“Niko... ”

Unable to form any other word, even to ask for what she desperately needed, Zee whimpered again and closed her eyes.

His hands caught her hips and she snapped her lids up to stare at him.

“Zee.” The word came out ragged and broken.

The pain inside him filled her own heart and shattered her.

“Niko... ” She rose on her toes and pressed her lips to his, this fragile new bond between them overwhelming her. The chaos of his emotions, the rage, the pain, the guilt continued to flow into her, including... but most of all, a golden warmth that filled her near to bursting.


It was the love that had started to form between them almost from the first time they met—and it had never died.

“Zee, baby... I’m so sorry,” he whispered, dropping his head to bury his face against her neck.

“No... No... ” she whispered, stroking her hands up and down his arms, ignoring the sodden t-shirt he’d yet to strip away until it became a barrier and then she tore at it with her claws, smoothing the shreds out of the way so she could continue to stroke and pet her mate.


His mouth found hers and she opened for him, greedy for his taste and his touch, greedy in a way she’d never known before.

He shoved a hand between them, one thick finger parting her folds. Against her lips, he muttered, “Tell me you’re ready. I can’t... Fuck, I can’t... If you’re going to stop me, do it now.”

She moved on him instead, moaning as he slid inside her.

Both of them trembled as he pumped a second finger into her sex, circling her clit with his thumb.

“Inside me, Niko.” She bit his lower lip in hungry demand and palmed him through the wet athletic pants that separated them. “Inside me now.”

He eased back just enough for her to shove the material out of the way, tearing at it with her claws after the wet fabric resisted.

Then he hoisted her up and slammed into her, filling her completely.

They both cried out.

Niko pressed his face to her neck once more, long, powerful body shuddering.

Zee moaned, wrapping her legs around his hips as he started to withdraw and clinging tight.

“No... ”

He didn’t seem to hear her, his hands going to her ankles to unhook them, his strength overwhelming her determination. “Niko!”

He growled, teeth scraping over her skin as he dragged his mouth down the curve of her neck to her shoulder. The sensation left her shivering and he took advantage of her momentary distraction to shift his hold on her, moving at a speed she couldn’t hope to match.

In a heartbeat, he had hooked her knees over elbows, opening her fully. With one final suckling kiss on the curve where neck met shoulder, he broke away and lifted his head to meet her eyes.

The connection seared her all the way through.

He withdrew, the heavy thickness of his cock stretching her even as he pulled out, stopping only when the flared, swollen head barely breached her core. Just as slowly, he filled her again.

She arched—or tried to—unable to find leverage as she hung there, her weight pinned by his elbows and cock, leaving her vulnerable and open and exposed.

Clamping down around his intrusion as he filled her again, Zee gripped his shoulders. “More... Niko. I need you inside me.”

“I need you,” he muttered, taking her mouth again. “All of you... everything.”