Chapter 11
Diana stepped out of the carriage as it arrived at the Duke’s manor, thinking she was finally getting used to coming to this place. With it being her third visit, the reality that she was soon going to be married was really starting to dawn on her.
At the end of next week, she’d become the Duchess of this place and have an entire staff to command with the daily happenings of the manor. Though she was certain that the staff was used to the Duke’s routine, she knew that some things would be a bit different with her elderly parents to care for as well.
That evening, Diana had chosen one of her finer gowns to wear. It was a deep violet gown with layers of silk and lace. It was a hand-me-down gown from her older sister, but after pinning it in at the waist, she could fit into it without issue. Together with her parents, they walked up the stairs of the Duke’s manor and prepared for another dinner with the kind gentleman. Diana was certainly eager to spend more time with the Duke and learn more about the man she was intended to marry.
“Good evening, Lord and Lady Casey. Miss Casey,” greeted Mr Bingley as he opened the door for them. “The Duke is waiting for you in the drawing room.”
“Thank you, Mr Bingley,” Lord Casey replied before leading his family down the now familiar hallway towards the drawing room. Diana marvelled at the design of the home once more, thinking that she was truly lucky to have been placed into an arranged marriage with a man that obviously took great pride in the design and upkeep of his home.
It was a reassuring fact that Diana would soon no longer have to worry about being poor or if her parents would have the proper care as they grew older. And with her siblings no doubt coming to the country to attend her wedding, she was eager for all of them to see the home she’d soon be living in. She wondered if they’d be jealous.
But all of Diana’s wandering thoughts were pushed away as she entered the drawing room with her parents. Her eyes eagerly looked for the Duke, and she spotted him sitting in a chair near the fireplace, a book in his hand. Once he realized that they’d arrived, he set the book aside and stood to great them.
As her eyes locked with the Duke’s as he came near, that sensation that had been plaguing Diana quickly returned, making her press her thighs together in hopes of easing the throbbing. But as he bowed before her and took his hand in his, the heat from his touch only seemed to magnify it.
She blushed deeply as he led her into the room and eased her down into a chair. She prayed that he didn’t notice how red her cheeks had become at simply getting to touch his hand with hers.
“How are you doing this evening?” he asked as he settled onto the settee next to her.
“I’m fine, thank you,” she replied. “Mama and I have plans to visit the seamstress tomorrow morning to have my wedding gown designed.”
“Any chance you two ladies care to share any details?” the Duke asked with a chuckle. Diana smiled genuinely, appreciating that the Duke was willing to include her mother in their conversation as her parents settled into chairs across from them.
“You must wait to be surprised by Diana’s beauty upon your wedding day,” Lady Casey said with her chin raised high and a smirk upon her face.
“I suppose I shall remain patient then,” the Duke retorted.
“The arrangements have been made with the priest,” Lord Casey spoke up then. “I believe all is ready for the special day.”
“Thank you, Lord Casey, for overseeing that matter. I’ve finished the details of the celebration here at the manor after the wedding. My staff is fully prepared for the grand day and all the guests we are expected to have. Your other children and their families are more than welcome to stay at the manor during their visit. With a home this grand, it would be a shame not to put it to good use when the opportunity arises.”
Diana watched as her parents’ eyes grew large at the news. She was surprised herself but thought that it was a reasonable idea. After all, their small abode wouldn’t house all her siblings and their families, forcing them to stay at the tavern in the village. But they’d all be pleased to hear that they could stay at the Duke’s home and be much more comfortable.
“I will write to them immediately to let them know of your invitation. I hope the letter will find them during their travels to the country. If not, I shall make the announcement when they arrive,” Lord Casey replied.
“Now that all the marriage arrangements have seemed to be made, Miss Casey, would you care to join me for a tour of the manor. I believe it would be beneficial for you to become more familiar with the place and the staff as well,” the Duke said as he turned his attention back to her. Diana looked at her parents, waiting for their approval since she and the Duke would be walking about unescorted.
“Go on, dear,” Lady Casey encouraged. Diana nodded to her parents and took the Duke’s arm as they rose.
“We’ll return before dinner is served,” the Duke promised her parents before leading her out of the room. Diana was doing her best to simply remain breathing as she held onto his arm, thinking how nice it was to be close to him. The throbbing in-between her legs returned, and she desperately tried to ignore it. Though, it was hard to do when the Duke affected her so.
“The manor was constructed three generations ago,” the Duke said as they walked together. He led her down the hallway and towards the main stairs in the foyer that led to the second floor. “There are over a dozen guest rooms with our bedchambers in the west hall. Each of our bedchambers has a water closest.”
“Such a modern item for an older manor,” Diana mused. “I have never seen a water closest in person and have only heard of such things.”
“I believe you’ll find yourself very comfortable here at the manor. You’ll have your own space, of course. And there is room for your parents as well.”
“You wouldn’t mind them staying with us?” Diana asked, continually surprised by the Duke’s generosity.
“They will be family, after all. And like I said, this manor is far too large not to use it properly.” Diana watched the Duke’s face as he led her down a hallway to the west end. She marvelled at him, trying to think how she’d become so lucky to marry such a wonderful man. But she was quick to snap out of her thoughts as she reminded herself that there was much she wanted to discuss with the Duke once they had a private moment together. And it seemed like this was the perfect opportunity to do so.
“Your Grace, since we find ourselves alone, I wish to speak to you freely about a few matters,” Diana said as she pulled the Duke to a halt. He stopped and looked down at her, his blue eyes seeming to pierce her soul. She could have got lost in them all night. When he nodded, she continued speaking.
“You may or may not know this already, but my father’s financial situation has been rather poor these last few years. Because of it, I have not attended a Season in Town, and we have been without some creature comforts for some time. And though all my siblings are well off, they have never come to our rescue. The marriage of my eldest sister contributed much to that factor, but I will not go into such details. I simply wanted you to understand the nature of my family before we marry.”
“I did not expect Lord Casey to be as well off as I am,” the Duke said with a smirk. “So, it is not surprising to hear this. However, I do appreciate your honesty. Did Lord Casey agree to this arranged marriage because of his financial troubles?”