Page 20 of Jenna's Submission

“Keep quiet until you are given permission to come or asked a question. When you are allowed to come, pet, we want to hear your cries of pleasure.” Every Dom knew that this was a sticking point for almost every new sub. Keeping their pleasure quiet was very, very difficult, and few were ever able to master it completely. No Dom really wanted a sub to remain totally silent, a lot of the Dom’s pleasure was driven by watching and hearing his partner lost in the wonders of sensation he was providing her, so not hearing her reactions was not something most truly strived for. But, it was important to keep the sub immersed enough that they didn’t formulate questions, thus his harsh swats, a bit of negative reinforcement.

Colt returned to using the flogger to deliver dual sensations of pleasure followed by bites of pain designed to sink his sweet sub down as far as possible in pleasure without sending her over into orgasm. He wanted her floating as much as possible in subspace before he started using the leather-covered paddle, knowing it was going to deliver hard swats that would, hopefully, send electric pulses of pleasure coursing through her body and ending in every erogenous zone like heat being applied directly from the inside out. With a few more passes with the flogger, he saw Grayson’s nod and took the paddle into his hand and stepped back so he’d be able to swing it straight and keep the board parallel to her already-bright-pink ass. Her bottom was going to be a nice cherry red when he finally let her come, but she wouldn’t have any lasting marks. She’d feel those two punishment swats for a day or two, but he was sure he hadn’t hit her hard enough to bruise, but he’d enjoy checking her later tonight and a few times tomorrow. Smiling, he brought the paddle down for a resounding first swat.

Holy fuck, that hurt! Oh my God…I hope he does it again. That was amazing, how can something hurt so much and then change so quickly into such a deep pleasure?Even though Mitch couldn’t get it all, he’d gotten enough to give Colt the go-ahead.

Mitch held her face in his hands and watched her eyes glaze over. “Amazing isn’t it, Jenna? Pain that morphs into pleasure almost before your body has a chance to register the difference between the two. Remember, the mind interprets pain and pleasure in similar ways, so it can easily be confused by the two, particularly when it’s in a sexual context. Let go, sweetheart.”

He could feel her muscles tighten, and after the fourth strike, Colt dropped the paddle and pushed two thick fingers into her swollen, dripping pussy and leaned over her. “Come for us, pet. Let us hear how much you enjoy the pleasure.” The words had barely left his lips when she erupted with her release. He knew she’d gone over as much as a result of his whispered permission as from the erotic spanking, and that pleased him more than he’d ever imagined possible. Knowing her mind was responding instinctively to him as the Master of her body was very gratifying. He continued to finger fuck her until he knew he’d squeezed every ounce of sweet surrender out of the orgasm that had clearly taken her breath away. Now, on to bigger and better things as soon as they provided a bit of aftercare for the amazing sub they were now working to remove from the bench. She was limp as a wet, overcooked noodle. You had to love that response.Christ, but she is perfect.

* * * *

Jenna had heard Colt tell her to come and then everything was lost in a wash of color so amazing she was sure she’d been launched into some kind of H. G. Wells time machine or something equally sci-fi. She felt like her body and mind had actually separated for a few seconds, it was the most amazing feeling she’d ever experienced, and that was really saying something when she stopped to consider the orgasms she’d experienced at the hands of Colt and Mitch during the past couple of days. As she was trying to figure out how to make her neck muscles work—damn, her arms and legs weren’t responding either—she felt a warm, wet cloth being wiped over her inner thighs. Colt also dried her then carried her to a sofa she hadn’t even noticed earlier and wrapped her in a fluffy blanket that smelled like a summer morning. His sweet words of praise brought her back into the moment quickly. When she looked up into his eyes, they were filled with warmth and affection and what looked like pride. “You handled that beautifully, pet. I am so proud of you. How are you feeling?”

“Surprising good except for my sore tush.” She smiled and knew she had flushed a bright red. “Um, but what about you and Mitch?” She knew they hadn’t found their release, she could feel the steely evidence beneath her.

“Well, pet, we aren’t finished playing with you yet. Now that you’re back with us, let’s get back into the scene and play.” Colt’s words were meant to convey she was to observe protocol and she had understood the message.

“Yes, Master.” Jenna’s words were softly spoken against the side of Colt’s neck.Christ, the feel of her breath against the side of my neck is almost enough to make me come.Colt stood her on her feet, keeping a hand on her to make sure she was steady before he stood up. Mitch had moved over to what looked oddly like the exam table in her gynecologist’s office. Oh shit, I’m not sure about this. There are a lot of straps on that table.

Her steps slowed, and Colt didn’t miss her hesitance. “Come along, pet, none of that. We want to play with you, not have to punish you.” His words were followed by a smart swat to her tender ass, causing her breath to catch. “Master Mitch and I want to explore you and begin preparing you to take both of us. There are a number of pieces of equipment in this room we could use to do that, but we felt this one would be the most comfortable for you. Now, up you go. Lie down. That’s right. Scoot down so that beautiful ass is hanging almost entirely off the end. Let’s get your feet up into these stirrups. Notice these are nicely padded. I’ll bet the ones in your doctor’s office aren’t, are they?”

Jenna knew he was talking to her in his “Dom voice,” but it was also threaded with enough compassion that she was sure he was trying to keep her as calm and distracted from the fact they were strapping her down and they hadn’t mentioned “breakaways” this time. Jenna was starting to breathe really fast, and her rapidly beating heart was about to pound right out of her chest.

Mitch stepped into her line of vision just then and started gently massaging her arm, rubbing from her tense shoulder clear to her fingertips, in strong, sure strokes. Looking into her eyes, he spoke softly. “I’m going to strap down your arms for two reasons, sweetness. First, I don’t want you flailing around and dropping your arm off the table, too easy to dislocate a shoulder or injure yourself by hitting parts of the table that you’ll see make an appearance from time to time during this scene.” Smiling, he added, “Oh yes, this table had features your ob-gyn’s table doesn’t have, I promise you that. And second, you have us both so close to the edge, if you touch us in a way we can’t completely control, this scene will be over way too soon. And we want to play with this sweet body for a while before we come.” He leaned forward and kissed her right on the nose, then moved the “wings” of the table out and proceeded to strap her arms just above the elbows and at the wrists. Jenna noticed that he checked the straps to make sure they weren’t too tight by running his little finger around the inside of each of the cuffs.

Colt ran his callused palm down the center of her chest, over her flat stomach, and down until it rested at the top of her pelvic bone, causing her to shift her attention to him. “Pet, it is important that you remember to let either Master Mitch or myself know immediately if you start to notice any numbness or tingling that indicates impaired circulation, do you understand?” Colt’s voice was full of concern, and she appreciated that they seemed to be making her safety a priority.

“Yes, Master, I understand.” The soft conviction in Jenna’s voice went straight to Colt’s dick, making it even harder, something he would have sworn wasn’t possible. Christ, but she was so incredible he couldn’t believe his good fortune.

“Well then, pet, we’re going to begin.” His smile was somehow sweet while still hinting at devilment, that contrast caused Jenna’s channel to flood with cream.Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into? And why am I so turned-on by being strapped down spread-eagle for God and anyone else to see everything between my legs, hell, everything that ought not to be public? Wonder how many Hail Mary’s Father Mike would have given me for this?For some reason, Jenna’s disjointed little self-talk seemed to calm her.

Colt had noticed Mitch go still, always an indicator that he was “reading,” so he was watching his expression closely. When Colt saw Grayson working to suppress a smile, he knew they were good to go.