Every nerve ending in my body is screaming for revenge. I saw Bion’s expression after he looked at my woman’s back, and I can tell that whatever they did appalled him. I want to kill every son of a bitch that did this to her. I felt helpless when she cried out in pain, an emotion that I promised myself I would never feel again.

Every abled man in the MC is here today to take away all the women that we possibly can. We would have liked nothing more than to kill Aldor while we are at it, but the son of a bitch isn’t here. I can hear fighting and know that some of the others must have encountered the enhanced soldiers that this place has been producing. We will take as much information as we possibly can, because Zorba has more than one company, and we are aware that they might have this operation running somewhere else too, even though we think this is their main and biggest one.

Pulling my woman closer against me, I make my way out of the building and towards one of the trucks that we brought to take the women out of here, but when I reach it, I notice that it is full, and there are more women here than we thought. Moving towards another one where Hawk, one of the members from our Johannesburg chapter, is just now turning from helping a woman into it.

“Fuck, Brother, I have seen a lot of shit, but this is barbaric.” In this truck the women seem to be doing a little worse than the others, but again there must be at least twenty women already in here. “We should burn this fucking place to the ground,” he says angrily as he makes his way back into the building.

Bion is heading towards us with a woman in his arms and a scowl on his face. “We need more trucks; these aren’t going to be enough,” he states as he walks past me towards the third one. I follow to see this one is half full already.

“I’m going in here with her.”

Bion looks back at me and nods, then points to me. “You need to bond with her, her healing will be quicker. Besides, you already touched her so there is no going back.” He walks away after having his say, leaving me looking down at the woman that was chosen for me by fate.

She is beautiful, and even though she has been through hell, she hasn’t given up. She feels so right in my arms but knowing that she is mine makes me feel guilty when I think of Isabela.

Her hair is flowing over my arm, her green eyes now closed with a slight sprinkle of freckles across the bridge of her nose. The deep protective feelings I have for her are unknown to me, but I think that is because she is hurt.

“You were unexpected,” I whisper as I climb into the truck, seeing all the women’s scared eyes focus on me.

“Siena?” a voice calls when I take a seat by the door. My gaze snaps up towards the women, to find the one that spoke.

A woman toward the back is looking at us with a worried expression on her face. “Is she okay?” she asks.

“What did you call her?” I ask, wanting to make sure that she is talking about the woman in my arms.

“Siena,” she says again.

Siena! It’s different, but I like it.

“I don’t know yet; the healer will have to examine her first.”

She nods, her hand raising to her chest. “I thought she was dead when they took her away again. I thought they had killed her.” Her voice is choked with emotion. “I am so relieved to know that she is still alive.”

“How long has she been here?”

Another woman that is sitting closer to me replies. “We wouldn’t know how long anyone has been here. We never saw the light of day.”

Her words have my anger rising another notch. When I first touched her, her skin was ice cold, but now she has warmed up with the heat from my body. No one should ever go through what these women have gone through—the constant horror of what is going to be done to them.

“Are you taking us home?” another woman asks.

“Eventually. First, we will make sure you are all healed and feeling fine. Also, we need to make sure that this organization that found you won’t come after you again. Once we know that you’re safe, you can all go home.”

“What’s your name?” another woman asks.


“Eirik, thank you.” Those words make up for all the fighting and frustration we have endured all these years trying to stop the kidnapping of these incredibly special women.

“Do you know why they were experimenting with us?” the woman that gave me Siena’s name asks.

“Because of the special gifts you all have. They are trying to enhance soldiers and using your gifts for it.”

My statement has the women looking shocked, and then looking around. It seems like they were all keeping that from each other. It is a shame that in this world people still have to hide things like this from each other. The reason most of these women hid the fact that they have special gifts is so they aren’t exploited for being different, or looked at differently. But even still they are hurt for being unique.

Looking out, I see the first truck pulling away just as Tal comes towards us with another woman in his arms. “Another one bites the dust,” he teases as he sees Siena in my arms.