It’s a week after I was poisoned, and Dane is finally leaving me to my own devices for the first time. He’s insisted on me staying in bed until I was strong enough, and even though I would never tell him, I’ve realized that he wouldn’t let me leave the bed for a month if I had told him that I still feel a little weak, and that my head starts to spin whenever I sit up. But I’m glad to have a little time to myself just to process my thoughts and everything that has happened.

Dane left today because they are going to confront Tanya. The cops are aware of the interaction between them, as the Elementals are going to try to wiggle a confession out of her so that she can be arrested. Why, why would she do this? I know that she has never liked me, but why destroy your life for greed? If she had only spoken to me, I would have told her that I wasn’t going to take the new contract, but instead she decided to kill me. I shudder when I think of the last week and how lucky I am to be here.

Even though Dane has been overbearing and not wanting me to overdo things, he has been caring and always tries to keep me entertained. I lift my hand to my neck to feel the beautiful stone. When I woke up, I found this beautiful watermelon tourmaline around my neck. It is very similar to the one that Dane always wears, just smaller. Dane explained that when Elementals are born, two stones are chosen by their father. These stones are used in the naming ceremony. The stones are introduced to all the elements, and finally the energy of that baby is linked to the stone, which in turn, helps protect him and one day his mate.

Dane placed the stone around my neck when I was sick to try to protect and heal me. I know that for him and all the Elementals, their individual stones represent an important step in a relationship. Dane says that an Elemental giving their mate their stone is like getting married to a human. Therefore, I will honour him by always wearing it around my neck. This man that is my mate has many facets. I know that only with time, will I get to know all of them, but one that I’ve realized is that Dane is loyal and will do anything for those that are close to him.

Sliding to the side of the bed, I stand, closing my eyes as my head starts to spin. When it finally stops, I take a step, then another and another until I’m by the bedroom door. I’m sick and tired of being in this room, I’m dying to see the club. Yesterday I met Anastasia, and she seems nice, but only time will tell if she is what she seems, as I’ve come to realize throughout my life that people show one thing and then turn out to be completely different when it suits them.

I make my way down a corridor, hearing talking and music coming from the front. “I don’t think you supposed to be out of bed, are you.?”

I gasp in fright, glancing behind me to see Tor. “Tor, you gave me a fright.” He raises his brow and I feel that was his intention. “I’m fine, I was going crazy locked up in the room.” He nods then motions his head towards where the noise is coming from.

“You sure you want to go into the bar area with all the noise and smoke in there?”

I sigh because that doesn’t sound appealing at all.

“You can go into the kitchen, though, and get something to eat or coffee.”

Now, that sounds much better.

Smiling at him, I nod. “Yes, I think coffee sounds perfect. Where is it?” Suddenly he grins, and I can’t help myself but to stare. Tor is a big man, not as big as Dane, but close. His hair is a dark blond, long, and his unshaved stubble gives him a real Viking appearance. I’m not the only one that thinks so because the thin gold bands around his biceps tell me he also thinks highly of himself.

“Now, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t escort you there?”

At his comment, I want to laugh. Gentleman is the last thing I think anyone would ever call Tor.

He motions with his hand towards the end of the corridor which has me making my way there, feeling self-conscious of how slowly I’m walking as he follows right behind me. Entering the kitchen, I stop. There seems to be everything anyone could possibly need in this kitchen. It is clearly one of the most popular areas in the club, as the fridge is one of the biggest I’ve ever seen. There is a counter in the middle with a big fruit bowl in the centre. Cupboards run the length of the walls, which tells me that they are all full.

“Okay, take a seat,” Tor says as he steps around me towards the kettle. “One coffee, coming up.”

I pause. “Oh, you don’t need to make me coffee.” I never expected the president of Dane’s charter to serve me.

“Nonsense, you’re in no condition to be making your own at the moment.”

Well, one thing is clear; Dane takes after his leader with the protective streak. Tor brings me the coffee mug, placing it on the table. He then places the sugar bowl next to the coffee.


“Yes, please.”

After bringing the milk and placing it before me, he takes a seat opposite me, which makes me uncomfortable. Tor is a formidable presence. Even though he is friendly, he also has a dangerous essence around him.

“What are you planning to do with your filming career?”

Well, talk about coming straight to the point.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that your profession will have you flying all around the world. Being an Elemental’s mate doesn’t allow for you to be away from your mate for long. You’ll physically start to waste away without each other. So how do you see it going?” I hadn’t really thought about it to be fair. I had already decided I wasn’t going to sign the contract for the next movie, but I hadn’t thought about my future.

Shrugging, I take a sip of my coffee before answering. “I have a contract with my agent, which I need to adhere to, but besides that I haven’t committed to anything else. I was going to take a break before making any more movies.”

Tor nods at my answer. “You are now part of the family; the Elementals stick together no matter what. Even though we argue, we all care for each other and would die before letting harm come to another. If you have a problem, and Dane isn’t around, you can talk to any of us and we’ll help.” I’ve never had much of a family before, except my mom, and she’s not around much. This is going to be strange for me, but I’m pleased to know that he accepts me.

“So, this is where you got to?” I glance towards the kitchen door to see a smiling Anastasia. I really hope she’s as nice as she seems.