“We got her.”

This has Tal slapping his handlebars in pleasure. “Great, one threat down,” he says with a grin. “Another lurking.”

His cryptic statement has me raising my eyes to his. “What?” I ask.

“The Desperados are tagging us.”

I grunt as I surreptitiously look around, noticing a van parked up the road. Two of the Desperados members are sitting inside. Dag and I were looking for the woman Esmeralda the day Freya was poisoned. We had three of their men approach us to threaten that if we didn’t leave the search of the woman to them, then we might find ourselves dead. Since then, I haven’t asked what has been happening with the search for Esmeralda, but whatever it is, it has them following us.

“Dag still trying to find her?” I ask.

“Yeah, he seems obsessed,” Tal confirms.

“I’m going to go and ask them what they want,” I say, bored to be sitting here waiting for Haldor.

“Wait for me,” Tal says as he follows me. When we get a couple of cars before them, the driver starts the van, and then he is revving his engine just before he pulls down the road. “Looks like they don’t want to talk, just watch.”

I don’t like knowing that I have eyes on me. If I see one of those fuckers again, I will show them how much I don’t like it.

“We better tell Dag,” I grumble.

“Do you think this Esmeralda is his mate?” Tal asks as we make our way back to our bikes.

“Yeah, he is way to obsessed with finding this woman for her not to be his mate.”

“Fuck, you guys are falling like flies,” Tal grunts with a frown.

Our conversation comes to an end when Haldor approaches. “A good day’s work. Shall we go relax?” he asks with a wink as he lifts his helmet from his handlebars before swinging his leg over the bike. The three of us take off down the road towards the club, heading home to my woman. I wonder if she’s still relaxing in bed like I told her, or if she got tired of sitting and went looking around?

Before leaving, I asked Tor to have someone keep an eye on her just in case she did decide to not listen to me and go exploring. Even though she doesn’t admit to it, she’s still weak, and can fall easily and hurt herself. We pull up to the club. I can already hear the music and loud voices from inside. Looking at the bikes that are parked outside, I would say that some of the members of the Skulls MC decided to pay us a visit.

The Skulls dabble in contraband and drugs, but they are small-fry compared to some of the other MC clubs in the area.

“Hey, about time you joined us,” Trigger calls from one of the tables. Camille is sitting on his lap, stroking his neck. “I was thinking that we had to have this party by ourselves.” Trigger is the Skulls enforcer, and a loudmouth most of the time. I see that Blade, Tiny, and Jughead are also here.

Tor is absent, but Garth and Asger are sitting with the men. “Don’t tell me you were missing us?” Haldor laughs as he approaches them.

“Your ugly mug? Never,” Tiny quips as he slaps Tracy’s ass just as she bends down to place fresh bottles of beer on the table.

“Dane,” Blade calls as I lean over the bar to grab a bottle of water. “I hear you got yourself an old lady.”

I still, glancing back at him. “And where would you hear that?” I ask. The only people that know about Freya being my old lady are the men in the club and I doubt they would say anything.

“Let’s just say, a little bird told me,” Blade says with a wink at Tracy, which tells me she’s the one that told them.

“When are you getting one, or do the women all run away from your romantic charms?” Tal interrupts with a grin that has Blade chuckle.

“They love my romantic charms. What are you talking about?” I walk towards the corridor; I want to see how Freya is doing before I have to entertain the Skulls. I turn towards where the rooms are located but sense that Freya is in the kitchen. Shaking my head, I grin, realizing that she must have got tired of sitting in the room by herself. Approaching, I stop when I hear her agent’s voice. The fucker finds a gap, and he is here like the fucking flash.

I swear if he upsets her, I will ring his fucking neck. Stepping into the kitchen, I see Freya sitting on one of the chairs, Anastasia next to her. Both are looking at the agent that is pacing before them.

“You shouldn’t be out of bed,” I say, which has the Agent stopping to look at me.

Freya rolls her eyes in irritation at my words, which would have me grinning if it wasn’t for her fucking agent being here.

“I’m fine. Besides, I’m sitting down, just not in bed.”

“Can we get back to the issue at hand here?” her agent interrupts angrily.