“There are many, I assure you,” Fitz said in a low voice. “But I never use this power of authority too often.”

“You are not power hungry or quick to use your authority over others. Yet, you do hold yourself in a way that allows you to distinguish yourself from others. I saw it last night when you faced my siblings with ease.”

“Ah, well. That was a completely different matter. It was not so much using my rank to distinguish myself, but my logic and quick wit. I would rather prove myself the better man than simply using my title to that advantage.”

“And that is why you are better than most, Fitz. You actually have a heart.” As they approached the small group of little people on the bank of the pond, Fitz let go of Diana’s hand, but he gave her a small smile before doing so. It had been nice to simply hold her hand so early in the morning, and it made him think that the day could only get better.

Fitz set to work helping all the children who needed help. Between him and Lord Casey, they eventually had all the children set apart so their lines wouldn’t get tangled or crossed. His footmen were readily available for the task as well, ensuring the children were safe at all times and not able to fall into the pond. Though the water was rather shallow, he didn’t want anyone getting hurt or feeling embarrassed if they did fall into the water.

From time to time, Fitz sneaked glances at Diana as she sat on a picnic blanket with her mother, holding a parasol open for the woman to block the bright sun from her face. A part of Fitz wanted to tell one of the maids to assist Lady Casey, but Diana was such a proud woman that he didn’t dare try to interfere.

Perhaps later in the day, so that Diana wouldn’t become exhausted by the chore, but for now, he simply saw how devoted she was to her parents and thought that was a nice quality to have in a wife.

With each passing day, Fitz seemed to become more drawn to Diana. He observed her more closely, seeing how she reacted in different situations. So far, the young lady had clearly impressed him. He wondered if it was her unique character that caused the passion and desire for her to be so strong.

She certainly wasn’t like any woman Fitz had ever met before, and though there were many things he loved about Marian, Diana was simply her own person. There were different things he liked about each woman, and though he’d never be able to stop loving his late wife, he thought that perhaps he could make room in his heart for one more.

“I think I caught something!” came the excited squeal of one of the young girls. Fitz moved quickly, coming to her aid to help show her how to bring in the fish safely without it escaping. Once Fitz had pulled the line onto shore with the fish, all the children gathered around and shouted with joy at the sight of the large fish.

“Do you want to pick it up to put in the fishing net?” Fitz asked the young girl as she covered her mouth with her gloved hands, laughing excitedly.

“My goodness, no. I don’t want to touch that slimy thing, Your Grace,” she replied.

“Don’t worry, Your Grace. I can handle it,” said Lord Douglas’ oldest boy.

“Much appreciated,” Fitz said as the young boy took hold of the fish with one hand, pressing it down into the grass to hold it still while he pulled out the hook. Then, with a strong grip with two hands, he picked up the fish and took it to the submerged net where a footman helped him put the fish inside.

“Are you ready to try again?” Fitz asked the young girl.

“Yes, Your Grace. I think I shall try again,” she excitedly said. With the first fish of the day caught, all the children were eager to try again. Fitz was impressed that a girl had been the first to catch a fish and thought it would be a good experience for her in that it was okay to try new things and enjoy them too.

As the morning progressed, becoming later and closer to early afternoon, they began to receive more visitors out on the lawn. Lord and Lady Douglas were the first to join them, excited to see how their three boys had been doing that morning. Fitz had been quick to compliment them to their parents, seeming to make them smile brightly with joy at receiving praise from him.

As the boys went back to fishing, all the children doing their best to remain as quiet as possible so as not to scare the fish away, Lord Douglas commented to Fitz, “I appreciate you taking the boys out so early in the morning. Lady Douglas still hasn’t seemed to recover from whatever illness is plaguing her. Even exhausted, she was up all night tossing and turning.”

“I’m truly sorry to hear this, Michael. I know you’ve been trying all you can to find a solution for all her fatigue. Has it been confirmed yet that she is with child?” Fitz asked.

“It is not confirmed, no. But it is what we are hoping is the root cause of her sleep issues.”

“Have you consulted a physician yet?”

“No, not until we are sure she isn’t with child.”

“Then perhaps I could send someone for the local midwife to check on Lady Douglas, or even a visit to the apothecary?”

“I really appreciate your concern, Fitz, but trust me when I say I’ve tried everything. For now, we wait and hope she recovers by winter. I don’t like the thought of the cold coming to England and making matters worse.”

Fitz looked to see that Lady Douglas had settled herself on the picnic blanket with Diana and Lady Casey. A maid had come to Diana’s aid and was now holding the parasol for Lady Casey. Fitz smirked, seeing the way Diana happily spoke with Lady Douglas, and he hoped that they would become the best of friends.

Eventually, they were joined by more and more people. Many of his business associates made an appearance, though none of them seemed thrilled about the idea of being outside under the sun or trying their luck at fishing. He could even wager that most of them had never fished a day in their lives, always focused on business and money. Fitz found the sport very relaxing and thought that more people should try their luck at it. And eventually, Diana’s siblings seemed to make an appearance.

“Mother! Father! I caught the first fish of the day!” came the little girl’s voice as she set down her rod and ran over to the Viscount and his wife.

“My word! Why on Earth are you fishing? You are a young lady,” said Melissa as she placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, seeming to be appalled by the idea as she quickly examined her child. “And your gown shall be ruined.”

“His Grace said that young ladies should be encouraged to try new things. And I’ll have you know that I’ve come to thoroughly enjoy fishing, even if the hem of my gown might become stained by the grass,” she replied before turning swiftly away from her parents and returning to her spot beside the pond. Her brother followed after her as though he had no words to give his parents. It was then that the Viscount and his wife turned their eyes on Fitz as he did his very best not to laugh.

“Good morning, Your Grace. It seems you have left quite an impression on my daughter,” Melissa said, appearing rather put off.