“And a part of me wants to give into your madness,” Diana admitted as she took his hands and raised them to her breasts, inviting him to touch her in that most delicate area. Fitz didn’t seem to hesitate as he started to fondle her breasts, causing Diana to tip back her head and moan softly as he teased her nipples into hard peaks and began to rub them between his thumb and finger. She arched her back as Fitz leaned over her, caressing her breasts through her gown as he started to place hot kisses down her neck to her collarbone.
Fitz pulled at the neckline of her gown till he could free her breasts from their hold, making Diana wish she didn’t have on so many layers. She wanted to bare herself to this man right here and now despite the fact that they would be married in a few days. She wanted to experience all the pleasure that he had in mind because never before had she felt this way for a man. Her body was hot with waves of heat washing over her as Fitz took one of her breasts into his mouth and began to suck on her nipple, rolling his tongue around and around until she was sure she’d lose herself completely. With his other hand, he pinched the nipple of the other exposed breast, making her want to feel him deep inside of her.
“Fitz, I can’t take much more. I desire more of you,” Diana whimpered as he continued to tease her with his tongue and fingers. Her hands came up and started to stroke through his hair, encouraging him on.
“Tell me now, and I’ll gladly strip you down to nothing and finally satisfy my hunger for you,” Fitz said as he removed his mouth from her breast and righted himself. Diana looked into his pleading eyes, wondering if she could really go through with it. Could she bare herself to a man she had yet to marry? Was this all a misunderstanding of emotions and wanting?
Her hesitation seemed to tell Fitz everything he needed to know. He came to her, kissing her soundly on the mouth as he coaxed her beasts back into her gown. Then, he broke the heated kiss that only seemed to make Diana want him more, leaving her wanting to feel his hot kiss all over her naked body.
“Perhaps now isn’t the time for such things,” Diana said as she tried to clear the hot haze from her mind.
“True. When you experience intimacy for the first time, it shouldn’t be rushed. When I finally take your innocence, Diana, I will make sure it’s both pleasurable and long lasting,” Fitz promised, surprising her by the sincere way he talked. Diana came to him and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her cheek to his chest.
As she held him tightly to her, she could feel the bugle of his member pressing into her stomach. She knew that he needed to feel relief as much as she wanted. He wrapped his arms around her back, holding her for a moment as they both caught their breath and did their best to cool their bodies while still embraced.
Eventually, Fitz created space between them and placed a kiss on her forehead before opening the door and peeking to make sure the hallway was clear. Then, he led her from the room and took her to her bedchamber so that she could change for the evening.
“Thank you for always being the perfect gentleman,” Diana said as she let go of his arm and took several steps towards her bedchamber door.
“For as long as I can,” Fitz said with a sigh as he dipped his head towards her and swiftly went to his own bedchamber. Diana smiled, liking the power she seemed to wield over Fitz. She went into her bedchamber and pulled the servants’ cord, signalling to her lady’s maid that she could use some assistance. She thought of what had just happened in the library and was surprised herself that she had been able to stop before things had gone too far.
“You called for me, My Lady?” said her lady’s maid as the young girl came into her bedchamber and shut the door behind her.
“Yes, Miss Matilda. I need help changing and preparing for the evening. I know most of the guests have asked for baths because of our morning outing. I will make do with just a basin of water and some fragrant soap,” Diana explained.
“That I can do, My Lady,” Miss Matilda said as she went to work pouring the pitcher of water into the basin and withdrawing Diana’s own personal bar of soap. As Diana stripped out of her clothes, Miss Matilda helped scrub Diana’s body the best they could with just a small basin of water. And then afterwards, Diana dried her body with a clean cloth and began to dress for the evening.
“You would look radiant in this deep blue gown,” Miss Matilda said as she looked through Diana’s wardrobe. Most of the gowns were new and early wedding presents from Melissa.
“I would readily agree with you,” Diana replied. Once Diana was dressed, her bosom very apparent in the gown and the undergarments that had been tightened for the effect, Diana sat down so that Miss Matilda could fix her hair up into a beautiful design.
“Have you heard from Mrs Merriweather? How are my parents faring this afternoon?” Diana asked, knowing that all the servants often talked with one another throughout the day. Plus, it was the housekeeper’s responsibility to know how the guests were doing at all times. Diana supposed that she should get used to her role as future duchess and make sure to do the same.
“Aye, I have, My Lady. Mrs Merriweather said she was pleased with how Lord and Lady Casey were faring after their morning outside in the sun. Lady Casey slept soundly for an afternoon nap while Lord Casey enjoyed a leisurely bath. They are very kind masters, if I may say,” Miss Matilda explained.
“You shall not meet a nicer pair,” Diana confirmed.
“Though we all do believe that you and the Duke shall make a wonderful pair. The whole household speaks of your radiance and beauty, My Lady,” Miss Matilda admitted. Diana saw in the looking glass that her lady’s maid blushed, seeming to be embarrassed by speaking her mind.
“Thank you, Miss Matilda. That is a very kind thing to say. I hope you’ll always feel comfortable speaking your mind. I shall like to always know what is happening within the household, for if there is a problem, I should like to find a solution right away,” Diana said, wanting to impress upon the young girl that she could always trust her and feel comfortable speaking her mind.
“Such a peculiar thing. Usually servants are just silent bystanders,” Miss Matilda replied.
“Sometimes we must all work together to see things through. That is what Mrs Merriweather always taught me,” Diana said as her lady’s maid finished fixing her hair. Diana turned her head side to side, looking at her reflection. “Beautifully done, Miss Matilda.”
“Thank you, My Lady,” she said as Diana stood. Her lady’s maid then curtsied before leaving the room. It gave Diana a few moments to collect her thoughts and fortify her feelings.
She was about to face her siblings once more and didn’t want her temper to run away with her. Yes, Diana was still very much upset that none of her siblings had come to her rescue when her parents needed money badly. But now things were different. Diana surely had access to an almost unlimited amount of money. Did that mean that she could then forgive them one day? As Diana left the bedchamber, she wondered if that would ever be possible.