Diana’s eyes moved all about the room in a hurry, trying to determine how many people were present and the number of people she recognized. She desperately wanted to know where Fitz was and how easy it would be to cross the room to him without being stopped by any of her siblings. But the moment she took a few steps into the room, she was instantly approached by her eldest sister, Vivian.
“Oh, Diana. You look gorgeous tonight,” Vivian said as she quickly embraced her. Diana was surprised by the show of affection because her eldest sister, Lady Munster and wife to an earl, had never replied to any of her letters where she pleaded for the life of their parents.
“Thank you, Vivian,” Diana replied as she refused to embrace her back. The moment Vivian let go of her, she created space between them.
“Come, you must meet the children. I have become fond of our nieces and nephews,” Vivian said as she went to grab Diana’s hand. But Diana moved out of her reach, not about to allow her older sister to pull her about like she used to do when they were children and Vivian would boss her around.
“Excuse me, Lady Munster. I am in search of my intended at the moment,” Diana said with her chin raised. She was doing her best to keep her temper down when all she wanted to do was publicly humiliate Vivian for abandoning her and her parents.
Vivian looked at her with wide eyes but eventually stepped aside so Diana could move through the room. She didn’t look back as she made her way around people she wasn’t familiar with until she found Fitz standing near one of the open windows, seeming to be surrounded by gentlemen. But when Fitz looked away from the person he was talking to and settled his eyes on her, Diana could clearly see the hungry way in which his eyes moved over her body. Diana could not help smiling as she approached him with courage despite everyone in the room watching her.
“Good evening, Miss Casey,” Fitz said, his voice lower than normal.
“Good evening, Your Grace,” Diana said with a curtsy. She came to stand by his side and placed her hands in front of her, ready to face the crowd with him.
“Miss Casey, may I introduce you to a few of my business associates,” Fitz said as he began introductions to the gentlemen he’d been speaking with. As he did so, Fitz placed his hand on the lower part of Diana’s back, making Diana relax into his touch for his hand was warm pressed up against her silk gown.
As he started to make circles with his finger into her back, Diana began to have trouble concentrating on what Fitz was saying. He seemed to be eager to tease and taint her this evening, and she figured she’d have to return it.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Diana said with a dip of her head. “Thank you all for coming to celebrate this occasion with us.”
“The pleasure is all ours, Miss Casey. The Duke is a lucky man to be marrying such a beauty,” one of the gentlemen replied. It made Diana weary to be ogled by so many, making her feel uncomfortable despite the way Fitz was playing with the back of her gown as they stood close together.
“Will you excuse us, gentlemen? Miss Casey now must take the time to introduce me to her family members,” Fitz said. Diana was grateful that he’d come to her rescue so quickly, and they walked together from that part of the room and Diana led him over to where her family had gathered around the fireplace. The sound of children laughing made Diana smile because she was curious to meet her nieces and nephews.
“I think if one more gentleman comments on your attire, I might have to start throwing people out of the house,” Fitz said in hardly a whisper as he leaned close to her. Diana covered her mouth as she smiled and let a small giggle escape her throat.
“Well, the only thing that matters is how you like my attire, Your Grace,” she said as she tilted her head up to him as they walked together.
“You look absolutely gorgeous, Diana. I had no idea that colour on you would be so tempting,” Fitz replied with a smirk upon his lips.
“Then a temptress I shall become,” Diana whispered back with a wink as they came upon her family members. Her parents were sitting in chairs on either side of the fireplace as they talked excitedly with all of their grandchildren, a total of three boys and two girls who they were completely infatuated with. Their parents sat around them in chairs and on the settee. And as Diana and Fitz approached, they all turned their eyes on them.
Lord Casey stood then, quieting down the children for a moment so he could say, “Your Grace, may I introduce you to my other children. Lord Duncan and his wife, and their two sons.” Diana looked into her eldest brother’s eyes and saw sternness there that she didn’t like to see in Gabriel, but his wife was quick to curtsy and flutter her eyelashes at Fitz. Diana was quick to see that she wouldn’t be the only one that evening gaining the compliments and unwanted attention from others.
Her father continued to make the introductions with her brother Steven next and his wife and daughter. Then came Vivian, who smiled brightly at her intended, making Diana want to throttle the woman because when her eyes fell on her, they were full of daggers.
Lastly came Melissa and her husband, the Viscount of Morrison, and their son and daughter. It was only after the introductions that Diana realized that Vivian had no children of her own, and since she’d been married for five years, it made her wonder why that was.
“Thank you all for coming all the way from Town to attend our wedding. I look forward to getting to know all of you during your stay,” Fitz said once the introductions were finished. Lord Casey sat once more and resumed his previous conversation with the children, who all seemed eager to know more about their grandparents.
“How surprising it was to receive Father’s letter describing your arranged marriage, Diana,” Gabriel spoke up as he came around the settee he’d been standing behind and slowly approached her. “No one would have guessed that the littlest would marry into the highest-ranking position of all of us.”
“I’m only surprised that Miss Casey didn’t marry first. Her beauty alone, if she’d received the opportunity to attend a Season in Town, would have surely made her the most sought-after debutant,” Fitz said in her defence. “Why is it that you never offered to escort your sister for a season, Lord Duncan.”
Diana watched as Gabriel’s face registered a moment of shock before it settled back into his normal scowl. He seemed embarrassed and looked towards his other siblings for help in the matter. But when they all looked away to avoid his gaze, Diana knew that Gabriel had put his foot in his mouth. Furthermore, her siblings should now have all realized that she’d spoken honestly to the Duke about their situation and that Fitz knew what each one of them had done to her and her parents.
“With my own wife expecting, my townhouse was no place for a young girl. After all, we are almost ten years apart in age,” Lord Duncan said in his defence.
“Ah, I see,” Fitz said as he placed his hands behind his back and straightened his posture. “You two must surely have nothing in common then.” Diana knew that Fitz could be witty, but she had no idea that he could be so in such a congested social setting. She desperately wanted to laugh at the embarrassed look on her brother’s face but knew that it would be terribly rude of her.
“I suppose you are right, Your Grace,” Gabriel replied before dipping his head and moving back to stand behind his wife as she sat on the settee. She looked at her sons and placed most of her attention on them, smiling as they both tried to talk at the same time, both eager to tell Lady Casey an amusing story. Diana watched her mother closely, seeing how joyful she was. She only hoped her mother wouldn’t tire too easily before dinner.
“Diana, darling,” came Vivian’s voice, floating through the air like a pleasant song. Vivian always had a melodious voice, and she used it to her advantage whenever she could. “Do tell us why the marriage isn’t happening in Town. Surely you plan to come to Town as soon as things are settled here?”
“Lord Mavis and I have no desire to come to Town. And with our parents doing better in the country, I will not risk their health with the pains of travelling to Town or being surrounded by so many people,” Diana explained.
“But you will surely miss all the good parties and balls,” Melissa said, seeming to finally find the courage to speak. “Why wouldn’t you want to come to Town to be surrounded by the elite of your new status?”