I take his hand nodding; I didn’t expect thanks, but for some reason the fact that my woman’s dad likes me is somewhat comforting.

“Why don’t you go inside? I’m sure you will be more comfortable there,” I say, wanting to get them out of the way when I hear motorcycle engines making their way towards us.

“Oh, of course,” Siena says as she comes to stand in the middle of her parents, sliding her arm through theirs as she starts to steer them inside introducing them to the other women that are standing by the door. Catching Anastasia's eye, I incline my head inside just as I hear the roar of the bikes come to a stop near the gate.

“How about something to drink, come on inside,” Anastasia calls, catching my meaning.

“We aren’t expecting anyone, are we?” Tal asks with a raised brow as he stops next to me.

“Not that I’m aware of,” I reply just as Tor and Garth walk towards us from inside.

“We’ve got company. Looks like the Savage Cobras MC are at our gates,” Tor calls as he comes to join us. “Stay sharp, we can’t trust those motherfuckers.”

“Do you know what they want?” Garth asks, looking like that he still hasn’t slept since arriving from Qatar yesterday. His hair is dishevelled, and he’s still wearing the same clothes he arrived in. Haldor wasn’t happy about having to come back home yet, but it seemed like all the leads had dried up there.

“No, but we are about to find out,” Tor replies just as five of the Savage Cobras come riding up towards us. Their bikes come to a stop a few feet before us. We have had dealings with the Savage Cobras before, but it has never been a club that we entertain much because they dabble in a lot of things that we aren’t interested in. Their leader is a twitchy son of a bitch that sniffs way too much of his own product if you ask me.

“Jed, what brings you to my door?” Tor asks their leader as Jed takes off his helmet. His thinning, oily, dark hair is plastered to his head.

“I was hoping for one of your parties, no one throws a party like you guys,” he says with a wink, but it’s clear that he’s here for another reason, a reason I’m sure we will find out about in due time.

“Afraid we not throwing a party. If you haven’t heard we are at war with the gangs and can’t be too careful.” Jed and the others that have now parked their bikes start making their way towards us.

“I’ve heard the rumours,” Jed remarks with a shrug. “A shame, but I would like to talk to you about something that might just interest you.”

Tor raises a brow. I doubt that anything Jed wants to propose we’ll be interested in.

“But first, it has been a really thirsty ride,” he says with a grin.

Tor scowls, but he reluctantly nods before turning. “Okay, Jed, but I have shit to do, so this better not take too long,” Tor warns as he starts making his way inside.

I would have rather avoided going in at al because Siena and her parents are sitting in the bar area as we walk in.

I see their eyes widen at the company. Siena’s mom leans towards her, whispering, “Are you sure you want to stay here? I don’t think this is the most appropriate place for you.”

Tal elbows me, a grin lighting his face. “Doesn’t look like the mom thinks we are good enough for her daughter,” he murmurs so softly as to not to be overheard by the Savage Cobras.

“Shhh, they will hear you,” Siena replies with a gasp. “And trust me, this is the safest place for me.”

I glance at her to see her eyes trained on me. I know that she would have liked her parents to get to know me, but with the Savage Cobras here, it’s important that I stay close because I don’t trust these assholes.

“Well now, you have been holding out on the rest of us, Bro,” Rev, one of the Savage Cobra’s men, calls out to Garth.

“How’s that?” Garth asks.

“Those beauties weren’t here the last time I came here. They sure are pretty.” My eyes turn to him, the anger starting to rise when I realize that he’s talking about our Ol’ Ladies. If he’s not careful, he will be leaving here seeing less than when he came in.

“Those aren’t for your palate, they are Ol’ Ladies,” Tal replies as the men start taking their seats.

“Aww, come on, I share my Ol’ Lady.” His meaning has me leaning forward as I grab his shirt and pull him close to me until his face is a foot away from mine.

“We don’t!” I warn.

His eyes widen as he raises both his hands. “Okay, dude, no need to get touchy,” he mutters as I let go.

“Rev, take a seat and shut the fuck up,” Jed calls.

“Camille,” Tor calls out for one of our Jezebels that is working behind the bar today. He circles his finger around the table, letting her know that he wants a round of drinks. She nods, leaning down to pull out the bottles of beer and placing them on the tray.