“This chocolate cake for one.”

“The point is that we can’t be locked inside indefinitely. You need to understand that we need to get out every now and again.”

“That’s not possible at the moment,” Ulrich says.

“Wait,” Dane suddenly responds before Anastasia has a chance to argue again. “We can try, but Ulrich isn’t being difficult. Things are heating up fast and if we’re not careful, they will get to you.” Glancing back, I see that people are starting to look at us.

“We should go,” I murmur, bringing the other’s attention to the people in the coffee shop.

“Yeah,” Dane says, standing, as he moves towards the counter to pay. I lean down to pick up my haversack, only to see that it’s open. Did I leave it open? Looking inside, I frown when I see a hard-covered notebook inside that isn’t mine. Pulling it out, I open the book to see a lot of names, figures, and dates. I flip to another page in the middle and tense. What the hell is this?

“Dane.” I call as I stand making my way towards him. “Look what I found in my haversack.” I hand him the book after he slips the change into his pocket. Frowning, he takes the book and opens it. A minute later his whole body stills.

“Where the fuck did you get this?”

“I think the girl we were sitting with slipped it into my bag before she left.” I see his eyes widen before he pulls the haversack off my shoulder, placing the book back inside he closes it before slipping it onto his own shoulder.

“Ulrich, let’s go,” he orders as he grabs the top of my arm, guiding me out of the coffee shop and towards the two bikes. I don’t know what’s in that book, but he seems determined to leave even sooner than before.