Chapter 17
After the dinner had come to a close, Fitz went with the gentlemen into the drawing room so they could all enjoy a glass of port before returning to the women and children in the sitting room. Fitz sat in his favourite wing-backed chair as he faced everyone else in the room.
Diana’s brothers and brothers-in-law sat close together as they talked with one another. Lord Casey was close to the fireplace that had been lit for the older man’s comfort. It was only a small fire, but Lord Casey seemed to enjoy it as he placed his booted feet near the fire.
Michael sat next to him and leaned close as he set his glass of port aside. Fitz did the same, knowing that his closest friend had something particular he wanted to say to him.
“Miss Casey seems to be like a very charming young woman,” Michael commented.
“She truly is, Michael. She’s not only charming, as you saw this evening, but also intelligent and witty. Someone who can truly go toe-to-toe with me.” Fitz couldn’t contain his own smile as he thought about Diana. Together, they were truly a unique pair.
“I can’t help seeing how fond you’ve become of her, Fitz. I was curious to know if you’ve fallen in love with the woman you initially only wanted to bear children with.”
Fitz looked at Michael then, seeming to still at the mention of love. Fitz couldn’t deny that he was fond of Diana, but could what he was feeling for Diana be true love?
“I’m not sure if it is love that I feel for Diana. I certainly don’t love Marian any less if that is what you’re implying.”
“No, Fitz. Of course, that’s not what I think. I love my wife as much as you loved Marian. But I wonder if perhaps your heart could grow large enough for both Marian and Diana. No one would judge you wrongly for loving your intended as well.”
“I don’t know if I love her, Michael. But there are many things about her that I do enjoy. I think this arranged marriage will be tolerable for the both of us.”
“I have some idea of what you might be implying, Fitz. She is a very beautiful young woman, after all.” Fitz couldn’t contain the smirk on his face as he nodded. He took another drink of his port before setting it aside. It had been a while since Fitz had drunk any alcohol, and he wasn’t as fond of the drink as he used to be. He preferred to have a very clear and level head when socializing with this many people.
“I look forward to my time with Diana, that is for sure. But I fear we will be trying to get through this celebration with our tempers intact. Her older siblings have not been kind to her and her parents, and I find myself wanting to come to altercations with them.”
“It is clear to me that there is mischief afoot,” Michael said as he turned and looked at Diana’s brothers all together while Lord Casey sat by himself. None of them had shown any affection to the marquess, and that really bothered him.
“They appear to me as the type of people who only socialize with those who have money and status. Hence the reason why Lord Casey is beside himself at the moment.”
“The man is sitting next to an open fire,” Michael pointed out.
“Regardless, I don’t think my future father-in-law should be left alone. Diana shouldn’t be the only one to be caring for him,” Fitz said as he stood. He didn’t bother taking his glass of port with him as he crossed the room and made his way over to Lord Casey, seeming to gather everyone’s eyes as he did so.
“Enjoying yourself, Lord Casey?” Fitz asked as he pulled up a seat and sat next to the man.
“Indeed, Your Grace. Thank you for having a small fire built for me. I know the days are only growing warmer as spring gives way to summer, but it seems as I grow older, the colder I become in the evenings.”
“It is no problem at all, Lord Casey. I just want to make sure you are comfortable.”
“You’re too kind, Your Grace. I pray it will never be your downfall,” Lord Casey said. Fitz watched as his eyes went to rest on his sons, and it made Fitz wonder if that had been the marquess’ downfall. Had the father lent his sons plenty of money with nothing in return?
It was a matter that Fitz was willing to solve before the Casey children all returned back to Town. As Fitz sat and talked with Lord Casey, soon being joined by Michael, Fitz wondered how Diana was faring with all the woman.
“Can you believe that the Duke wants to go fishing in the morning?” Vivian said as she sat with her sisters and mother. Diana had taken the chair furthest from them and had been accompanied by Lady Douglas. The children were currently being entertained by a few of the servants who had volunteered to put on a small puppet show for them.
Diana dearly wanted to do something in return for their considerate service, and she watched as the servants and the children all laughed and joked about the puppets. But Vivian’s statement caused Diana to look at her sister for the first time since they’d returned to the sitting room after dinner.
“I agree, dear sister. It’s quite strange. I mean, when I was married to my dear Wickham, the men celebrated by going on a long hunt and returned at the end of the day with many prized shots,” Melissa said before looking at Diana as though she was waiting for her sister to say something to add to the discussion.
“I look forward to seeing the Duke fish with our father. They have done so once before, and it’s great to see them competing. Though we all know that Father is a superior fisherman. I believe the children will rather enjoy the spectacle,” Diana responded.
“I too am looking forward to the outing with all the children. They’ve never had such openness to play in, and I think they’ll all rather enjoy it,” Lady Casey added.
“Indeed, my three boys love spending time here at the Chatham estate. His Grace is always considerate of the children,” Lady Douglas then said.
“But what of the women, Diana? What are we to do while they are all outside?” Vivian asked. Diana was a bit surprised by this statement since they’d all grown up outside of Town.