Chapter 21

Diana could not remember the last time she’d smiled and laughed so much in her life. Both she and Fitz were quick to realize just how rusty they were when it came to dancing, often stepping in the wrong direction or performing the wrong dance steps. But they laughed together, amused by each other’s blunders. It became especially more humorous when the other guests started to grumble about the constant mistakes.

“I think we should rest for a moment and let the others enjoy the dance,” Fitz said, taking her elbow and leading her out of the dance line to avoid messing up anyone else as the music filled the room.

“I believe you are quite right. My poor sister and her wonderful dance skills won’t appear as such if we continue to make such large mistakes,” Diana said, taking several deep breaths to fight off any more fits of giggles.

“Who would have thought that dancing could be so difficult if you did not practice it regularly,” Fitz said as he led Diana over to a group of chairs and held the chair for her as she sat down. Diana thought it was a lovely gesture and was reminded that Fitz was a true gentleman, after all.

“You must remember that many of the guests are from Town. They have more opportunities to practice the latest dances during the Season,” Diana pointed out. She had only been to Town a few times when her older siblings had been married, but since she’d been rather young, she hadn’t had the opportunity to really participate in the festivities.

“Though I do enjoy dancing from time to time, I can’t fathom doing so as frequently in Town. I feel like it’s all much more for show than the actual enjoyment of the activity,” Fitz commented, gesturing towards the other pairs.

“You can tell by the way they look at one another or at other things in the room as they dance. Some of their smiles don’t quite reach their eyes, and you can tell how affectionate the dancers are to one another based on how they touch their hands together. Some clasp the hands while others lightly touch.”

“You are quite observant.”

“I feel like it’s a trait I had to learn growing up as I was exposed to much from a young age, having older siblings and all. I had to learn to judge a person’s character quite quickly. Especially since I gained much attention from a young age. There had been a particular incident during Melissa’s wedding when a very drunken gentleman tried to advance on me. But I had become aware of his attention throughout the night and never left my father’s side after the dinner.”

“You’re a very beautiful young lady, Diana. I’m only surprised that you haven’t received more advancements than that one time,” Fitz said, rubbing the back of his finger on her knee since they were seated so close together. Even such a gesture made her skin feel like it was on fire. She became focused on his touch for a moment, but eventually they were joined by the Viscount and his wife.

“My word, what marvellous fun,” Vivian said as she sat down next to Fitz. “Surely you’d like a decent partner for the rest of the song?”

“No thank you,” Fitz replied pointedly.

“Surely you’d like to enquire of Lord Cardigan,” Diana said, gesturing towards those still in the dance. “He does seem to be splendid at the dance.”

“Yet not as an enjoyable dance partner that I’m sure the Duke would be,” Vivian retorted, turning her eyes on the Duke and smiling brightly. Diana was becoming frustrated with Vivian’s advancements on her future husband. She looked towards her husband and saw how the man was practically undressing her with his eyes. She didn’t like his attention one bit and wished her sister would take her husband back towards the dancers.

“Miss Casey, would you care to join me for a turn about the room?” Fitz asked as he stood and held his arm out towards Diana. She let out a deep breath as she stood, relieved that Fitz had thought so quickly on his feet. They didn’t even bother saying anything in parting as Fitz began to lead her about the room.

Diana had to admit that the music had been very enjoyable. She hadn’t had the opportunity to listen to performing music in such a long time that she had almost forgotten how enjoyable it was to simply be present during a performance such as tonight. Sometimes she wondered if she’d ever enjoy an opera in Town, but that would require her travelling all that distance. Diana wasn’t sure what else would appeal to her there, but the opera would be enough to warrant at least one visit in her lifetime.

“What are you thinking about?” Fitz asked, pulling her from her deep thoughts.

“I was thinking about how I haven’t had the opportunity to listen to music in a long time. It made me wonder if I would enjoy an opera performance, but that would surely mean that we would have to travel to Town for such an experience,” Diana admitted.

“Perhaps we could host a singing troupe and enjoy our own private performance. I like to think your parents would enjoy that,” Fitz offered.

“Really? I had not considered such a thing. Do you think the opera singers would want to do such a thing?”

“For the right price, I’m sure they would be very eager to be invited to a fine house such as this in return for a private performance. Therefore, we don’t have to worry about travelling to Town and the things we might like can always be brought out here.”

Diana had never considered doing such a thing because her family could never afford such luxuries. And though she understood that Fitz was well off, perhaps she hadn’t even considered the extent of what he could afford.

Though Diana didn’t often think about the things she wanted in life, more so focusing on her parents’ needs, perhaps she could start to wonder what she would want out of life now that her parents would be watched over constantly by a maid or footman.

“I suppose I never truly thought about what wealth would do to transform my life,” Diana admitted as she looked up at Fitz. “I was honest when I said that I agreed with my father for this arranged marriage because of our previous situation, but I never wanted the wealth or ever dreamed of marrying simply for wealth. At first, it was just a means to an end, but I suppose I could freely begin to wonder what possibilities are possible when having access to such wealth.”

“One of the things I like most about you, Diana, is that you’re a deep thinker. You don’t want more than you can comprehend, so I’m sure that my fortunes might be both a little overwhelming and thought provoking. For the most part, the wealth is created on its own system based on my current business dealings. But I suppose in the future we could discuss a use for it all.”

“It sounds like a discussion for a time in the far future. For now, the only thing I’m concerned about is getting through the marriage ceremony and this week of festivities. Then, I shall learn what normal day-to-day married life is like and be able to make a better decision then,” Diana reasoned.

“It is a relief to find out that you are a sensible woman, Diana. My only fear in an arranged marriage was not being able to live a contented life with the woman I married. I am confident we will get along rather well together,” Fitz said, resting his other hand on top of hers, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb.

As the third number came to an end, punch was served to everyone to help cool their heated bodies from the movements of the dance. Everyone was in a jolly disposition, speaking of the wonderful music and their skilled dance partners.

“I will have to say, Miss Casey, that the Duke and my dear husband share the same inability to dance well,” Lady Douglas said with a chuckle. “But it seems I have exhausted my own self with the dance and must return swiftly to our bedchambers.”