“I don’t see an issue, Tom; you just say no to them,” Freya answers sweetly, but I can tell that she’s irritated.

“You don’t see an issue? Don’t see an issue?” his petulant, overbearing tone is starting to irritate me. “You can’t just pull away from over a million dollar contract.”

“Why not?” Anastasia asks. “She hasn’t signed anything.”

What the fuck is this about?

“Keep out of this, young lady.” His condescending tone at Anastasia has me stepping towards him.

“Listen here, you fucker.” I raise my hands to grip his shirt.

“Freeze,” Freya says in an angry tone. I know she doesn’t want problems, but this son of a bitch needs to understand that he doesn’t talk to women like that. Taking hold of his shirt, I shake him, but to my surprise he is as stiff as a board and he doesn’t say anything. Looking at his face, I see that his eyes are open, his mouth too, as if he was about to say something, but he is frozen in place.

“Why aren’t you two frozen?” Freya asks with a frown.

I turn my head to look at her and see that she is looking at Anastasia and me in surprise. “Were you trying to freeze me?” She wouldn’t dare, would she?

“Yes, I didn’t feel like having to appease Tom just so you don’t go to jail. Now do you mind leaving him alone?” I look back at the asshole and drop my hands.

“Wow, that’s so cool,” Anastasia says as she stands to hurry around the table to look at the agent. “How long will it last?” she asks.

Freya shrugs. “Until I tell it to stop, or after an hour or so.”

“Why didn’t it work with you two?” she questions, still frowning.

“Your gifts don’t work on Elementals. Anastasia has our blood, so it won’t work on her either,” I state, approaching her cautiously.

“Great,” she groans sarcastically.

“What the fuck is he complaining about?” I ask.

“There is a new movie that he wants Freya to star in. She gave him his contract back but didn’t sign it, telling him that she’s not interested. You came in just in time to hear him telling her that he doesn’t think it’s a good idea,” Anastasia says as she goes to sit back down next to Freya.

“You don’t want to do this movie?” I didn’t know anything about this contract. I don’t want Freya to stop doing something just because of us. The last thing I want is for my woman to resent our bond because of her career.

“No. I already told him that.”

The weight that was starting to build on my shoulders disburses. “Well then, I will make him understand,” I say as I turn back to the asshole.

“No, Dane.” I look back at her and see the determination in her eyes. “I want to do this myself, please.”

Fuck, how can I refuse that? “Fine, but if he…”

Freya interrupts by saying, “I need you to leave so I can do this myself, because I know that you’ll interrupt.”

I tense, leaving her here with a man that I know is arguing with her goes against everything I stand for. “No, I won’t touch him, but if need be, I will tell him to get the fuck out.” She must take it or leave it. There’s no way I’m leaving my woman with this man to be verbally abused.

“Fine, but please let me try to resolve this first.”

I nod.

“Now, go stand where you were before.”

I frown at her bossy tone before doing her bidding.

“Unfreeze.” The minute Freya says the word, her agent lifts his hands in the air as if warding off an attack, then he frowns when he sees us all looking at him. Wow, my woman has a cool gift even if she did want to use it on me.

I manage to keep out of the argument except to tell the fucker to watch his words when he raises his voice. But besides that, it went well. My woman held firm to her decision, and he had to concede in defeat, leaving in anger.