Chapter Thirty-Five

Hands to the wall ofthe shower, Zee bowed her head and let the hot water rain down on her.

Etan and Saint had brought Brandon back to Appalachia territory.

She didn’t know where they’d taken Brandon. If she wanted to, she could track him. Part of her, wolf, woman and Fae, wanted to do just that. Especially the wolf, because she remembered the pain, the fear, the certainty that she might die.

But Niko held her here.

He hadn’t said a word.

He hadn’t come into her rooms.

They’d come to the big house and he’d opened the door for her, led her inside and to this room, then he’d left.

But she could feel him.

He was a pulsating warmth in the back of her mind, present in a way she’d never thought she’d feel again.

She hated that something inside her wanted to shy away from that bond—he’d hurt her so badly, savaged her when she’d finally started to feel strong.

But she could feel him. His pain, the self-directed rage. She felt his need—a need to claim vengeance for her, a need to punish the wolf who’d betrayed the pack when he’d grabbed the child earlier—such a deeply personal betrayal, a Therian repudiating the laws and governances of his Prime and pack.

Strongest of all was the need for her.

It made her weak in the knees and it clouded her thinking.

She’d hoped a shower would wash away the stink of her childhood abuser, the lingering tinge of disinfectant and hospital, hoped it would clear her head. But it wasn’t working. Not when she felt Niko’s need for her with every breath she took, every beat of her own aching, needy heart.

“Niko,” she breathed out, giving in to the urge to open herself to the bond.

She wasn’t prepared for the consequences.

A torrent of emotion flooded her, filling her to the brim with everything that Niko was, their hearts all but flinging the two of them together, a resounding denial of the years that had separated them.

Weak-kneed, she swayed.

She would have gone to her knees there in the shower stall if she hadn’t grabbed onto the treated glass forming a wall on one side. Gripping the top edge of it where it stopped several inches over her head, she swallowed convulsively. Her other hand smacked against the polished stone in front of her, slid several inches before finding purchase.

Her heart beat with slow, steady beats that began to come faster and faster with every second.

Her skin started to heat.

Some part of her realized she’d done something—reached out, called him.

She felt a response of sorts—from him, blooming in the back of her mind and she started to shake as arousal flooded her.

The scent of her own desire thickened, mingling with the soap she’d slicked over her body, the shampoo and conditioner she’d used on her hair, all of them combining to create a heady perfume.

Closing her eyes, she rested her head against the tile wall and dragged air into her lungs.

The movement lifted her breasts—odd how rarely she noticed them, unless they were being a nuisance when she wanted to go for a run or when clothes didn’t fit the way she liked because of the heavy, full curves. But now she noticed, goosebumps breaking out across her entire body despite the hot water pounding down on her from overhead. She noticed and hitched in a sharp breath as water beaded and rolled across her skin to her nipples, then down, down, down, over skin gone sensitized.

She was ready for him and—

A whimper escaped her as her instincts demanded she open her eyes.

Niko stood on the other side of the glass partition, eyes burning as he stared at her.