“I stand by Miss Casey,” Fitz said before Diana had a chance. “Lord and Lady Casey are doing well here in the country. I don’t think risking their health simply to be social with the Bon Ton is worth it.” Pride swelled in Diana’s chest as she listened to Fitz. She couldn’t be any more thankful towards him at that moment as he spoke up to defend her.
“They seem well enough,” came Steven’s voice. “And they could always remain in the country while you two came to Town. I’d be happy to host the Duke and Duchess of Chatham at my own home. I assure you that you’d both find it quite suitable.”
It was at that moment that Diana understood what they were all trying to do. They wanted Fitz and her to come to Town so they could use that connection for their own personal gain. They’d all be lifted up in social standings if they appeared at different social functions with a duke and duchess. The idea that her siblings wanted to use her rank made the anger that she’d been harbouring for years boil up to the surface.
“I think you’d be more well off here in the country, my dear brother. You could furnish your parents’ house much like you’ve done your own and spend time with them, allowing your children to also spend time with their grandparents,” Diana said. She realized that she was speaking quickly and wondered if she should have kept her mouth closed instead.
“I could take it into consideration,” Steven said as he narrowed his eyes at her. “Surely you’d enjoy the privilege of updating your childhood home for their benefit.”
“There’s no need when we shall all be under one roof. I was only thinking thatourchildhood home would be ideal for you.” Though a smile was on her face, Diana stared down at Steven, tempting him to speak further on the matter so she could verbally continue to outwit him.
Diana felt Fitz’s hand on her lower back once more, making her aware that he was standing next to her. She took a deep breath, feeling the warmth on her lower back and doing her best to settle her temper once more.
“Oh, Diana, I do wish you could come to Town someday soon. We would surely enjoy ourselves with the opera and touring the new botanical gardens. I know how much you enjoy the outdoors, and you’d simple wonder at all the exotic plants on display,” Vivian said.
“And we could go shopping for all the latest in fashion,” Melissa added with a high-pitched laugh that Diana had almost forgotten about. Diana winced at the sound and tried to keep her composure.
“I’m glad to hear that you two are so well off that you can afford such luxuries,” Diana replied.
“Certainly, you could afford it as well,” Gabriel added, seeming ready to jump back into the conversation.
“And why would you suppose that, Lord Duncan?” Fitz asked, addressing the man once more.
“Based on her marriage, of course,” Gabriel replied, his brows furrowing together as though he wasn’t sure of Fitz’s question.
“And what luxuries would she be experiencing now if I hadn’t offered her my hand in marriage?” Fitz asked, his eyes moving to each one of her siblings. Diana watched with curiosity, waiting to hear what they would say in response. But eventually they all ignored the hard stare that Fitz was giving them, seeming to help them understand that he was very much aware of their past actions towards Diana and her parents.
“Come, my dear. I have someone I’d very much like to introduce you to,” Fitz said as he looked down at Diana. She smiled up at him, pleased to have an excuse to move away from her siblings and the snotty way they were currently acting. She couldn’t believe they’d offer to spend time with her now that she had money and was of a high-ranking position in society. It proved to Diana that the only thing they still cared about was money and status.
Diana took Fitz’s arm as he offered it to her. He turned them around without a second glance at her siblings before leading her across the other side of the room. Diana could hear her family whispering furiously behind her, and it only caused her to smile.
“Do you think we’ve put them in their place yet?” Fitz asked as he leaned his head down towards her so they could speak quietly amongst each other.
“Probably not yet, but I do appreciate your assistance in the matter more than you could ever imagine,” Diana replied with a genuine smile as she looked at Fitz.
“I can surely think of a way you can repay me later this evening,” he said, causing a wave of heat to spread out over her body.
“I look forward to discovering how I can repay you,” she replied, almost breathless.
Diana focused as they approached a family sitting together. As they came near, the gentleman who had been kneeling on the floor with his sons to play with a tower of wooden blocks soon stood to his feet and embraced Fitz as though they were brothers. Diana soon had a good idea who the man was.
“Miss Casey, may I introduce you to my closest friend, Lord Douglas. This is his wife and their three sons,” Fitz said, the happiest look she’d ever seen on his face as he made the introductions.
“I’m so happy to finally make your acquaintances. Lord Mavis has spoken so highly of you all,” Diana said as she curtsied.
“Then perhaps Fitz is not feeling well if he’s been speaking highly of me,” Lord Douglas said with a chuckle.
“Papa, may we go fishing tomorrow?” said one of Lord Douglas’ sons.
“My boy, we are here to celebrate the Duke being married to this enchanting creature right her. His Grace may not have time to go fishing,” Lord Douglas replied.
“There is always time to go fishing, Michael. One must simply rise early and be the highest-ranking member present in order to make such a command,” Fitz said as he leaned down and ruffled the young boy’s hair.
“Would you seriously go fishing as a way to celebrate your nuptials?” Lady Douglas asked. She sat upon a chair and looked rather uncomfortable with two pillows behind her. It made Diana wonder if she was currently with child.
“What do you think, Miss Casey. Shall we all go fishing tomorrow?” Fitz asked as he looked to her to help him with this decision.
“I think fishing would be a fantastic idea because I know my older brothers are horrible at it and my father is the most skilled fisherman you shall ever met,” Diana replied, mostly address the three young boys who all looked eager to go fishing in the morning.