“Didn’t expect you down now,” Dag says as he sits back drinking coffee, his legs stretched out before him, everything is silent as it's still pitch dark outside and not morning yet.

“Well I didn’t expect you to wake me up in the early hours but guess what you did,” I mutter as I pull forward a chair and sit next to him.

“You don’t sound in the throes of bliss like I hear newly mated couples are,” Dag states as he lifts a black brow over his piercing blue eyes.

“It was fine until you opened your big mouth,” I mutter as I cross my arms, it’s unfair to blame Dag as sooner or later I would have had to tell Anastasia but at the moment it feels good to blame someone.

“Me?” he asks with a surprised look, “what the hell did I say?”

“She didn’t know that she was my mate, she asked me if I was married at what you asked so I had to tell her.” I raise my hands to rub in frustration at my face, I have never had a problem with turning my back on a woman and walking out but now for some reason I just want to go back and make sure that she isn’t upset, damn, this bonding is a problem but I knew it was going to be a problem.

“I guess she doesn’t want you as a mate,” at his words I drop my hands and glare at him.

“There is nothing wrong with me being a mate,” I snap, he shrugs and takes another sip of his coffee. “She will come around.” I hope it happens soon, but Anastasia seems like the type of person that doesn’t like to be coerced into situations. What if she doesn’t want to stay with me?

“I thought you didn’t want a mate,” Dag says suddenly as he lowers his mug.

“I didn’t, but it’s true what they say, the pull is irresistible.” The thought of Anastasia leaving has my anger rising, my stomach knotting and my mind ready to find and kill anyone that helps her leave. “She’s Mine,” I state, the possessiveness that I feel for that woman upstairs in my room is something that I have never felt before in my life for anyone or anything.

“So, I see,” Dag says with a smile as he sits forward and then slaps me on the back. “Stop fighting it Bro, you have been given a beautiful woman as a mate, where is that Ulrich charm that you always bragging about? Go and show her that she can’t be without you.” At his words I frown, I don’t think that Anastasia is the type to be swayed by a smile, but I’m not the sweet words poet type, so she will have to accept me for the coarse, unruly man that I am.

“She’s argumentative,” I mutter

“Well, that’s going to be interesting then because you are one argumentative son of a bitch, I can’t wait to see your woman put you in your place.” That has me scowling at him just as Haldor walks in, Monica walking next to him with a grumpy look on her face. Haldor doesn’t like anyone messing with his stuff so I can imagine that he wouldn’t want Monica in his room if he has to leave. Guess he kicked her out of bed.

“Man, you can see that things have changed,” he says as he comes to stand before us, Monica has gone to the bar to make him a coffee.

“Sweetheart bring me one too,” I call out to her and see her smile over her shoulder at me as she nods. “What has changed?” I then ask as I look at Haldor and realize I shouldn’t have asked as I see him grinning.

“Well, you are one of the first of us down today must be the company you are keeping. Usually we have to drag your ass out of bed.” I lift my hand to show him the finger, which has Dag and him laughing. “Doesn’t say much for this mating does it?” Haldor teases which has me glaring at him

“There is nothing wrong with my bond,” I mutter.

“I think he’s sounding a bit defensive; don’t you think Dag?” Haldor quips just as Monica hands me the cup of coffee and then slides onto my lap. I grunt but don’t tell her to stand even though her nearness has me feeling agitated. I have always loved women around me, giving women attention, but now that I have my mate, I feel myself feeling repelled by this woman’s nearness. I bring the mug to my mouth as I take a sip, I see Dag raise an eyebrow at Monica, but he doesn’t say anything.

“Oh, ahh…” Haldor says suddenly looking a bit flustered, “should you be out of bed?” At his words my whole-body tenses, fuck, I glance over my shoulder only to see Anastasia standing in the doorway her hand holding onto the doorframe. A scowl on her face, oh fuck, she looks furious and I’m sure that I am just about to hear exactly what she thinks when she looks at Haldor.

I push at Monica to get up and hear her mutter of displeasure, but she stands walking towards Dag. Anastasia looks at Haldor and then I see her eyes widen slightly as I stand. “It’s you, the handsome one. You never introduced yourself.” At her comment I feel anger rise up as I turn to look at Haldor, I see him smile at her which is his biggest mistake, pulling back my arm I throw a punch hitting him on the side of his cheek. That will mess up his handsomeness for a while, I want to see what she thinks of him like that.

“What the hell?” I hear Haldor mutter, at the same time as Anastasia shrieks in anger.

“You Caveman.” One minute she is by the door and the next she is making her way towards Haldor that is looking ready to attack me. I swear if she touches him, he is dead, I feel my vision sharpening my whole body tensing ready to fight. She is mine and I will be damned if she touches one of my brothers. Deep down I know that Haldor is doing nothing, but to know that she thinks him handsome has every fibre in my body on alert.

Just before she reaches Haldor I slide my arms around her waist lifting her off the floor, “what the hell do you think you are doing, put me down,” she says angrily, her legs and arms flailing uselessly as no matter how much she fights there is no way that I am going to place her on the floor to go to Haldor. “Put me down, how dare you. Go play with your other toy, I’m not one of your collection.”

“She’s not my toy,” I mutter against her ear as I start making my way towards the door, I’m going to carry her back to the room, kicking and screaming if I have to but she is not going to stay anywhere near Haldor.

“Really, I’m not blind,” she says angrily as she pulls her hand back to elbow me in the ribs but her measly attempt at getting free would never overpower me.

“Problems, already?” Dane asks as he walks towards us, but I don’t answer as I continue making our way towards the room.

“Be still,” I mutter but that only fuels her anger which has her wiggling around like an eel, and then suddenly she just goes completely still. “Anastasia?” I call but she doesn’t answer, “are you okay?” entering the room I hurry towards the bed, placing her on it gently. Just as I step back, she springs up and glares at me. “Who do you think you are?” she says angrily, her eyes intense with her anger.

“I don’t want to see you anywhere near Haldor, do you hear me?” At my words she stands, her finger pointing at me.

“Don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot do, I’m not your property.”