“You know, that this is fucking freaky,” Tal suddenly says from next to me. He offered to help me with the new tank for my bike. I decided that after the accident I might as well get the artwork I wanted done on my tank as it was going to be out of commission for a while, as I fixed all the odds and ends to it. Bjarni, who is a brother in our mother chapter, is an absolute genius when it comes to the artwork on our rides, just sent me the tank with what I asked, and I couldn’t wait to get it fitted.

“What’s wrong, don’t you like it?” I think he did a great job with the E and S intertwined in flames.

“It’s not that. Will you fucking stop smiling? It’s starting to scare me.”

His teasing has me grinning as I show him the finger.

It’s true, I have found myself smiling more. I feel more at peace with an appetite for life that I haven’t had for a very long time.

I didn’t want a mate, but now I can’t think of my life without Siena. Her exuberant personality brings a static energy to the club that seems to liven everything up. “I’m glad you found her, Bro.” Tal’s sudden serious tone has me glancing at him. “We were worried about you. It was evident that you were giving up. So, if finding your mate has brought you back to us, I’m all for Siena smoking your ass every now and again to see if you’re still kicking.”

I know that the others were worried about me, and that they were concerned that I would let my darkness take me. But I was prepared to end my life before I let that happen. I have seen too many Elementals that turned Keres to let that shit happen to me. Men that I knew for a very long time, giving up and letting their basic instincts overcome them. Finding Siena was a blessing, one that I am aware I am lucky to have had.

I know that she’s still wary about my marriage. We don’t talk about it, but it’s there in the background. Two days ago, I finally made her fully mine. Every inch of her belongs to me, like I belong to her. The connection between us is better than I could ever have wished for. I know that the bond between mates is unbreakable, that the union is like nothing else, but I never knew that it would consume me completely.

“I think your woman’s parents are here.”

Tal’s statement has me turning towards the sound of the car driving up towards the club. Siena phoned her parents last night, wanting to make sure that she was fine before contacting them. She didn’t want them to worry when they saw her. “You better go meet your in-laws.”

“Yeah.” This is something that I could happily do without, I am not a people person, and having to sit through a civil conversation with people that I clearly have nothing in common with is not something which I am looking forward to, but I know that it will make Siena happy, so I will nod at the right times and hopefully they will leave soon.

Picking up the rag from the seat of my bike, I clean my hands before sighing.

“Just smile, dude. Trust me, and they will leave real quick worried that you might eat them.” Tal’s absurd statement has me looking at him in surprise. His innocent expression makes me grin.

“You’re a mad motherfucker, do you know that?”

My comment has him shrugging as he inclines his head towards the door. Shaking my head, I head out of the workshop and towards the red Ford which a middle-aged couple are now getting out of.

I see the couple looking around with a worried look on their faces. “Oh my, why is she here?” the mother says in a worried voice.

“You’re here!”

I stop as Siena comes out of the club, hurrying towards the couple.

“Slow down, damn,” I grunt, as I make it to her before she can hurt herself. Even though she’s moving fine, there is still a possibility of her hurting herself.

“Oh!” Siena gasps as I slide my arms around her waist just as she’s about to trip over the last step. “Eirik,” she whispers in surprise.

“Be careful,” I grunt, pulling her tight against me.

“Siena,” the woman calls as she reaches us, her eyes wide as she looks at us

“Mama,” Siena replies as she pulls away from me and throws herself into her mothers’ arms.

“Oh, Siena, I was so worried,” she whispers, hugging her close.


I tense as the man walks behind her. “Where have you been, Chicka? You had us worried.”

“Papa,” she cries as she turns into the man’s embrace. Her happiness is a pleasure to see, and If I have to sit through a whole week behaving for her sake, then so be it. I see the mother looking at me curiously, but I don’t introduce myself. Instead, I wait patiently for Siena to greet her parents. I know the other women are standing behind me because I can sense their energy. They have all grown a tight bond amongst themselves. It’s clear to see that they are happy for Siena’s happiness.

A few minutes later, Siena is finally stepping back and turning towards me, her face radiant with happiness. “I want you to meet Eirik. He’s the one that saved me when I was kidnapped.” Siena mentioned the kidnapping to her parents when she phoned, but she didn’t tell them everything that happened to her.

Her dad approaches with his hand out. “Thank you so much, young man. I don’t know what we would have done if anything happened to Siena.”