“She needed Caffeine,” Tor quips, winking at me as he stands to make his way towards the door.

“Thank you, Tor.”

Tor doesn’t slow down, but he does lift his hand in acknowledgment

“So, how are you feeling today?” Anastasia asks as she sits in Tor’s chair.

“I’m feeling better, but try tell Dane that,” I say with a shrug. “I just needed to get out of the room. I was also curious to see the club.”

“Oh, great!” Anastasia says, clapping her hands in excitement. “I will introduce you to everyone you haven’t met.” I place my empty mug on the counter as I stand slowly, so I don’t get dizzy.

“I’m ready,” I say with a smile. My head is still slightly woozy, which has me holding onto the counter.

“Are you sure, sweetheart?” Anastasia asks as she places her hand on my back.

“Yes. I just get dizzy when I stand, but then I’m fine.” I smile at her. “So, where are we going?”

“Well, let me show you the club, but we will skip the bar area. There are members from another club visiting at the moment, and the men get really touchy when they start looking at me, and now you, too, I’m guessing.”

“Dane is really possessive. Are you telling me they all are?”

“Well, let’s just say it is part of their DNA, and because you are with an Elemental, you are off bounds.” I’m so tired of having people always ogling me, wanting to know everything about my life that the thought of no one being able to talk or look at me, pleases me in a weird way.

“I’m leaving now.” My eyes snap to the man by the door looking at the two of us. His cocky smile screams naughtiness. I have no doubt in my mind that this one is always getting himself into trouble.

“Oh, wait. Let me introduce you to Dane’s mate.”

He nods at me, but his eyes return to Anastasia. “How about kissing me goodbye?” His raised brow has a boyish quality that makes me smile. So, this must be Anastasia’s mate. I think she called him Ulrich.

“Not if you are going to be rude,” she says as she raises her chin.

One minute Ulrich is by the door, the next his hands are on Anastasia’s hips, his lips all over hers. I smile when I see her hands snaking up around his shoulders. Well, it looks like these two will be interesting to watch, and one thing I love to do is watch people.

When Ulrich finally raises his head, I can see a dazed smile on Anastasia’s face. If Ulrich kisses anything like Dane, then I understand that smile. Every time Dane touches me, I forget everything and everyone around me and only he matters.

“Be good,” he grunts as he slaps her ass gently before turning to leave. “Nice meeting you, Star,” he finally says without another glance at me. I’m guessing the name Star is for me being an actress.

“Likewise,” I call after him as I glance at Anastasia to see her still looking after her man. “Well, I’m guessing I’ve just met Ulrich, unless you were kissing someone else?”

At my cheeky comment, I see her cheeks redden with colour. “Oh, I’m sorry about that,” she says as she raises her hand to her cheek. “He’s so hot, isn’t he? Not, that I would ever say that in front of him. His ego is way too big already.”

She makes me grin at the disgruntled statement. “I might be wrong, but all the men I’ve met seem to have a sickeningly high sex appeal. That is very hard to find in such abundance.”

My comment has her laughing. She nods as she places her arm through mine. “You are so right, but you know what I’ve come to realize?”

I shake my head as she doesn’t seem to continue until I answer.

“They have the softest hearts. Any one of them would go out of their way to help another.”

“Do they all know that you have an ice gift?” I’m still unsure of how much to trust everyone around me. Anastasia told me about her gift, but it was hard for me to believe her.

“Of course, after all, they aren’t exactly plain. If you know what I mean?”

I still can’t believe half the things that I’ve learnt since I met Dane, but I feel like deep down, I’ve known there was something more to this world all along.

“Now, let me show you the best place at the club.” Anastasia guides me down the corridor and to the right. Opening a door, she stands back for me to enter. Walking in, I stop, stunned.

“Wow!” I can’t believe what they have in here. There is a swimming pool that looks more like something you would get on a set for the movie Arabian Nights. I can spy what looks like a sauna in one corner, and then in the far corner is a door that looks like it leads into a training room.