“That is a large reason why we both agreed to this. I’ve been in charge of our ledger for the last few years. My father’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be, and I can get around quicker than they can,” Diana explained. “Though I was quite apprehensive about the idea because I did not know you, now I am glad because you’ve shown me that you’re a very kind man.”
“And you continue to surprise me. It isn’t often that a young lady is not only intelligent but has experience keeping a family’s ledger. ’Tis often the responsibility of the man of the house.”
Diana chuckled as she nodded. “I’ll be quite comfortable allowing you to manage our family’s ledger. I can’t imagine how much more difficult the chore must be when managing such large wealth.”
“It’s not a chore when it’s kept up each day. But I agree to manage it once we are married.” The Duke smiled down at her, and for a moment, Diana went still and silent, simply looking up into his face. She knew she needed to say something to break this spell she was under, but she found herself enjoying simply being in the presence of the Duke and feeling completely relaxed around him.
“I was so sorry to learn of your wife’s passing, Diana said as she finally looked away from him and continued walking once more. “I’m so terribly sorry to hear how she passed.” Diana listened as the Duke sighed heavily. When she glanced up at him as he walked beside her, she watched as he ran his fingers through his shaggy brown hair.
“I appreciate your sympathies,” he replied.
“Did you ever find out who did it?” Diana asked, knowing that she was pushing her luck with the Duke by speaking so openly with him.
“Unfortunately, that is still something I am left to wonder about,” the Duke admitted in a grave voice. It sent shivers down Diana’s back, and for a moment she regretted asking him about it. She could tell by the tone of his voice that the death of his wife still affected him greatly.
“The night my father spoke of your letter to him, he asked my opinion on the arranged marriage. I agreed for the sake of my family’s stability and comfort.” Diana stopped walking then and faced him, wanting to be perfectly clear with her intended. “I don’t expect to fall in love with you, and I also don’t expect love and affection in return.” The Duke looked at her with wide eyes, and she certainly knew that she’d surprised him.
“I’m not certain if I could ever love another woman besides my dear Marian. It is a relief to hear you say this because I don’t want to make you any empty promises,” the Duke eventually said. Diana forced a smile onto her face, trying to show the Duke that his words did not really affect her.
“Then it seems we are both on the same page,” she commented as she forced herself to keep moving. “I think it’s important that we both have clear expectations of what our marriage would be like so neither one of us is disappointed.”
“In that case, since you’ve been so forthcoming with me, I hope to return the favour. You should know that the only reason I sought out an arranged marriage is because I wish to have children. I not only want an heir, but I really do enjoy being around children.” Diana smiled genuinely then, thinking that was the sweetest thing she’d ever heard a man say before.
“I had expected as much,” Diana said. “I understand my wifely duties and shall perform them to the best of my ability.” Diana blushed then, thinking of what it would like to be intimate with the Duke. She was glad that the candlelight was dimmer in the grand hallway so that the Duke didn’t get to see just how deeply red her cheeks had become.
“I will send your father a large sum in the morning to help with your financial situation,” the Duke said once they reached the end of the hallway and began to turn back once he’d pointed out where her bedchamber would be in location to his across the hallway.
“It doesn’t need to be large,” Diana said, fearing that she would make a fool of herself by making the Duke think she was terribly desperate. But as she looked up at him, he saw the way he was smiling kindly at her.
“I will send what I feel would be proper for my intended and my future in-laws to live comfortably with till you and I are married, and we are all under the same roof. I will give it directly to you since you’ve already pointed out that you keep track of the family ledger, but I’m sure your father would appreciate the ceremony of it all.”
“Thank you for your consideration, Your Grace. My father is a proud man in the sense that he would like to keep as much of his dignity as possible as he grows old.”
“You know, Miss Casey, you could call me by a more informal name when it’s just you and I together,” the Duke commented as he stopped her at the head of the stairs.
“What would you prefer I call you then?” Diana asked, intrigued to know his informal name.
“My first name is Fitzwilliam, but Lord Douglas always calls me Fitz for short,” the Duke explained. Diana smiled, thinking it was a witty name for an intelligent man.
“Fitz it is then. But you must be willing to call me Diana in return,” she retorted.
“It would be an honour to say your name, Diana,” the Duke said as his voice lowered and became huskier. He reached down and gathered her hand in his, drawing her towards him and raising her hand to his lips. Carefully and slowly, he began to place small kisses on her knuckles, causing the breath in Diana’s lungs to escape her chest in a rush as she gasped with pleasure.
Warm tingling sensations ran all throughout her body as she enjoyed the pressure of his kisses and the feeling of his lips on her bare skin. She began to envision what it would be like to feel his lips on other parts of her bare body, causing the throbbing in-between her legs to return with a vengeance.
“I think it might be wise if we return to my parents and prepare for dinner,” Diana said almost breathlessly. She was enjoying the simple act of him kissing her hand way too much to remain sensible. If he continued in such a manner, she was sure to lose herself to him before they were properly married.
The Duke smiled at her, his bright blue eyes seeming to turn dark with desire. He placed one more kiss firmly on the back of her hand before letting it go slowly. Already she missed the warmth of his kisses and wondered if she could be bold enough to press herself onto her tiptoes to kiss him properly.
“I may never be able to love you, Diana. But I greatly look forward to our wedding night,” the Duke said in a very lusty voice. Diana was surprised by his words and even more surprised by her great desire to experience whatever the Duke had planned for her on their special night. “I’m sure we shall come to enjoy the action of making children.”
A shiver ran through Diana in a most pleasurable way. She stared at him, locked in his gorgeous blue eyes. She could hardly believe they were having this conversation, but the fact that they were mutual attracted to one another seemed to be a good sign that their marriage wouldn’t be dull. If they both came to enjoy the act of lovemaking with one another then perhaps Diana wouldn’t have to worry about the Duke taking mistresses. It wouldn’t be the type of thing she could bare or allow their children to witness.
Eventually, the Duke offered her his arm to take. She did so slowly, afraid that when she touched him, she’d become completely mad with desire. Diana had no idea what was happening to her, but she was starting to think in the most scandalous ways after hearing the Duke’s words and feeling his kisses upon her bare skin.
As she took his offered arm, she allowed him to guide her back down the stairs as they returned to the drawing room. Diana was doing her best to keep her composure when her body was heated with desire. In the drawing room were many of the important members of the Duke’s staff.
She’d already been introduced to Mr Bingley, the butler, and now made the acquaintance of Mrs Stanley, the housekeeper. She also met Cook, her future lady’s maid, and varies other maids and footmen. Once the introductions were made, the Duke dismissed them after thanking them for their time. It showed Diana that the Duke was a kind master just like he was a kind man.
“Shall we go to dinner?” the Duke suggested once the staff had left the room. He was addressing her parents who eagerly rose to move to the dining room. Diana felt like she was living in a fairy tale as the Duke then led her to the dining room with her parents right behind them. She was starting surely to come to terms with the fact that soon she’d be married and become Duchess over such a fine manor and staff.
They’d never need to worry about money again, and Diana could actually do leisurely things once more. And to make matters even more surprising, she was about to marry a man she actually liked and felt a great desire for. Diana wasn’t sure how she’d become so lucky but hoped that she didn’t wake from this dream either.