Page 26 of Jenna's Submission

Chapter 25

Alex, Zach, and Grayson were sitting in the office with General Franklin’s aide, Theodore James, and the awkward silence made it obvious to everyone that the line of demarcation had been clearly drawn. Grayson was as still as either Alex or Zach had ever seen him. Obviously he was trying to crawl right inside the man’s head. Colt had decided to man the Crow’s Nest and let the other three have a clear path to the man he’d already met and didn’t like or trust.

Alex watched the man for long moments, something about his movements was vaguely familiar and set off warning alarms, but Alex couldn’t place exactly why. “So tell me exactly what it is you hope to accomplish during your stay, Mr. James.” Alex’s deliberate omission of the man’s military rank was a slap, and they both knew it. Alex watched as his jaw tensed before he quickly slid his mask of indifference back into place.

“As you know, General Franklin is having some health issues, and he seemed unhappy after the last few calls from Colt Matthews, something about a former teammate who stayed here during a recovery and an alleged sexual assault that has only recently come to light. While we aren’t saying you sister is lying, it does seem unlikely that it would just now be an issue, don’t you think?” Zach came out of his chair and was looming over the man before he’d even finished his ridiculous statement.

“Let me be perfectly clear, ass wipe. I don’t give a flying fuck what you think, our sister doesn’t lie, ever. She would not make this story up. She only shared the story with Colt Matthews after she knew Ted Scott was dead because she has been living in fear foroursafety since the night she was attacked. Scott threatened our lives, using that leverage to silence her. And while we all know that is a classic sexual predator behavior, it doesn’t change the fact that we are talking aboutour sisterand how this forever changed her from the open and loving young woman she was into a woman who spent years running from her own pain because she was too afraid of causing harm to her brothers if she sought any kind of medical treatment, legal action, or victim’s counseling.” By the time Zach had finished, his face was beat red and Theodore James was leaning back away from the anger radiating like waves of heat from Zach’s core.

Alex spoke with icy calm. “Let me make myself perfectly clear. You will not discredit nor will you in any way hurt our sister, do you understand? I see no reason for your visit, it was only allowed because it was a personal request from a man we have all worked with for many years, and our entire team holds a deep respect for what he has always stood for. What we want to know is why no one in our unit was aware of Ted Scott’s history of sexual misconduct prior to him joining our unit, or at the very least before he was allowed to spend weeks recovering in the home of a young woman who was an easy target for an experienced sexual perpetrator.” While Alex’s anger wasn’t as obvious as Zach’s, his deadly intent was just as clear. “If you have any questions, you will direct them to either Zach or me, and you will not question our sister directly. These points are nonnegotiable. Are we clear on each point, Mr. James?” Alex had not moved except to raise an eyebrow at the other man when his answer wasn’t forthcoming.

“Yes, Mr. Lamont, crystal clear. But rest assured, at some point, I will need to speak with your sister, and it is entirely likely she will not want you present.” James’s arrogant attitude was getting very near the deal-breaker point. It was definitely time to show the man the door.

Turning to Grayson, Alex said, “Mitch, if you would please show Mr. James to the guesthouse, we’ll have his car moved to the garage and his belongings delivered for him within the hour.” Grayson nodded and stood up and moved toward the door. Alex addressed James. “Grayson will see you to the guesthouse. I believe you’ll be very comfortable there Mr. James. And you’ll be within a short walking distance of the house for meals, should you choose to join us. Dinner will be at 8:00 p.m. Our housekeeper will be expecting you, dress is casual.” And then he turned back to his computer, effectively dismissing the man he’d like nothing more than to dismiss off the entire planet. God, the man was a gnat.

As Mitch led Theodore James through the back door of the mansion and down through the gardens toward the guesthouse, he explained how to access the property’s indoor gym and exercise rooms, where the garage was located, and explained that they didn’t use keys on-site then handed him a small piece of paper with a code that he’d use to enter the guesthouse and gym. When James inquired about the garage where his car would be stored, Grayson explained that because there were a lot of other vehicles stored in the same building, he’d need to let a member of the security team know when he needed access to his car and they’d be happy to accompany him. Grayson found it very interesting that the little toad didn’t seem at all happy with that information.Interesting, what do you have stashed in that car that you want to be able to get when we aren’t looking? Or do you plan on slithering out during the middle of the night like the snake that you are? And, just who are you, Mr. James? Because even though I don’t know your real name, I’m fucking sure it is not Theodore James. You may be able to block me now, but you can’t keep it up indefinitely, and I’ll be waiting, and the second those shields come down…I’ll have it all.

* * * *

Colt tracked James from the moment they left the mansion until he was alone in the guesthouse and then continued to watch as the man obviously searched for surveillance equipment. He turned to Alex and Zach, who had joined him. They’d decided to meet in the Crow’s Nest because there was no way anyone outside this room was going to overhear their conversation. “Well, what was your impression? I find it interesting that he wanted unfettered access to his vehicle and the first thing he did was search for surveillance equipment in the guesthouse.”

Alex was the first to answer. “I think he’s a dick and I want a reason to send him packing. His attempts to discredit Jenna seem—shit, I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but almost like a preemptive strike to me, and I can’t quite get a bead on that, Zach?” Glancing over at his twin, he saw the cold look that Zach had always carried into battle, and Alex remembered that even though everyone always saw Zach as the more gregarious of the two of them, it was actually Zach Lamont who was always stone cold when it came to a mission, and he was clearly in mission mode now.

Zach looked thoughtfully at the monitor, watching and assessing the other man carefully. “There is something familiar about him, his gestures, his movements. I can’t place him, but I’ve seen him before, but I’d remember that name. Did you notice his eyes? He’s wearing colored contacts, why? Why does a man who has been through the bowels of hell with reconstructive surgery, prosthetics, etcetera care about changing his eye color? Something doesn’t ring quite right about that to me.” After several long moments spent leaning closer to the monitor, he said, “I don’t want any of the women left alone with him for any reason. And I want us all on point tonight during dinner.”

“Agreed,” Mitch Grayson added as he entered the room.

“Get anything on the little POS?” Colt asked him.

“Well, you’ve got that right, he’s a real piece of shit, top to bottom. He has obviously been warned about me, he’s making every attempt to block. He’s going to have to be off guard or be drinking for me to get a full read, but he has major power and control issues, particularly with women. Basically, he hates them. And he seems to go completely white with rage when Jenna’s name is mentioned. Zach is exactly right, we can’t leave him alone with any of the women, either here at the house or with anyone at ShadowDance, but we really need to watch Jenna and Katarina. I don’t know if it’s because they belong to you three, or if it’s them in particular, but their names enrage him. He blocks almost everything, but that emotion is so powerful, it would be impossible for anyone except the most gifted and practiced people to totally block any emotion that strong. And here’s the kicker, he plans to be at the Masquerade tomorrow night.” All eyes looked to Grayson. He shrugged as if to say,Hey, don’t shoot the messenger!

The hair on the back of Colt’s neck stood straight up as if lightening had struck the room. He’d had this same experience several times during his years in the Special Forces, and each of those times had been a forewarning that everything was about to go FUBAR in a very big way. There was just too much riding on the next few days, fucked up beyond all recognition was just not going to be an option. “We need to call in everybody for tomorrow night’s event. And we need a briefing in a secure location where we know dick weed won’t eavesdrop. Suggestions?”

“I’ll work on the logistics. Zach, you call in each of The Club’s dungeon monitors and any Dom who might be willing to stand down from playing to help with surveillance. We have two very large potential problems staring us in the face, let’s get all the help we can. I don’t want to cancel the event and lose this chance to recover Mia. Whoever is holding her needs her to ID Katarina. I’m worried we won’t get another opportunity for the snatch and grab. Colt, call Dylan and get names of any reserve officers he’d recommend and call anyone else you can get in here by tomorrow night. I don’t know about you all, but I’m fucking tired of always being on the R/R end of things, what do you say we stop being forced to respond and react and get on the proactive side for a change?”

* * * *

Dinner was always an exercise in organized chaos at ShadowDance, and tonight was not an exception. It was also one of the few times they all sat down together at the same time like the family they considered themselves. The dining room was huge, and the table could seat at least thirty people if it was extended to its full length. Jenna had always loved dinner at ShadowDance, especially after her brothers had returned and their Club had become so popular. Family, friends, and various staff members all gathered for food and fun, and as far as Selita was concerned, the more the merrier.

Jenna and Colt entered the dining room just as everyone was sitting down. This was her first time to have a “boyfriend” at a family dinner, and even though they had both eaten in this room together hundreds of times over the years, this felt entirely different to her.Damn, that could be because you have on a short friggin’ skirt and you don’t have on any panties. Having your hoo-ha in the wind will make any woman skittish, suck it up and deal, Jenna Beth.Taking a second to give herself a pep talk and get her bearings, she noticed a man she hadn’t ever seen before.Must be the guy General Franklin sent out here, damned if he isn’t a creepy-looking weasel.Jenna shivered and unconsciously rubbed her palms up and down her own arms.

Colt felt Jenna shiver next to him. “Cold, pet?”

“Um, no, I was just looking at that man over there, and something about him sets off my ‘Danger danger, Will Robinson’ radar.” She smiled up at him, knowing he’d understand her reference to the oldLost in Spaceshow she and Kat had watched for hours when the guys were home on leave. They’d never understood the girls’ fascination with the old reruns and had often stayed in the room just to make fun of the shows’ ancient special effects and campy story lines. “There is something hauntingly familiar about him, he makes me incredibly uncomfortable.”

His gaze returned to James as he spoke to Jenna. “Hmmm, interesting. Your brother, Zach, said the same thing about Staff Sgt. James seeming familiar. If he makes you uncomfortable, you need to trust that instinct, pet…Always. We’ll make sure there is a buffer between you at all times.” As if sensing her discomfort, Grayson moved to flank her on the other side.

Mitch’s smile was warm, but Jenna could sense a steely ice in his manner, and she could sense the undercurrent of anger coursing through him and asked, “Did I do something wrong? Why are you so angry?” Her soft words caused his expression to soften immediately.

“Oh, sweetness, I’m not angry with you. I just saw your expression and knew you were uncomfortable with James, and I don’t like anyone having that effect on you. I’d be just as annoyed if it was Katarina or Selita or Ris—” Mitch cut himself off before continuing. “Let’s have a seat and enjoy the company of your family and all our friends, what do you say?”

The men were careful to position her between them and down far enough that Theodore James didn’t have a clear line of sight to her. Jenna began to relax, at least until both men reached for the knee closest to them and pulled her legs so far apart she felt a cool breeze brush over her exposed sex. Colt leaned close and reminded her to hook her feet around the legs of her chair and to keep herself spread open for his pleasure. She heard her own gasp as he leisurely moved his long, callused fingertips through her wet folds. When she opened her eyes and looked at Kat, she noticed her friend’s eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip as if trying to keep from crying out. Jenna knew from the small smile on Zach’s face exactly what he was up to. Kat’s small shudder was the only outside sign that she had climaxed right at the table surrounded by more than twenty people. When Alex leaned over and whispered in Kat’s ear, her eyes found Jenna’s and she flushed a deep scarlet. Jenna marveled at the look on her big brothers’ faces. She wasn’t surprised at Zach’s captivation with Kat, she’d always known he would “love large and deeply.” But Alex had always had a much harsher edge. Jenna had always worried that he wouldn’t be able to let go enough to love completely, oh how wrong she’d been. The look of adoration he showered on his wife made Jenna’s breath catch.

“Are you all right, pet?” Colt’s concerned voice brought Jenna back from her thoughts.

“Oh, um, yes, sorry, I was just watching Alex with Kat, and I’m so happy to see how much he loves her, and that he’s unafraid to let everyone see it. It is what I’d always hoped for with him, but had worried he wouldn’t allow to happen.” Jenna smiled at Colt, hoping she hadn’t said too much, knowing how macho the team members all liked to consider themselves.

Colt smiled at her. “I understand completely, and I can fully identify with your concern. And don’t worry about voicing it to me. You weren’t the only one who had voiced those same thoughts about Alex. Katarina has brought a lot of light into both Alex’s and Zach’s lives. Hell, she mothers every person who works at ShadowDance. That baby is going to be one lucky little boy or girl.”