“Then it is settled. I shall rise early and take with me every able man in order to once and for all prove who is a good fisherman and who is not,” Fitz said with a broad smile, causing the three young boys to cheer excitedly. Diana couldn’t help joining in with their joy as she clapped her hands to their cheers.

“It seems you have a very indulging bride,” Lord Douglas spoke up as he seemed to observe Diana closely.

“You may see happiness as an indulgence, Lord Douglas, for I will not deny anyone what will truly make them happy. You will soon discover that I tend to spoil young children and will hardly ever tell them no. My own nieces and nephews are in attendance, and I shall make my siblings very distraught with my indulgences while I still can,” Diana said with a smirk upon her lips.

“My word, it is as though the two of you were made for one another. Fitz spoils my boys rotten, and I shall never win, it seems, with the two of you together,” Lord Douglas said. Diana looked to Fitz and saw that he was also watching her, a softness in his eyes as he looked at her. Diana wasn’t sure what the expression meant, but she hoped that it was a positive one.

The time soon came to escort the guests to the dining room. Fitz led the way with Diana resting her hand on his arm. She liked the idea of leading everyone to dinner, making her feel important. The wedding celebrations would only last for a few days, but she reasoned that she could thoroughly enjoy it while she was currently the centre of attention.

As she settled down at the table next to Fitz as a footman came to scoot in her chair, she looked at him, becoming more curious about the man she was marrying each day. He’d obviously felt comfortable coming to her aid during conversations, and she’d felt the way he’d played with her gown when he’d had a moment to do so.

Were his actions all things that stemmed from the deep desires he had for her? Or did he feel something stronger for her? All that Diana knew for sure was that she wanted to find out how he truly felt about her before they were married.