Page 49 of Finding Beau


Iwoke up and checked the time on the digital clock, shocked to see it was after midday.

Looking over at Beau, I brushed away the hair from his forehead and leaned down to place a kiss on his lips. He was beautiful, and my heart sped up just a little as I remembered what we’d done earlier. I’d had a few hook-ups, but nothing like this. But this wasn’t a hook-up, or I hoped it wasn’t. I wanted to see him again.

He murmured softly in his sleep and turned onto his side, facing towards the wall. I’d let him sleep a little longer, but I needed to go find my phone. No doubt Hana would have been in touch by now. I wasn’t wrong, and when I checked, I had five missed calls and an answerphone message. No doubt she was pissed.

I dialled in and listened to the message.

“Kwan. Where the fuck are you? You’d better have got lucky last night, else you and I are going to have a talk. If your arse isn’t back here by”—there was a pause, and no doubt she was looking at her watch—“five o’clock, I’m calling the police.”

Rolling my eyes, I deleted the message, dramatic much.

She was right, though. I’d stayed here longer than I thought I would, but I wasn’t ready to say goodbye just yet. My stomach growled, and I realised it had been hours since I’d last eaten and probably the same for Beau too. The coffee stood cold on the bedside table as I walked back into the bedroom and pulled on my clothes, deciding to go find us some food and a decent brew.

I was happy to see Hana’s car still in one piece, all of the wheels still attached, and drove to the nearest petrol station.There was a drive-thru coffee shop, and after choosing some pastries I thought Beau might like, I returned to the flat, realising at the last minute I didn’t have a key. I pressed a few buzzers until I managed to get back into the building and made my way upstairs only to meet Beau coming down them.

“Hey, I brought you coffee and something to eat. Where are you going?” He didn’t look happy. In fact, he looked fucking furious, but when he saw me, his expression changed.

“Oh, you’re here.” He looked a mixture of pissed off and relieved.

“Yeah. Did you think I’d go without saying goodbye?” I couldn’t blame him. I’d probably think the same, but I answered him truthfully. “I wouldn’t do that. Now come on, let’s go back upstairs, chill the fuck out, drink our coffee and eat this food.”

He turned, a sheepish look on his face, and I realised how bad it must have looked with me being gone when he awoke.

Letting us back into the flat, I placed the coffee and paper bags on the kitchen counter and drew him into a hug, rubbing his back, trying to give him some comfort.

“Really? After what happened this morning, you thought I’d just walk out on you? I’m not that guy, Beau, not him at all. It meant something to me. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

He mumbled against my neck, something about being a fucking idiot, but we were both to blame. Me for not leaving a message and him for thinking I could do that. Then again, he didn’t know me from Adam. I suppose I could have been a complete tosser and left him alone, my cum still wet on his bedsheets.

I let him go with a kiss to his temple, handed him his coffee and a pastry from the bag and led him to the couch to sit.

“So, I have to be back in Manchester for five, else Hana will have my balls, but I’m free until around four. What do you want to do? You could come back with me if you wanted to.”

I’m not sure why I said that. My parents had no idea I was gay, and bringing him home would surely open the biggest can of worms ever. Hana would support me, but it wasn’t quite how I’d wanted to tell them. But even in this short space of time, I had a feeling Beau would be worth anything they had to say.

I held my breath waiting for his answer and was somewhat relieved when he said no. Just because I thought he was worth it, I wasn’t sure now was the right time to do it, not with the turmoil my parents had been through with Jung.

“I was going to go visit a few bars tonight, see if I could find another job. Ziggy said he’d come with me. He knows a few places, and Marc’s coming too, I think.”

I nodded. From what he’d said, he needed work and getting a job was important for him.

“Ok, maybe another time. I’d like for you to meet Hana, and the terrible twosome, of course.”

I picked at the flaky pastry, trying not to get it on the couch, enjoying sitting so close him, side by side, thigh to thigh.

“I’d like that. I’m not good with kids, though. I did tell you, so don’t blame me if they run screaming from me.”

Finishing our coffee and food, we both sat quietly. I wasn’t quite sure what to say, but he broke the silence with a question.

“So, what is this…thing, we have going on?” He sat back on the sofa with his arm along the back, crossing his legs at the ankles. I noticed how slim his legs were and how I’d straddled them earlier in the day, wanting to do it again.

“What do you want it to be? I’d like to get to know you better, spend more time with you, if you’ll let me. Manchester’s not that far. It’s doable. Certainly not long distance anyway.”

“You have a job, uni, the band. How will you have time for me?”

I grabbed his hand from the back of the sofa and brought it to my lips. “I’ll make time. I meant what I said. You have a phone; I have a phone. We can text, call, Facetime… However you want to do it, Beau.”