Chapter 19

By the time the late afternoon had come, all the children were tired from all the fishing they’d been doing. Diana helped the little ones inside, the maids quick to follow after them to help them all bath and change out of their clothes that smelled so heavily of fish.

Diana herself knew that she would need to change before dinner since there was to be dancing after the meal, but as everyone seemed to part ways, her parents even heading to their bedchamber to rest for a time, Diana made her way towards the sitting room in case she could spot Vivian.

As Diana came into the room, she saw Vivian sitting down at the pianoforte, slowly playing a song that Diana faintly remembered from when they had been children. Vivian wasn’t using any of the sheet music and instead seemed to be playing that particular song from memory. Diana stood by the open door, standing there and watching her sister play, thinking it had been the most normal thing Vivian had done since she’d got married.

“You were always such a good pianist,” Diana said when Vivian fell still. Her sister jumped, startled by Diana’s sudden words as she quickly pulled the cover over the keys and stood from the instrument.

“I didn’t hear you come in,” Vivian said as she folded her hands in front of her, already dressed in an evening gown that showed off her curves and large bosom. Diana thought she looked rather ostentatious for a married woman, but she thought best not to comment and say such a thing out loud.

“We all just came in from the fishing adventure. The children are rather pleased with the sport, and you’d be surprised how happy everyone is now from enjoying a bit of sunshine,” Diana explained.

“Well, you should certainly go and wash up. The only fish I like to touch is a finely cooked one with my fork,” Vivian said as she turned up her nose at Diana.

“I think you would have enjoyed yourself if you had joined us,” Diana said, lacing her fingers together before her.

“Regardless what you might have thought, my dear little sister, I do not take pleasure from spending hours outside in the burning sun,” Vivian said quickly, as though her words could bite.

“Then what do you take pleasure in, Vivian? My wedding is in a few days and this celebration is about enjoying yourself and being happy with your family.”

“That is easy for you to say, Diana. You are about to become a duchess and have everything you could ever want.” Vivian scoffed, gesturing around the room as if to indicate that everything she could see would soon be Diana’s.

“All I’ve ever wanted was a way to see our parents not suffer any longer. I wrote to my older sisters and brothers countless times, explaining our plight, but did any of you ever come to our rescue? Not once. So, don’t you act like any of this has been easy, Vivian.”

“You are so naive, Diana. The only reason the Duke is marrying you because you’re a beautiful face and a means to an end. He shall get his heir in return for your care and submission. You’ll soon learn that married life is nothing like you could ever imagine,” she said in a very dark voice before she left the sitting room in a hurry.

A part of Diana wanted to go after her sister, but deep down she knew that it would do no good. Vivian seemed to have become a very bitter woman, and though she did not know what had happened to cause her to be such a way, it only caused Diana to pity the woman.

“Are you alright?” came Fitz’s voice, causing Diana to turn suddenly and escape her line of thinking. Fitz had just come into the room and no doubt had seen Vivian leaving in a hurry.

“I attempted to speak personally with my sister, to encourage her to enjoy her time here for my wedding. I had caught her playing the piano and she seemed at ease for the first time in a long time, but she was quick to snap at me with her words. I just wish I understood where all her distaste was coming from,” Diana explained as she walked over to where Fitz was standing. He reached forward and took her hand in his, squeezing it slightly as she looked up into his bright eyes.

“I’m surprised you are still willing to speak with your sister privately after everything that has happened,” Fitz said.

“I can’t help thinking that there has to be a reason why my siblings never offered any aid to me and our parents. I don’t remember them being so cruel when we were younger. Yes, they said some rather unpleasant things to me and often appeared more pleasant in public than they did in private, but what could have happened to warrant such a reaction?”

“Perhaps we can discover that answer in the passing days. After all, there are a few days left until the wedding and then they shall all scatter once more back to town.”

“At least it is nice to see the children so happy. It’s my nephews and nieces’ first time in the country.”

“Then we shall focus on pleasing the children more so than the adults,” Fitz said with a chuckle. “It is certainly a much easier task to do.”

“Indeed. Well, I must retire to my bedchamber to wash and dress for the evening. I also want to check in on my parents to ensure Mother didn’t become too exhausted from the outing.”

“Care if I escort you?” Fitz said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Everyone has either retired to the drawing room or to their own bedchambers. I’m sure we could steal a private moment or two.”

“I never pegged you as a scoundrel, Your Grace,” Diana teased as she accepted his arm. He led her from the room, walking slowly as they made their way towards the stairs.

“I must admit, Diana, that there is a more natural side to me, almost animalistic. There is a deep desire that I have for you that has yet to be satisfied, making me think mad thoughts,” Fitz whispered as they walked through the house, making sure no one could be listening in on their devilish conversation.

“And what thoughts do plague you, Fitz?” Diana said in a sultry voice, enjoying their little game of cat and mouse.

“I would rather show you,” Fitz said as he hurried them up the stairs and towards an unknown location. He quickly opened a door down one of the hallways upstairs and ushered her in. And once the door was closed, he turned to her with such desire in his eyes that she had never seen before.

Without warning, Fitz came to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his lips to hers. Diana grabbed onto his shoulders with both hands as she pressed her body against his, allowing her mouth to part so that their tongues could come together and joust for attention. Diana let out a little moan of pleasure, enjoying the heated way in which Fitz kissed her. And her moan was met with a deep growl that came from Fitz’s chest, making the sensitive area between her legs pulse for attention.

“You make me mad with desire,” Fitz said as he backed her up against the wall, causing Diana to realize that they appeared to be in some sort of library or study, the walls lined with bookshelves and numerous books.