“That fucker thinks he can send his men after us. We are confronting him now, and we will take his puppets with us,” Tor orders as his gaze bores into us, his anger palpable. We have parked our bikes out of the way and are waiting for Garth to bring the SUV so we can take the men we captured with us and offer them to Sean as a lesson of what will happen to anyone that attacks us.

“He wouldn’t go to such lengths just to get a woman back. There must be more here besides Esmeralda stealing from him. He doesn’t want anyone else to talk to her before he gets his hands on her. Therefore, we will all be out there now looking for her. Not just because he attacked us, but also because she’s Dag’s mate.” Tor’s tone professes to his determination—a determination that we all know way too well. If he sets his mind on something, then we know that he will get it.

“Dag phoned Draco today to get his mate’s help in locating Esmeralda,” Eirik says.

“Good. He must have sent Draco an image of that photo of her that he has,” Tor states. “Katrina will find her soon.”

“That’s a handy gift to have,” Colborn says from where he’s leaning against a tree.

“I’m fucking impressed with your woman’s gift, I’ve never seen someone freeze like that before,” Eirik says, turning to me. “Damn, she saved my fucking life. Do you know that she froze a bullet just feet from my fucking head?”

“Looks like you have competition, Dane,” Colborn teases.

I know that Eirik is thankful and impressed with Freya’s gift. Shit, I am too. I’m proud of the way she handled herself and held together through everything. I wish I could be with her right now. I could feel her shaking when I helped her up. But being part of our Chapter, she will need to get used to these situations sometimes, even though I fucking hope they don’t happen often when the women are around.

I know that Eirik is impressed with Freya’s gift, but I know that he would never try anything with another brother’s old lady. Also because she’s my mate, he knows that he would never have a chance with her no matter what.

“Draco’s men always brag about how unique their women are. Well, boys, I think we have some really impressive gifts in our women too,” Ulrich states with a wide smile.

“I think that I can enhance Freya’s gift,” I say.

This has Tor and the others looking at me.

“When she tried to freeze the men initially, they didn’t because her command didn’t reach them. I’m guessing it’s her voice that gives her the power to do what she does. I used the wind to carry her voice up to the men. I think that she would freeze large areas if we required it.”

“That’s good to know,” Tor says as he raises his hand to his chin, rubbing the stubble there. “We need to see if she can do the same to the Keres.” Now that would be interesting, because if she can freeze the Keres there have been various times that we have rooted them out and know that they are somewhere, but when we arrive, they have sensed us and escaped.

If somehow Freya can freeze them from a distance, we might be able to catch them before they have a chance to escape.

“Does her gift work if people are deaf, or wearing ear protectors?” Tal asks. “You said that it seems to be her voice that has the power. Maybe if the people protect their hearing, they won’t be affected.”

That is a good question. “I will ask her, but if she doesn’t know then we will have to test it,” I say just as Garth pulls up in the SUV. About time. I want to get this party on the road and get back to my woman. She has clearly never been in a situation like the one today, I hope she doesn’t freak out and decide that this life isn’t for her after all, because there is no way that mates can be apart.

“I knew you guys couldn’t do this without me.” Garth says with a grin as he steps out of the SUV to walk towards the assholes that are sitting behind one of the trees, so no one sees them if they drive past. Colborn is keeping an eye on them, and we can also hear if they move.

“Nope, we just needed a driver,” Ulrich quips as he walks towards Garth with a grin on his face.

“I think Garth is going to need someone to keep an eye on those fuckers in the SUV. You can go with him, Ulrich,” Tor says after Ulrich’s chirp, which has him grunting, and Garth chuckling.

“Guess you can drive back,” Garth says in good humour as he picks one of the assholes up by his lapels and drags him towards the back of the SUV. The rest of us get onto our bikes and prepare to make our way to confront Sean and his men. He won’t be expecting us, but he should have thought about that when he decided to attack us and injure one of our men.

Garth pulls away with the men and the rest of us follow behind. We make our way towards where we know Sean usually hangs out, but we know that the area is always crawling with his men. It will be tricky getting close to him, but we will. I would love nothing more than to squeeze the breath out of the son of a bitch for putting my woman in danger, but we will see how it goes.

If Tor decides the fucker needs to be killed, then we will, but that means war with the Desperados, because I know that they would retaliate if we killed their leader. When we are a couple blocks away, we start seeing some of Sean’s men in the area. By the comments we hear as we ride past, we know that they’re in contact with Sean. When we get to him, he will be waiting.

Pulling up outside a restaurant that Sean and his men operate out of, we switch off our bikes and wait for Ulrich and Garth to pull the semi-conscious men out of the back of the SUV and dump them at the restaurant’s door. There is only one display window to the restaurant. From that window I can see Sean making his way towards the entrance. Two of his men flank him, but riding up, I could see at least fifteen men standing around trying to blend into the background, ready to attack us if Sean orders them to.

“What is this?” Sean asks in an angry voice when he sees the men’s state.

“At least they’re still breathing. That’s more than you ordered for my man if they had got their way,” Tor says in a calm voice. Anyone that knows Tor would know that when he’s calm, he’s at his most dangerous.

“He was warned to stop looking for my woman,” Sean states, not making an effort to help his wounded men.

“I thought you would be pleased that Dag was helping you find your woman,” Tor states.

“We don’t need your man’s help; we will find her on our own,” Sean informs him as he places his hands on his hips. “Tell him to stop looking or next time he won’t leave breathing.”