Page 38 of Blakely and Liam

Your father’s dream


I was usin’ the sledgehammer tae drive in the pole on the real estate sign when Mike pulled up in his park ranger truck, his headlights blaring on me, window rolled down, “Whatcha doing, Liam?”

I wiped the sweat from m’forehead. “Puttin’ up the signs. They were delivered this afternoon. I wanted tae get them up before I went tae the pub.”

“You’re really going to sell?”

“Aye, I canna afford tae run them.” I used m’boot tae stamp down the earth around the base.

He said, “It’s listing to the left a bit.”

“Och.” I hammered it straight and stepped back to check.

“That’s a sad sight. It was your father’s dream.”

“That’s what they tell me.”

“Yep,” he said, looking at the sign, then said, “It’s a shame all the people out of work because of it.”

“I ken, I pay Naisha’s wages, but I couldna keep payin’ for all the motel employees, not on m’salary, especially when I haena been tae work in months. When it sells I’ll do m’best tae get the new owner tae rehire them.”

“The motel and pub were up for sale for a long time before your father bought them.”

I nodded. “Well, I hope it winna take that long, I need tae get home.”

“Yep.” He looked at the sign for longer. “Well, I’m headed tae the pub, want a ride?”

I chuckled. “Nae, I can drive m’own truck, tis only twenty meters away.” Then I thought tae ask, “Mike, ye heard anythin’ about the woman who was here last week? She was goin’ tae hike?”

“Nope, nothing.”


“See ya this afternoon.” His truck spun out of the gravel in front of the sign and he drove down tae the intersection and pulled intae the Och Nae Pub’s parking lot.