His touch takes me by surprise and then the kiss has just blown my mind, I have been kissed before, but I have never been kissed like this before. My whole body feels alive, as if I can feel the blood coursing right under my skin. It doesn’t help that he is drop dead gorgeous or that he has a body that would make Adonis weep with envy.

I pull the arm that is between the two of us covering my breasts up until the palm is flat against his rock-hard chest, feeling the movement of the muscle under my fingers, the smoothness of his skin warm to the touch. I don’t know why this man affects me the way he does, his simple look has my body on fire. He is overbearing and demanding something that I have never liked before but with this man every time I have argued with him it has felt like a sexual play of words that has my body ringing with passion.

“You are mine,” he mutters as he lowers his head from my lips to my neck

“No,” I murmur, as his lips kiss my neck, the junction between my collar bone and neck sensitive to his touch as my skin rises in Goosebumps at his touch. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted, opening my eyes I see Ulrich stepping into the shower, the warm water splashing me as he slides me down his body until my feet are touching the ground once again. The warm water now sliding over my body, soothing the aches and pains that my body is still trying to heal.

I have craved bathing; it is strange the things we miss when we don’t have them any longer, but now under this shower there is nothing like I crave more than this man that is standing beside me. I see his hand move towards the dispenser before me and squeeze out some shower gel onto his hand, the warmth of his fingers over my skin lathering my body with soap has me closing my eyes in pleasure.

He then pulls a container down from a shelf and pours some liquid into his hand. When I feel his fingers in my hair, I tense waiting for the pain. The knots in my hair will be difficult to untangle after so long without washing it, but to my surprise I feel no pain, instead his fingers massage my sculp gently relaxing every fibre of my being.

“Mmmm,” I murmur in pleasure and hear him grunt as I lean my head back.

“You like this?” his voice is gruff; I can hardly understand what he said, so instead of answering I nod. He turns me gently and then the water is washing away the shampoo.

“This shampoo smells so good,” I murmur, loving the gentle scent of spice that is wafting around me. I open my eyes only to see Ulrich looking down at me with an intensity that has my breath catching. His hair is wet, the water running in rivulets down his chest. His eyes seem to be boring into my very soul.

“Can you feel it?” he asks as I see his head lowering, I’m feeling lots of things but I’m not sure what he is referring to, so I don’t reply. “Can you feel this between us?”

As I open my mouth to reply he swoops down and takes my lips in a blistering kiss that has me wanting more. My arms rise to hook around his neck, his tongue playing his love tune with mine, bringing me to a state of heightened passion like I have never been before. His hands are under my ass and he is lifting me, I feel him shifting and then we are walking out of the shower, the next thing I know I am being laid down on the bed.

“The bed is going to get wet,” I murmur as he moves over me, instead of answering he grunts but doesn’t lift me again instead his lips are on my neck and he is kissing me like a man possessed. He has a hand on either side of my torso, his fingers fanned out covering my whole torso, showing me his strength as he suddenly pulls me slightly down, his eyes now in line with mine.

“I want you,” his words are gruff his eyes intense as he looks at me and I know that if I want to stop this, now is the time to say so. I open my mouth to tell him that maybe we shouldn’t do this now.

“I want you too.” Where the hell did that come from? Before I can retract what I said, his lips are over mine and he is kissing me with a passion that has my whole-body tingling. I don’t know what it is about him, but he has me feeling like I have never felt before. I have slept with other men before, in my twenty-six years it would be strange If I hadn’t, but none of them blew my mind like he does, maybe it’s because my system is still run down from being kidnapped and the lack of nutrients in my diet.

Every thought disappears from my mind when his hands push my breasts together and his lips are kissing them, his teeth nipping gently at my nipples, which has me gasping in pleasure at the feeling. I lower my hand to his head, entwining my fingers in his hair I hold his head closer to me wanting this feeling to last as long as I can have it.

His hands let go of my breasts and start making their way down my body, his body sliding down kissing every inch of my stomach, my navel, his hand slides under my ass as he lifts it up from the bed kissing his way between my legs.

“Ulrich, ohhhh,” I murmur as I feel the smoothness of his tongue flickering between my legs, lapping at my womanhood. My hands at his shoulders, feeling the muscles under my fingers, his body warm to my cool touch. I feel my whole body start to tighten as I feel myself orgasming at his ministrations, my eyes close as I throw my head back groaning in pleasure as I let go of all inhibitions or all thought and let myself find the pleasure that this man is giving me.

I am still coming down from my high when I feel him entering me, he penetrates my body slowly as he stretches me to accommodate his size. His elbows next to my body as dips his head to my shoulder, his movements at first slow as he kisses me, “you are perfect,” he mutters against my ear as his movements quicken, building up the passion once again. A feeling of fulness, of extreme pressure building in my body making me delirious with want and then just when I think that it can’t get any better, just when my body starts to tighten once again I feel pain in my shoulder which has my orgasm exploding all around him, my mind feels like it's floating.

My hand lifts to his neck and I grab the black leather chain that he is wearing, the beautiful amber that is hanging from it scorching to the touch, and then I hear his beautiful words in my ear. “I join us forever and always, where one goes the other shall follow. I will hold you above everyone and everything else. I will protect you until my last breath. My body, my soul and mind are forever yours and yours is mine.” And then I hear him roar in release and something moist trickles into my mouth. Opening my eyes, I see his wrist over my mouth, his head thrown back in the throes of his release, a gash on his wrist that is bleeding.

I gasp when I realize that I must have bitten his wrist, reaction from the force of my release. It must have been his blood I tasted in my mouth, lifting my hand I place it over his gash feeling terrible that I hurt him even if unintentionally.

My body still vibrating with pleasure, I once again close my eyes to enjoy every moment of this encounter. I don’t know if this experience was this wild because of my debilitated state or because Ulrich is definitely the best-looking man, I have ever been with or the fact that he can drive me wild with his stubbornness. Whatever the reason for what happened, I want to enjoy it to its very last second.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I know I am shooting up in pain as I feel my shoulder blade burning as if on fire. “What’s wrong?” Ulrich asks as he too sits up in bed looking at me.

“My shoulder is burning, like its on fire. Is this your doing?” Ulrich leans back to look at my shoulder and I feel him tensing around me.

“It will be fine in a minute,” I feel his lips lightly on my skin which has me gasping in pain, he then blows on my back. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs which has me tensing.

“For what?”

“The tattoo that is appearing on your shoulder blade, the tattoo that proves you are mine.” At his words I snap away from his hands and turn staring at him.

“What, what do you mean?”

“You are mine as such you will get a tattoo like the one I have on my arm, that tattoo has just started to appear on your arm?” Is he joking? I try to look over my shoulder but cant see anything, how can a tattoo just appear? Wait, he did this while I was sleeping?

“How dare you tattoo me while I’m asleep?” I can’t believe the audacity of the man, “I’m not a piece of meat that you can brand.”