“I am pleased to see this,” Fitz said as he sat down on a settee with Diana. As she let go of his arm, he felt for a moment the silk of her gown, and it made him want to bunch it into his hands as he took Diana from behind. Fitz was surprised by such a wave of desire and tried very hard to clear his mind from that line of thinking. He had a whole evening ahead of him, and he didn’t want to become distracted.

“Never before have I seen such happy children. Usually marriage celebrations don’t include the children,” Lady Casey said.

“I feel it is wrong to hide children away like many couples do these days. After all, children are a symbol of a successful marriage. And since my goal is to have an heir in the near future, I think it is suitable to have children present for the celebrations,” Fitz explained.

“Having the children present is certainly a good sign for your future, Your Grace,” Lord Casey added before his attention was taken away by one of his grandsons, who seemed to need his focus right away. Fitz smiled, looking forward to the day when one of his sons or daughters would need him in the same fashion.

“I don’t believe it will take very long before the children come,” Diana said in a soft voice as she leaned towards him.

“Nor do I,” Fitz replied as he turned towards her, a similar desire burning in her own eyes. If only the wedding was tomorrow, Fitz thought, thinking how eager he was to officially consummate their marriage. He knew he desired Diana for her beauty, but also because she was intelligent and as intellectual as he was. Fitz also saw great kindness in Diana and knew that she would make him happy.

When dinner was announced, Fitz led Diana through the open doors to the dining room. The kids were taken to a smaller dining room that was reserved for the family of the house so they could have a special meal with probably too many pieces of cake. Fitz was sure that the parents would have a word with him after the dinner, but for now, he was pleased with his idea to treat the children to something special.

“Your Grace, am I correct in hearing that there shall be dancing after dinner?” came Vivian’s voice from further down the table. Fitz looked away from Diana for a moment to address the older sister, and the rest of the table as they all turned to look at him.

“That is correct. I thought a few musical numbers would be a great way to pass the evening. The musicians are expected at any moment,” Fitz explained.

“I hope you’ll save a number for me,” Vivian said. “You’ll be quick to discover that I am the best dancer in the room.” Fitz was certainly surprised by the woman’s forward remarks. Perhaps she was only trying to be friendly, but Fitz did not appreciate Vivian’s advances at all.

“My close acquaintance, Lord Cardigan, is very light on his feet. I believe he will make the best dance partner for you, and we shall all see who the best dancer is,” Fitz said, pointing to one of his business associates that he’d seen dance at a ball once. Fitz knew the man was very enthusiastic when it came to dancing.

“It’s quite true,” Lord Cardigan was quick to respond, addressing Vivian. “I do love to dance much more than His Grace and would be delighted to be one of your dance partners for the evening.” Vivian looked unsatisfied with the request, but nodded nonetheless. Fitz looked at Diana then and saw that she was hiding her face behind her hand, doing her very best not to laugh. Fitz had to focus on the first course to keep his mirth from bubbling out of his chest.

For dinner, an amazing seven-course meal had been designed by Cook. He had given her full control over the menu, allowing her to cater for the guests since it had been so long since she’d had a large group to cook for. The first course consisted of a clear beef broth soup with lentils. It was light and airy, and the aroma was very appealing.

“I have not danced since I attended Melissa’s wedding almost four years ago. I look forward to it,” Diana said between sips of soup.

“And who are you most looking forward to dancing with tonight,” Lord Douglas quipped.

“Why you, of course, Lord Douglas,” Diana teased in return.

“My word, you would not like to dance with my dear husband, Miss Casey. He was not born with the keen ability and skill to dance well enough,” Lady Douglas added, causing them all to laugh.

“Then I shall have to rescue my bride and reserve all three dances with her for we are the only two who have not danced in some time,” Fitz spoke up, causing others to groan in mock disappointment. But surely, they all expected him to dance with only the woman he was intended to marry. That was why it was so strange that Vivian had spoken up the way she had, making Fitz even more leery of the woman. He didn’t want to have another incident like with Natale.

The rest of the dinner passed away in relatively good conversation. The food was delicious, from the brazed ham shanks to the crème brulee for dessert. By the time everyone was done eating, he was certainly full and in need of a rest before the dancing began. But as he looked down the table at all the happy guests, he was certain they were all feeling the same.

“A banquet fit for a king,” Lord Casey said as the gentlemen stood from the table and made their way to the parlour to enjoy their evening port.

“I’m glad to hear you say so, Lord Casey. I like to think that Cook is quite skilled and enjoys an opportunity to show off from time to time,” Fitz said as he walked with the older man.

“You certainly spoil us all,” Lord Casey said with a chuckle, making his way over to the fireplace to remain warm in his old age. Fitz stood for a moment, accepting his glass of port from the footman but not taking his eyes off of Lord Casey. He felt that he could finally see Diana’s point of view when it came to the care of her older parents. Being the youngest of five, she was left with the task of caring for her parents. And now, he’d happily assist in that matter now that they were to be married.

“It is so good to see you so happy again,” Lord Douglas commented as he made his way over to Fitz.

“I appreciate the compliment. I didn’t realize I was so unhappy before. Content for sure, but neither in a state of depression or happiness. Even Diana commented on such a thing earlier when we were outside,” Fitz explained.

“Well, it’s true, my friend. You may only be in need of an heir, but this young lady has really seemed to liven you up a bit. Perhaps she’ll be more to you than just a wife in the future,” Lord Douglas suggested.

“Anything is possible, I suppose,” Fitz reasoned as he took a sip of his port before setting it aside. The liquid still did not appeal to him, and he thought it would be best to avoid it altogether. He didn’t like what it did to the minds of men.

“What a splendid day,” Lord Duncan, Diana’s eldest brother, said upon approaching the two gentlemen. “I wanted to personally thank you myself for taking my boys outside to fish. They enjoyed themselves immensely and did like spending time with your boys as well, Lord Douglas.”

“You’ll learn very quickly that I have a tendency to spoil the children. But not to the point of excess. I’ve simply been on the receiving end of two very doting parents and wish to show children the same kind of unconditional love,” Fitz explained. As he spoke, he watched Lord Duncan carefully. His grim expression told Fitz that the Earl did not agree with him.

“Forgive me, Your Grace, for we do not share the same perspective on childrearing,” Lord Duncan said, looking towards his father.

“Would you care to enlighten me on the nature of your words,” Fitz offered, wondering if he could finally find out why Lord Casey’s older children had all abandoned him.