding rush of blood crashing through Niko’s veins, roaring in his ears. He shot out a hand, grabbing Liam by the front of the shirt.

“That’s bullshit. She’s pack—Jameson took care of that,” he bit off, fighting the overwhelming rage that swamped him at even the thought of Zee being harmed.

“No.” Liam laughed and the sound was bitter and ugly, the scorn it held like acid on an open wound. “She’s not. She was never accepted into Appalachia. She’s been fucking alone for more than a decade, you motherfucking, pathetic, cowardly dickhead.”

In the next instant, Liam was jerked back.

Niko snarled at the tall, lean blonde who’d snatched the boy from his grasp. Hannah Johannsen, one of his seconds, had Liam pinned under her, a clawed hand up and poised to strike.

Boone had his hand around her wrist and it was, Nikolai knew, the only reason Liam wasn’t bloodied and battered.

“Don’t,” Boone said, his voice stark and hard, deadly.

“He insulted our Prime, challenged his authority, his leadership, his strength,” Hannah said, her body trembling with rage. “He might be young, but he’s no longer a child.”

“Get up, Hannah,” Nikolai said, his own rage nearly choking him. But there was also confusion. Liam hadn’t lied.

“Prime?” Hannah whispered, shifting slightly to glance at him.

In that split second, Alison lunged from where she’d been standing at the door and she’d grabbed the boy under the arms, hauling him away from Hannah, while Boone continued to grip the more dominant female’s wrist in an iron fist, not yielding.

“Hannah, you’re dismissed,” Niko said in a gritty voice. “Go home and collect your gear. You’re taking over patrol on the southern boundary. You’re on duty at the perimeter there until you’re advised otherwise.”

Hannah’s big blue eyes widened. “Sir, I—”

“Now.” Niko still stared at the boy as he spoke, head spinning, gut churning.