“You do know that I could have set them free from their statue state, so you didn’t need to carry them down, don’t you?” My hands are still shaking as my heart races inside my chest. I’ve never been in a situation like that. Filming a shooting scene and being in one is completely different. I’m still sitting where Dane left me because I don’t think my legs will hold me.

Dane suddenly drops the man from his shoulder.

“Dane,” I gasp as I see the man fall stiffly to the ground. “Just because he’s stiff doesn’t mean he won’t break something.”

“I hope he does,” he grunts, which has me shaking my head at him.

“What?” he asks. “These two were trying to kill us.”

“Have you ever heard, don’t do unto others what you don’t want done to you?”

“They were shooting at us, so I guess they are getting off easy.” There’s no winning with him.

I look over at Anastasia and see her standing over Dag as he leans against the wheel of the van. Ulrich stands behind her with his arms around her waist. What those two did was quite spectacular. To see Ulrich creating fire from nothing, flames that were so hot that I could feel them from where I was sitting, then Anastasia freezing the ground around the fire, it was definitely something that I never thought I would ever see.

I always wondered why I was born with an abnormality, and why everyone around me was normal and I could stop time. There was a time that I thought I was evil because I can do what I do, and when my mom rejected me, I was even more convinced that there was something wrong with me. I kept to myself and tried to be the best person that I could be, I never used my gift unless I thought someone was in danger, which didn’t happen much, or when I was angry and it took the best of me.

After each episode, I would feel terrible for days, thinking that because of my anger, I was letting my evilness overpower me. As the years passed, I just ignored it and forced myself to be as normal as possible, but by then, I was a loner and didn’t know how to be anything else. Since meeting the Elementals, I’ve realized that being different isn’t a bad thing—being different is what makes some people special.

When I look at the ground and see some frozen patches still there and the mark of where the fire was, I can only imagine the turmoil that Anastasia must have also gone through when she first found out about what she could do.

“Did you call the cavalry?” Eirik suddenly asks.

“Yeah, I sent Tor a message when this one got injured,” Ulrich replies, inclining his head towards Dag. “He’s too weak to make it back under his own steam.”

“Very funny,” Dag mutters. “Unfreeze those assholes and I’ll show you how weak I am.”

I hear the drone of motorcycles in the distance and wonder if that’s what the others were hearing when they asked Ulrich if he contacted the club. A few minutes later the others are pulling up all around us. It is quite an impressive sight when you see all these men approaching. When they are off their bikes, it is clear why other men fear them. The rage that surrounds them because of the attack on us is remarkable.

“Are these the motherfuckers that shot you?” Tor asks, looking at Dag.


Tor nods, looking at the men on the ground.

“What the fuck is wrong with them?” Colborn asks angrily as he nudges the man that Dane dropped on the ground earlier.

“Freya froze them. Dude, you should have seen it. She just screamed freeze and now look at them,” Eirik exclaims, his grin widening as he slaps the back of the man on the ground next to him. Colborn squats in front of the man that is staring off into space. He clicks his fingers in front of the man’s face, trying to get a reaction from him. When that doesn’t work, he grins and turns towards me.

“Damn, doll, I’ve got a few people I would like you to do that to.”

Dane grunts in annoyance. “She’s not entertaining you.”

“Chill, Brother, I was just teasing,” Colborn says as he stands and turns towards where Tor is now standing with Asger, Ulrich, and Anastasia over Dag.

“Freya, can you undo whatever you did?” Tor asks suddenly as he glances at me. Dane is in the process of helping me up to my feet. I still don’t know if my knees won’t be banging against each other, but I’ll try.


One of the men groans, the one that Dane dropped. He probably broke something.

“How the hell?” the other asks with a surprised look around him.

“Surprised?” Eirik asks.

“Why were you shooting at my men?” Tor growls as he makes his way towards the men, his stealth movements professing to his anger. He gives me the sense of a wild animal closing in on his prey. The men don’t answer, they just glare. “I will give you one opportunity to answer. After that, I’m taking the answer from you.”