“There is no one in the van,” Dag states, just as the first shot is heard. I’m off the bike and have Freya on the ground under me before a second one can be fired.

“Fuck me,” Dag mutters as the smell of blood hits me. Glancing over at him I see him lying on his back on the ground.

“Motherfuckers,” I roar as another shot whizzes past my head.

“They’re up on the ridge,” Eirik points out.

“Ulrich, cloak Dag.” Being shot, he’s more vulnerable than the rest of us. When Ulrich and Anastasia bonded, we found that With Ulrich being able to bend fire and Anastasia able to freeze anything, she combines their powers together in her mind, so she can create enough of a fog to cloak us when we need it. We have never used it in a real situation, but we sure will use it now.

We hear another shot and then Freya screams “Freeze!”

Looking up, I see the fucking bullet frozen in the air a couple of feet away from Eirik’s head.

“Shit,” he mutters when he sees it, too.

“They’re still up there,” Ulrich grunts as the fog starts to rise, I see him wielding fire in a line on the ground and Anastasia has frozen the solid area around it which builds up condensation.

“My voice doesn’t reach up there,” I hear Freya say in frustration, which gives me an idea.

“When I say now, you scream it again, okay?”

I feel her nod below me, turning slightly so that my hands are free. I start manipulating the air around us, and then I’m pushing it up towards the men on the top of the ridge.

“Now,” I say near her ear as the wind whistles with its full strength.

“Freeze!” she shouts, which has the wind pushing it up and towards the men.

“It worked,” Eirik says as he stands. “I can see the two fuckers just standing there like statues.” He then looks at Freya and winks. “I think I want you with us every time we ride.”

“Dag, how are you, Brother?” I ask as I help Freya sit up but manoeuvre her behind my motorcycle just in case they come out of their statue state before we get to them.

“Fucking shot,” he groans.

“Are you dying?” I know he isn’t by his mutterings.

“Very funny, asshole,” he growls.

Eirik is already making his way towards the incline to climb up to the assholes that thought they could shoot at us.

“Stay here, don’t move.” I lean down, taking Freya’s lips in a quick kiss before taking off after Eirik. I reach the top in time to see Eirik kick one of the bastards in the shin, but there is no reaction.

“Damn, this is wicked. I love it,” he says, grinning at me. “I think I’ll shoot these assholes in the nuts, what do you think?”

“We need at least one of them to question so we know why the hell they are following us and now trying to kill us.”

Eirik looks at me with a raised brow. “I think that’s quite obvious, don’t you? Dag is still looking for the woman after they told us not to, that’s why.”

“Yeah, but I think it’s better that we take them back with us. I think there is more to this story than just Dag’s mate running. This thing she took with her must be important.”

Tor will want payback on the Desperados for trying to kill someone in his charter.

“Fine,” Eirik grunts.

“We could drop them, though, on the way down. You know this incline can be slippery,” I state which has Eirik grinning.

“I like the way you think,” he agrees as he bends down to pick up one of the men and throw him over his shoulder.

“Great minds think alike,” I quip as I pick up the other one.