“They are no worse than I am, Lady Douglas. But as long as we all enjoyed ourselves, there is no harm done,” Diana replied with a curtsey.

Fitz and Diana took the time to bid goodnight to all the wedding guests. Fitz noted how many of his business partners were rather toasty from both their evening port and the punch served throughout the night. He couldn’t help chuckling as he bid them goodnight, thinking that it might be wise to have a tonic prepared for anyone who awoke in the morning with a rather bad headache.

“What a splendid evening,” Melissa said to Diana as the woman embraced her. Fitz could see the startled look on Diana’s face by the sign of affection. “If you did live in Town, we could do this sort of thing quite often.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Melissa,” Diana replied in a cool and calm voice.

“Surely you cannot deny how marvellous it would be if the five of us girls did spend more time together,” spoke up one of Diana’s sisters-in-law.

“Then perhaps the next time I write to one of your families, you’ll answer with a reply,” Diana was quick to say. Fitz could tell that she was losing her composure, especially when the women looked at each other nervously.

“Considering the change in situation, I suppose we might,” Vivian said in a perky voice, making Fitz want to remove the woman from his house. She was terribly rude and uncalled for when it came to many social situations. Diana held her ground, her chin raised as the women left with their husbands, soon leaving Fitz and Diana together in the ballroom.

“I’m starting to wonder if the only reason my siblings showed up for my wedding was because of my soon to be acquired rank and the idea that they could perhaps get money from me,” Diana said in a soft voice. Fitz went to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and bringing her to his chest.

The chance of them being seen together like this was very slim, and even if one of the guests did return to the ballroom, the only thing they’d be accused of was sharing a tender embrace. Diana raised her arms and lightly wrapped them around his waist.

“I don’t see a way they could pressure you into giving them any money, Diana. After all, I’m the one with access to all of it. If they are in need, they should only be coming to me,” Fitz said, trying to reassure her. If anything, he wanted her to understand that she wasn’t alone.

“Well, let us retire for the night,” Diana said, creating space between them as she stepped out of his embrace. “It shall be another eventful day tomorrow, I’m sure.”

“But, we shall face the day together,” Fitz encouraged as he took her hand and laced her fingers with his. Then, he led her from the room and together they walked through the house till they came upon their bedchambers once more.

“Thank you, Fitz, for everything. I know I have said this plenty of times before, but I am grateful for this opportunity to marry you. I think highly of you and feel confident that I shall remain happy in this home,” Diana said as she stopped outside her bedchamber, her hand loosening from his as she placed it on the door handle.

“Believe it or not, it is I that should be grateful. Of all the women I could have agreed to marry, I am truly lucky that it was you,” Fitz said, his desire for her springing to life. But instead of going to Diana, he remained still in the hallway and instead watched her walk away.

With all the self-control he could muster, Fitz made his way to his own bedchamber and pulled the servant cord to announce he was ready to retire for the night. Eventually his footman came to help him ready, and once he was comfortable in his bedclothes, he dismissed the man and slid underneath the covers of his four-poster bed.

The candles had all been burned out or extinguished, leaving only the moonlight to trickle into his room. He watched it dance across the ceiling, the trees moving in the wind and casting shadows all about. In just two days, he’d be marrying Diana, and he was truly excited for that opportunity. He was sure she would make a particularly wonderful wife because she had a good sense of morality and thankfully appeared to like children has much as he did.

More than anything, he was constantly going back and forth on his feelings for Diana. He admired her plenty and felt a burning desire for her every time they were close together. But did that all equal love? Fitz wasn’t sure yet if he was truly in love with Diana or simply in love with the idea that he’d chosen a respectful woman to be his bride.

It was like winning a large fortune at the card tables without ever thinking it could possibly happen when taking a risk as high as an arranged marriage. His only desire had been to have an heir to the Dukedom. Now, he was starting to think that he wanted more out of his married life than just children. He truly wanted Diana to be happy as well.