“Quite so, My Lady. Her joy is quite evident on not being excluded from this relaxing sport. And we shall dine on the many fish that were caught this day,” Fitz said in a very cheerful voice.
“I have no doubt in the children’s ability and joy, Your Grace, but we don’t think it’s a suitable activity for a girl,” the Viscount said then.
“And why is that?” Fitz asked, knowing that it wouldn’t do him any good if he lost his temper at the moment. Melissa and her husband exchanged a look before seeming to think otherwise in answer to his question.
“I suppose it doesn’t hurt to allow the young girl a bit of freedom for the day,” the Viscount ended up saying as he looked towards his son and daughter and then escorted his wife over to the picnic blankets with the other women. He joined his son and daughter on the bank of the pond and started to speak with them. Fitz wondered how often the Viscount spent time with his children, and it made him happy to see it happening now.
Fitz took in the scene around him as everyone spread out around the pond. Many of his business associates had shed their dinner jackets, holding them in their arms as they walked leisurely around the pond. Many of the fathers spent time with their children, sometimes even taking their own turn at fishing.
Fitz was even surprised when Lord Duncan helped one of his boys pull in a fish, smiling for what seemed like the first time since arriving on the Chatham estate. But as he looked around, he realized that Vivian was not present like she’d said she would the day before. Fitz reasoned that it wasn’t such a loss since the woman had no children present to tend to.
At one point in the day, afternoon tea and lunch were served out on the lawn. The children took a break from their morning activity, all of them happily talking about the amount of fish they’d caught to their parents. Lord and Lady Casey talked with all their grandchildren, loving the stories they told. And they even entertained Lord Douglas’ children as the three boys joined in on describing who had caught the largest fish yet and who had caught the most. One of the other young girls admitted she’d caught the smallest, and they all had a good laugh about that.
During the meal, Diana came to sit next to Fitz on the picnic blanket while most sat on the chairs that had been brought out to accommodate the large group. He liked that she didn’t mind sitting upon the ground, and from time to time, they shared a particular look of mutual satisfaction of how the day was progressing.
“I don’t think I’ve seen my family this happy in a long time. It’s like my brothers have returned to being young boys themselves, joining in on the sport of fishing even though they are as terrible at it as they used to be,” Diana said at one point in the meal, leaning close to Fitz so he was the only one that could hear her.
“I’m glad to hear you say so. I think everyone looks pretty happy and content,” Fitz agreed.
“Who would have thought that the idea of fishing would put so many people at ease?” Diana wondered.
“It is often remarkable when you force people to relax and enjoy a little bit of sunshine instead of discussing ledgers and numbers. Even my business associates appear as though they have been transformed into younger versions of themselves. Many enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the grounds.”
“And how are you enjoying yourself, Your Grace?” Diana asked with a wink, causing Fitz to chuckle.
“I am pleased with how the day has unravelled. The children are happy; the parents seem to be content. Your parents are certainly thrilled with all the attention they are getting from their grandchildren. I am truly happy to have provided such an outlet for this to all happen.”
“And I am truly happy too, simply knowing that you are happy as well. I don’t know how you often felt before you decided upon an arranged marriage, but you do appear to be genuinely happy,” Diana observed.
Fitz thought about her words for a moment, trying to think how he truly felt before all of this. He could tell that he was certainly happy now that he’d decided to marry again. Fitz knew that some things would stay the same, but with Diana in his life now, other aspects were radically changing. And that included how he was feeling every day.