Chapter 20

Fitz made his way from his bedchamber, heading downstairs towards the drawing room and eager to see Diana once more. He’d spent the few hours along reading for the evening in one of his finer dinner jackets and trousers, a matching black vest with intricate thread designs, trying to dim his desire for Diana.

She was such an alluring creature that he was truly having a hard time soothing his passion for her. He only hoped that as he danced with her this evening, he’d be able to keep his burning desire at a low ember.

As Fitz made his way through the house and closer to the drawing room, he could hear plenty of conversation emanating from within. The air buzzed with a sense of excitement, and he could hear the children laughing as well. He was curious to see how everyone was enjoying their evening and eagerly pushed open the drawing room door as he entered.

The room was brightly lit with plenty of candles and candelabras placed around on different surfaces. A small fire burned in the fireplace where Lord and Lady Casey sat, a few of their grandchildren sitting close to them as the boys and girls took turns using the building blocks. The other children were over by the piano where Lady Douglas sat and played a few easy tunes, encouraging the children to sing with her.

Once more, Diana’s siblings were all sitting together as though they were in a huddled group. A few of his business associates seemed to try to strike up conversation with Diana’s brothers, but it all appeared to be short-lived. Fitz wasn’t sure what they were up to, but he could at least be assured that the children were enjoying themselves as he crossed the room in search of Diana.

“Your bride has not yet come down,” came a female voice from behind him as Fitz walked about the room. He turned and saw Vivian standing behind him, dressed in a pale-yellow silk gown with a very low neckline to expose the tops of her breasts. Fitz stared into her dark brown eyes, not allowing his eyes to wander or give her the wrong impression.

“Thank you for informing me. I think I shall join your parents for the time being,” Fitz said as he dipped his head.

“Surely you wouldn’t be opposed to my company,” she said in a sweet voice that made Fitz’s skin crawl.

“I’m sure your husband would appreciate your company more so. Or perhaps one of your nieces and nephews?” Fitz suggested, not wanting to be a target of this woman. Vivian simply chuckled, hiding her smile behind her gloved hand as though Fitz had told a most humorous joke.

“What seems to be so funny?” Lord Douglas asked, coming up to them and standing next to Fitz.

“Oh, it was surely nothing,” Vivian said as she fluttered her eyelashes at Fitz before curtsying and going to stand with her siblings. Fitz watched her go, wondering at what game she was trying to play.

“Seems the Viscount’s wife is a flirtatious one,” Lord Douglas said in a low tone so that only Fitz could hear him.

“Did she approach you as well?” Fitz asked as he looked at his friend.

“Me and half the other business associates. Seems like she is a flighty one that isn’t very much satisfied with her husband,” Lord Douglas observed. “I’d be careful about that one if I were you.”

“That is sound advice,” Fitz replied. He walked with Lord Douglas over to where his wife was playing the piano. And that is when the drawing room doors were opened, and Diana finally walked into the room.

Fitz’s breath was taken away as he looked upon her. She wore a deep blue gown with ruffles, but with a tight bodice that accentuated her figure. The neckline was low and revealing, making it hard for Fitz to keep his desire at a minimum. When she found him in the crowd, she smiled a genuine smile that reached her eyes. She came towards him then, and he knew that he’d never be able to deny her anything.

“Good evening, Your Grace,” Diana said as she approached and curtsied before him. “Lord Douglas,” she added as she briefly looked towards Michael.

“Good evening, Miss Casey,” Fitz said in greeting, dipping his head just low enough to be courteous. With the two of them marrying, he knew that this horse and pony show wouldn’t be needed anymore. They would be able to greet each other like equals in rank.

“Might I say how beautiful you are, Miss Casey,” Lord Douglas said. “Fitz is a lucky man to have arranged a marriage with a beauty. Tis only my own wife whose beauty I would enjoy more.”

“That is very kind of you to say, Lord Douglas. I did appreciate Lady Douglas’ company this afternoon. I can see in return why you chose her to be your bride. She is certainly perfect in every way and shall be a good role model for me.”

“You’re too kind, Miss Casey. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should save my wife from playing the piano the entire evening away,” Lord Douglas said with a dip of his head. Fitz was certain that the Earl was giving him a moment alone with his bride.

“Lord Douglas is correct,” Fitz said as he fixated his eyes on Diana. “You are absolutely gorgeous.” Diana chuckled, covering her mouth with her gloved hand.

“I don’t believe those were the man’s exact words,” Diana reasoned.

“Well, that may be true. But they are certainly my words,” Fitz replied as he leaned forward and spoke softly to her. “If we were not surrounded by so many people, I would take you back to your bedchamber right now.”

“My word, how bold you’ve become, Your Grace,” Diana said in a whisper, her cheeks blushing deeply.

“I seem to no longer be able to contain myself, so therefore I’m left to sultry words in the presence of others,” Fitz admitted.

“Well then, let us join my parents before your words become your own undoing. As you said yourself, words can be quite powerful.” Fitz chuckled this time, straightening his posture and turning his gaze around the room. He caught Vivian staring at him, and a chill went down his spine.

“I agree,” Fitz said, looking back at Diana as he offered her his arm. He then led her through the room towards the fireplace, having to step lightly as the children continued to play with enthusiasm.

“Greetings, Your Grace,” Lord Casey said with a bright smile. “You must mind the children for they seem eager to play after a restful afternoon.”