Page 27 of Jenna's Submission

“Both,” Grayson added offhandedly.

Jenna turned to him, startled. “What did you say?

“Oh, sorry, probably should have waited, but I think she’s going to have multiples, at least one of each gender. Please don’t tell anyone. Let’s just wait and see if I’m right.” Smiling, Mitch went back to eating. Jenna narrowed her eyes at them both. She knew there was something she wasn’t being told, but she also knew this wasn’t the time to pursue it. But she wasn’t going to let it go, she had questions for these two later.

By the end of dinner, Jenna was so aroused, all she cared about was getting someplace alone with Colt and finding some relief, but it seemed everyone in the room wanted to chat. Colt was standing on her left and had his fingers laced through hers. She was almost bouncing up and down with excess sexual energy. She was so distracted she didn’t even notice Theodore James walk up beside her. He paused briefly before walking on.How odd, it was like he just wanted to make sure I knew he could get close to me.She had no more than let the thought skate through her mind when Mitch closed in on her right side, standing so close their arms were brushing each other’s. “Did he say anything to you, sweetness?” Mitch’s words were soft, but his voice held an edge that screamed protector.

“No, it was very odd. He just came up from behind me and paused before moving on. I don’t know. It was just like he was letting me know hecould. I know that sounds very strange, but that was the feeling I got.” Jenna shuddered, and Colt turned immediately to look at her. She barely caught Mitch’s small sideways nod, and they both started moving her from the room without stopping to talk to those who tried to get their attention. They’d merely nod and move along. They must have drawn her brothers’ notice, as they’d flanked Kat and were hurrying her from the room at the same time.

When Jenna and Kat were both safely ensconced in Alex and Zach’s office, Mitch and Colt left to find Rissa, who had also been enjoying the after-dinner socializing. Jenna turned to Alex and bristled when he tried to act engrossed in a paper on his desk. “Oh no you don’t, big brother, you’re not going all ‘big bad Dom has important shit to do’ on me…I have some questions for you.” Jenna had marched herself right over in front of his desk and was standing with her hands on her hips ready to do battle when the office door swung open and Rissa was hustled in to join them. Colt looked at Jenna and burst out laughing. “And what do you think you are laughing at, Colt Matthews?” Jenna had turned to look at him, eyes narrowed and lips thinned in frustration.

“Well, sorry, darlin’, but you look like a warrior pixie, all tough-girl stance taking on her bigger, hell, much bigger brother. And I have to say, he doesn’t look any too anxious to tangle with you either.” Colt’s chuckle brought a smile to everyone’s face, and even Jenna had to admit it had probably made for a pretty funny picture. She had never shied away from confronting her brothers, holy hell if she ever had even blinked they would have steamrolled her even more than they already had her entire life.

“I’m wanting some answers about that yo-yo at dinner. You guys know more than you’re telling, now out with it, or I’m calling for backup.” She eyed both of her brothers speculatively. Yes indeed, they knew exactly who she’d call. She saw them both pale a bit, oh the power of a threat to call Catherine Lamont. Smiling to herself, she just stood with her arms crossed under her breasts and waited. She knew they’d fold. It was just a matter of waiting for them to note her resolve.

Zach had been the one to step forward to try and talk his sister down. “Damn it, Jenna, you know we have enough on our plates right now, we don’t need Mom coming in here guns blazing. If we’re busy answering to her, we can’t do our jobs this weekend. And right now keeping you three off James’s radar and getting Melita back is taking just about every bit of focus and manpower we can pull together.” He had always had more luck distracting her than Alex. Everybody in the room knew throwing Alex at a flaming Jenna was like dousing a fire with gasoline expecting to put it out.

Batting her eyes at him, oozing fake sweetness, Jenna spoke from under her lashes “Well then, big brother, perhaps you should try leveling with me instead of blowing smoke up my dress, eh?” She was working up to a real good mad, and every man in the room knew it, hell, even Rissa and Kat had taken steps back. When she noticed Colt start to step forward, she halted him with a hand. “Don’t. Just don’t get into this. This is between my adoring brothers and me.” She turned back to Alex and Zach. “So, what’s it gonna be, you two knuckleheads? I’ll call her, you know I will, and hell hath no fury like Catherine Lamont when she thinks her sons are getting too big for their britches. And a few well-timed tears from me and Dad will be standing by to finish off anything left after Mom is done with the two of you.” She had them by the short and curlies, and everyone in the room knew it.

Sighing, Alex sat down hard in his seat and looked to Mitch Grayson. “You know we can’t do this without your permission, right?” Damn, but Alex hated putting his friend in this position, especially with the woman he’d been trying to get into his bed for over a year standing at the other side of the room. Alex had no idea how Rissa would deal with the news of Grayson’s gifts. Mitch had often said that most women who even suspected it were more than a little unnerved by the thought of a man hearing their thoughts. Jenna looked to Mitch, confusion written on her face, and then suddenly she looked as if a light had just shown her the answer to a question she’d been puzzling over.

“You’re gifted, aren’t you?” Jenna’s question was directed at Mitch, her focus having shifted the moment Alex had sought his permission. “You’re an empath, right? Oh shit, that explains so much.” She hadn’t even waited for his response, but stood looking at him with a mixture of wonder and amusement. “Holy shit, that is amazing. Tell me everything.” She was like a kid with a new piece of a mystery, and she wanted to know it all.

Kat finally found her voice. “Hold up here, somebody want to catch me up? I’m not tracking this very well. Gifted? Explain that to me. Exactly what does that mean?”

“Yeah, I’m kind of interested in that answer myself. And I notice that none of the men seem particularly confused by this.” Rissa’s raised eyebrow let them know she wasn’t really enjoying being out of the loop.

Mitch Grayson dropped his chin to his chest and shook his head.Talk about your total clusterfuck, damn.He hadn’t even picked up on Jenna’s gifts until now. While she clearly wasn’t as gifted as he was, she wasn’t without some abilities of her own. Mitch had met many people of the years that he’d recognized as gifted. He’d always marveled at their ability to chalk those gifts up to “common sense” or just knowing what “any reasonable person would know.” Shit, no wonder she’d know exactly what James had been up to when he’d approached her a few minutes ago. Wouldn’t be any getting out of this one unscathed, might as well just walk into the fire like a man and cope with the burns later. Looking up at Alex, he just nodded his okay and let the other man take the lead and tell Mitch’s story.