“The tattoo is more like a birth mark and it is unavoidable, it is linked to what will keep you safe.” How can he think to make this decision for me, this is my body and a tattoo isn’t exactly something that I can just ignore.

“You have no right to make decisions like that for me,” I feel myself glaring at him but at the moment I don’t like him too much.

“Look, there is nothing I can do about it. You have a gift and so do I, when you join two people like us the tattoo appears.” Is he saying that he didn’t do the tattoo, that it was done because of our gifts? There is a knock on the door. “Go back to sleep, it’s just Dag,” he murmurs and walks towards the door naked. How does he know who it is if he hasn’t opened the door yet, and who is Dag?

He opens the door a crack, “what’s up?”

“I sent you a text three hours ago,” I hear the man say

“So, what are you, my wife?” Ulrich mutters, which has me immediately wondering if he is in fact married. Oh, please tell me that I didn’t sleep with a married man. “I was busy,” Ulrich states

“Sorry to disturb your beauty sleep, but if you had read the text, then I wouldn’t have to come and call you.” I can hear the man’s sarcasm in the tone of his voice, “We got another tip, we are leaving in the morning. Tor said you will stay here with Colborn and Asger.”

“Fine, is that it?”

“Draco and some of his men are arriving tomorrow.”

“What? Tor said Bjarni, Brandr and Burkhart he didn’t say Draco was coming.” By Ulrich’s irritated reply, it sounds like he’s not too keen on Draco’s visit.

“Well he is, he heard you had found your mate, so he wants to meet her.” I see Ulrich tense, what does the guy mean when he says that Ulrich has found his mate?

“Fine, I’ll be down before you guys leave.” With those words Ulrich closes the door, my eyes traveling over his impressive naked body as he turns towards me.

“Who’s Draco?” I ask as Ulrich draws his fingers through his hair.

“Draco is the whole of the Elemental’s MC President, Tor that you will meet sometime is the Cape Town chapter president,” he replies as he walks towards the bed.

“Why don’t you like him?” I ask frowning when I see Ulrich’s look of surprise.

“Who said I don’t like Draco?”

“You didn’t seem very happy when Dag mentioned that Draco was going to be here tomorrow,” I state as he sits on the side of the bed, I pull the sheet tighter around me now embarrassed to have this man see my nakedness.

“That wasn’t me not liking Draco, I have the highest respect for him. He has been with me in fights many times and I would consider myself privileged to have him at my back in a fight any day. It’s just that Tor and Draco are quite different, even though they are the best of friends they disagree on most things.” He places his hand on my sheet covered calf, stroking it with his thumb.

“You will see when you meet both of them, they are both forces to be reckoned with, the only difference is that we don’t always follow instruction too well and Draco does not like unruliness.” I smile as I look at him, I can’t imagine this man being anything else but unruly. His whole demeanor screams it. Now for the question that I am dreading.

“Are you married?” At my question he tenses, his eyes snapping up from my neck to my eyes.

“What the hell gave you that idea?” he asks.

“Dag said Draco wants to meet your mate, who is your mate then and why call her your mate?” Ulrich mutters something under his breath which I don’t understand and then he is standing up, walking towards a set of draws he opens one and pulls out jeans that he proceeds to slide up his muscular legs.

“You are,” he finally replies as he turns towards me, a dark golden yellow t-shirt nearly the colour of his stone in his hand.

“What do you mean?” I ask as he slips the t-shirt on, the fabric stretching across his ripped chest and muscular arms.

“I mean that you are mine, remember when I showed you my fire and you can manifest cold.” I frown, what does that have to do with anything.

“I don’t see how that has got to do with anything, and I’m not yours, this here,” I point towards the bed twisting my finger around in a circle, “was just a one-time thing, this didn’t mean anything.” I am such a liar, even as I say it I know that it is not true, I have never before felt like I am feeling right now or like I felt when this man that is standing before me with a scowl that would make a weaker person run, touched me with a passion that had me completely and utterly overwhelmed.

His hands are now low on his waist, his eyes boring into me, “I have news for you Vixen, this here is far from over.” He then points at me, “you might not know it yet, but you are mine and nothing anyone does can ever change that.” I sit up straight in bed, my anger rising at his presumptuousness seeing him bend down as he ties the laces on his boots.

“That’s what you think, I will not be anyone’s toy.” He stands up straight from tying his boots and then he is walking towards the door, opening the door he looks back at me.

“You are wrong, you will be my toy and you will love it.” With those words, he is stepping out and closing the door behind him.

“No, I won’t,” I grab the pillow from next to me and throw it at the door, “Aargh,” I mutter angrily. How dare he just leave. If he thinks that I am going to be here at his beck and call just because he saved me from the kidnappers, then he has another think coming. The minute I am feeling better I will be out of here and then I want to see what Mr. high and mighty is going to do.