Page 50 of Finding Beau

“Really, you’re sure? It’s…well, I don’t know what to say.”

“Then say yes. Let’s at least try.” I kissed his hand again. “Please?”

He pulled his hand away from mine, and this time, he leaned over, taking my lips with his, brushing them across mine, ghosts of kisses making me eager for more.

No sooner had he started, then he stopped, pulling me to my feet.

“Let’s go somewhere until you have to go. Make the best of this sunny weather. I feel like going to the beach, and we’ve got time.”

He ran to his room and came back with a thin jacket, running his fingers through his hair as I stood and stared. Even unkempt he was gorgeous, and he stopped in his tracks, looking back at me.

“What’s up? Don’t you want to go?” He faltered, his arm half in his sleeve.

“Of course, come on. I was just thinking how good you looked.”

He barked out a laugh. “Shit, Kwan. I thought something was wrong, and as for looking good, I’m just wearing a ratty shirt and jeans.”

He was, but to me, he looked pretty damn perfect. We left the flat, and he triple-locked the front door, making me wonder what the story was behind that. I hoped he’d tell me, but I wouldn’t pry; that wasn’t my place. I sure wanted him to feel comfortable enough to tell me everything, though. His sister maybe?

He bounded down the stairs and out to the car, a ball of energy. His mood had certainly improved, that was for sure. It was infectious, and as he directed me to Crosby Beach, he pointed out the cafe he used to work at, bustling with people. Seems the sun had brought them out.

He looked over wistfully, and I wondered if he missed working there. Bernie’s must have been a come down for him, but he’d said something about reduced hours or not enough money. I couldn’t imagine working for that sleazeball was any better than here, but I reckoned he had his reasons.

I parked as close as I could get, marvelling at the life-size cast iron statues. I’d heard about them but never seen them. The tide was out, and as we walked along the beach, he took my hand, walking me towards the water’s edge, finally standing still, the sea breeze blowing the hair from his face, his eyes closed.

He took a deep breath and held it, letting it go some seconds later.

“Don’t you just love the water, the sea?” He kept his eyes closed as he spoke, and I got that maybe this was where he felt comfortable. “I love coming here when I can. It’s my special place, where I come to think or when I’m feeling down.”

“What do you feel down about, Beau? Tell me.”

He opened his eyes and looked directly at me. “I’ve plenty to feel down about, Kwan. The trick is not letting it drag you so far down you can’t get back up. Being here centres me, makes me realise that everything out here is bigger than me. I’ve always loved the sea. Its power, its irresistible pull. Sometimes, I just want to wade out, see how far I can get before I get my feet swept away.”

“Whoa, that’s dangerous. You could drown out there.” I frowned at his words. That was some scary shit right there.

“I know, and sometimes, that’s the point.”

His mood changed in an instant from one of melancholy to joy as he let go of my hand and ran back up the beach, turning and running backwards, his arms outstretched.

“Come on, Kwan. Last one to the car buys the ice cream.”

I shook my head, smiling to myself. With the head start he had, I just knew that was going to be me.