I would rather just hibernate in my room and think about everything that happened today, but I sense that Anastasia doesn’t want to be alone, so I end up agreeing. Half an hour later, I’m entering the pool area to see Anastasia already on the far side, and next to her recliner is a bottle of wine and two glasses.

“Thought we needed more than just the pool to relax,” she says with a smile as she pours both of us a glass. Sitting down, I sigh as I lean back, stretching out my legs.

“It’s actually really pretty in here with all the plants and skylight,” I murmur. Picking up the glass, I take a sip of my wine. I look over at Anastasia and see she has her eyes closed, a relaxed look on her face. “Are you okay?”

She turns her head to look at me. “Am I okay? We just saw a man being scorched.” Her voice is low, she sounds tired. “No, I don’t like the fact that the men have to fight or resort to other means to protect themselves and us. I’m also not okay with being shot at today.” She sighs as she turns her head and closes her eyes again.

“Is it always like that?” The thought of what I saw still turns my stomach, the stench of his burning flesh still hovering in my nostrils.

“No, luckily it’s not.”

“What is going to happen now?”

She shrugs. Lifting her hand, she takes a sip of her wine before looking at me again. “Now they go and employ their revenge on the Desperados for having injured one of them, and for having placed two of their women in harm’s way.”

The thought of Dane in a situation where there will be shooting has my stomach knotting. From what I saw today, I know that the men have powers beyond my imagination, and that they can take care of themselves, but I still worry. I think that Dane and I need to practice in harmonizing our two gifts like I saw Anastasia do with Ulrich. If there is a situation where we must do it once again and combine our powers, I’d like to know if we can work together like I saw the other couple do.