I nod at her words as Anastasia answers. “Of course, what kind of men would they be if they knew someone was in trouble and did nothing to help?”

I can see the suspicious look on her face, but she shrugs, asking instead. “How will they stop it? After all, I’ve heard these street gangs are dangerous.”

“I’m not sure yet, but they will find away,” I say just as our cake arrives, turning to take my plate I see the woman bend to pick something up from the ground, but when I turn back with my cake, she is standing.

“Enjoy your cake, thank you for the coffee. I have to go.”

I smile as we say our goodbyes, watching her walk out. Something about her is still teasing me, but for the life of me, I don’t know what it is.

“Now that they know we are not home, we better hurry up and eat because I’m sure either Ulrich or Dane will be here soon,” Anastasia says with a big smile as she takes a bite out of her cake. “Mmm, so good,” she murmurs in pleasure.

“I didn’t tell Dane where we are, so I’m sure we will have a little time.”

Anastasia glances at me in surprise and shakes her head. “It will just take them the time from wherever they are to here, so if it’s ten minutes or an hour, that’s how long it will take.” She glances around, then back to me as she lowers her voice. “As their mates, they can find us anywhere.” I know about them being able to find their mates, I just didn’t think it was that quick.

I’m still eating my cake and drinking my coffee when I hear bikes outside. “Oh well, at least we had a nice cup of coffee and some cake,” Anastasia laughs as she leans back and takes a sip of her coffee.

I hear the door to the coffee shop open and the conversation in the establishment dies down, telling me that one of the Elementals has just walked in, but I don’t turn to look. “Get ready,” Anastasia says with a wink just as Ulrich slides into the seat before us, his expression thunderous, Dane is right behind him taking a seat after him.

“Anastasia, what the hell do you think you were doing?” His displeasure is palpable.

“I didn’t expect this from you,” Dane says as he picks up my fork to take a bite of my cake.

“We’re not doing anything wrong. We just came for coffee and a slice of cake,” I answer with a shrug.

“Nothing wrong?” Dane grumbles. “If any of the Desperados found you, they would be taking you, or hurting you, just to prove a point.”

“Surely not. Besides, they wouldn’t recognize me, anyway.”

Dane’s eyes roam over my appearance. I can hear Ulrich and Anastasia arguing, but Dane is the one that interests me at this moment.

“You did disguise yourself quite well to be fair,” Dane says as he lifts his hand to lift a strand of the wig between his fingers to examine it.

“That is besides the point, they could have seen the two of you leaving the club. We don’t know if someone is keeping an eye on the club,” Ulrich argues.

“We left through the side gate, I’m sure no one is watching that,” Anastasia says before taking another sip of her coffee.

“How the hell did you get the keys for the side gate?”

“Well, umm,” Anastasia says, throwing me a wide-eyed look over her coffee.

“We got it from Tor’s drawer,” I tell them, not saying that Anastasia broke into the drawer to get the key.

“Damn, like it wasn’t bad enough that you purposefully disobeyed us, but now you also went into his drawer?” Ulrich snaps as he lifts his hand to pull his fingers through his hair. “He’s going to be livid.”

“The women are fine,” Dane says, “he will get over it.”

“Sure, he will, after he has a go at us,” Ulrich argues.

“He’s going to argue with you?” Why would he argue with the men when it isn’t their fault?

“You should be safe and you’re not. You placed yourselves in danger. You are both our responsibility. As our mates, you are supposed to listen to what we say and not purposefully disobey us.” Oh, I didn’t know that I would be getting Dane in trouble because of this.

“I’m sorry,” I murmur as I look at Dane.

“We can’t be locked in the club, without any outside interaction,” Anastasia argues. “It’s like being in prison.”

Ulrich throws up his hands in irritation. “Damn, woman. It’s dangerous out here. You have everything you want inside the club, what could you possibly need?”