We left home early to catch Tanya Drafney still in her hotel. The cops will be listening in on our questioning of her because the fucking agent told them we suspected Tanya and were going to speak to her. Tor thought it better to play along with them. I personally would rather make her pay for what she did, but now that I have a mate, I need to think of all the consequences of my actions. We need to get Tanya to confess to the poisoning accusation because it’s the only way this will work.

“Are you ready?” Haldor asks as we step out of the lift. The receptionist was not happy to see us again, but Tal is downstairs with him to appease his fears, and make sure he doesn’t call security on us until we are ready. Having the cops with us also helped, which had him looking at us suspiciously.

“Yeah, just want to get this over and done with.” Stepping up to Tanya’s hotel room door, Haldor knocks, I can hear her mumbling inside as she steps towards the door. “Showtime,” I mutter as she opens the door, gasping when she sees us.

“What do you want?” Her voice is irritating, I would like nothing more than to shut her up.

“We need to ask you some questions,” Haldor states, as he leans against the doorframe.

“Well, I’m busy, and you shouldn’t be here. I’m going to complain to the management of this hotel on the type of people they let in here.”

“You’re right, their guests have much to be desired,” I quip sarcastically at the stupid bitch’s comment.

She gasps, glaring at me. “Leave, or I will call security.”

“Sure, go ahead. We’ll share with them the information we have on you,” Haldor says with a shrug which has her turning to him in shock, her eyes suspicious.

“There is nothing you can have on me,” she challenges, refusing to move from the doorway.

“Except evidence that you poisoned Freya.”

She tenses at the accusation and now there is fear in her eyes, which is more like the reaction I was expecting.

“Nonsense, you can’t have any evidence.” But there is uncertainty in her voice and her head turns so she can look up and down the corridor to make sure we are alone.

“Okay then, we will just take what we have to the cops and see what they think of it,” I inform her, turning as if I’m about to leave.

“Wait…” Her panic is evident now. “What do you want?”

“How much is our silence worth to you?” Haldor asks

“How do I know you’re not bluffing?”

“Look, we all know you are responsible for poisoning Freya. You were sloppy and left evidence all over the place.”

“I was not sloppy! I wore gloves, and no one saw me.”

Well, there is her confession; that is all we needed. “All of that for money?” I growl, disgusted with her coldness. “You nearly killed a woman.”

She shakes her head in anger. “I’m just sorry she didn’t die.”

I snap, my once tight control unravels like a ball of wayward yarn. I lift my hand up, snatching her around the neck before I push her body hard against the wall.

“What?” she gasps.

“Dane,” Haldor warns as he places his hand around my bicep and pulls. “Let her go, Brother.” I would rather twist her scrawny neck, but I can hear the cops rushing towards us, so I reluctantly let go.

“You will get everything you deserve,” I say softly near her ear just as the cops reach us.

“Oh… thank goodness you’re here,” she gasps, pointing at me. “These men attacked me.”

“Tanya Drafney, you are under arrest for attempted murder.” I step back, letting the cop near her so he can cuff her. “Anything you say, can and will be held against you in a court of law.”

I turn, making my way back towards the lift. Haldor is speaking to one of the cops, but I’m tired of all this and just want to get back. I make my way out of the hotel towards the bikes.

“How did it go?” Tal asks when I sit on my bike waiting for Haldor to join us.