Page 19 of Jenna's Submission

Chapter 19

Colt stepped forward immediately and lifted her chin so that he was looking directly at her as he spoke. “Pet, look at me.” When her eyes continued to dart from side to side frantically, he deepened his voice and sharpened his tone. “Jenna, look at me now!” Her eyes finally met his so he continued. “Stay with me, princess, you are to look at me and only at me while I’m speaking to you. Do you honestly believe either Mitch or I would ever truly harm you?”

Waiting for her answer, he saw the fear start to fade, only to be replaced by desire and curiosity. “No, I trust you. I just got scared when I saw all those, those, um, things that are used to hurt people. I haven’t ever been spanked with anything but your hand, and I’m afraid of those, those things. They look so wicked.” He saw the shudder she’d tried to hold in.God, so beautiful and so brave, standing here facing her fears. She is so much more than I deserve.

“Everything in this room can be used for pain or pleasure, pet, but I want you to remember we are here for pleasure. While in this room, Club protocol is to be observed at all times. You’ll only be allowed to speak when asked a direct question, and any hesitation will be treated as a refused order and will be punished. You’ll also address both Mitch and myself as Sir or Master. When at The Club, you will be required to keep your eyes lowered unless told differently, looking a Dom directly in the eyes or looking at his or her submissive can be seen as an act of disrespect, and the Dom has the right to punish you or demand that your Master punish you in his or her presence. Most wouldn’t request a public punishment for a newbie, but there are some who will, so those are rules you’ll want to remember well. But for the purposes of our training, we will allow, actually we’ll encourage, your eye contact so that we know how you are reacting to what is happening. Is this clear, pet?” When Jenna only nodded numbly, Mitch landed a stinging swat on her right ass cheek.

“Jenna, I believe you were asked a direct question that requires a verbal response.” Mitch’s voice was stern, Jenna’s skin prickled with electricity, like she was coming alive with need.

“Yes, I understand.” Another sharp slap to her left ass cheek got her focus, and she quickly amended. “Yes, I understand, Master.” Even though her voice was airy with desire, it was clear, and both Colt and Mitch had easily noted the huskiness of need in her response.

“Good girl, now, we want to show you around the room a bit, but you will only look at what we are showing you, you’ll listen to what you’re being told rather than losing yourself in fear and gazing at things you haven’t been shown yet.” Colt could see her mind struggling to track what he’d said. Her mind was going a thousand miles per hour and in about forty different directions. He’d heard her brothers talk about how they frequently had to give Katarina a spanking at the beginning of a scene just to get the first orgasm out of the way so she was better able to focus during the rest of the scene. He wondered if Jenna wasn’t going to need that same thing. Looking up at Mitch, he knew the man had heard every word he’d just thought and agreed, his barely perceptible nod confirming his assent.

“Notice the large bed in the middle of the room, its use is obvious. We’ll enjoy fucking you there. We do not make love in this room, pet. I’ll make love to you in our bed and I will be the only man to ever make love to you, now or in the future. But in this room, I may allow others to touch what belongs to me, as is my right.” He drew his fingers through her soft pussy lips and said, “This is all mine, everything, your ass, your mouth, your pussy, it all belongs to me. And if I decide to share it, then you will obey or use your safe word. Notice the rings in the bed, we’ll be using various forms of bondage on you, we’ll want to determine your comfort level and what types of restraints you respond to with the most pleasure. I’ll always push your boundaries and be humbled that you trust me to know when you have had enough. Do you understand, pet?”

She felt as if his voice was casting a spell over her, and she’d almost missed his question. When she felt the silence surround her, she snapped to awareness and answered quickly, “Yes, Master.”

Moving to the left, Colt stopped in front of a strange-looking, padded, leather-covered bench that seemed to have two kneeling boards with straps. She was trying to figure how what exactly it would be used for, but she just couldn’t seem to get her brain to cooperate.God, what is wrong with me? They’re going to think I’m some kind of cretin if I don’t get my head back in this.At her thoughts she could have sworn she heard a snort of laughter from Mitch before he seemed to get himself back under control and his “Dom face” back in place. She was coming to recognize the expression he and Colt both seemed to have when they were playing and knew it was used to mask all emotion. Now that she thought about it, she’d seen that look on both her brothers’ faces lots of times and just hadn’t known exactly how to label it. And God knew she’d seen them use it, not always successfully, on her best friend and new sister-in-law, Kat.

“Are we boring you, Jenna?” Mitch asked her.Damn, what’s with this guy, he must be some kind of fucking mind reader, something to remember, that’s gonna be mighty damned unhandy.

* * * *

Mitch had to bite the insides of his mouth so hard to keep from laughing out loud, he was sure he was going to draw blood. God, she was so amazing, even though she was struggling to keep her head above water in an ocean of lust, she was still functioning cognitively enough to take note of his ability to know what she was thinking.

Reaching around her, Mitch pinched her nipples just hard enough to make her squeak before she answered, “No, I’m not bored, Sir, just trying to take it all in.” Since he knew her answer was completely honest, he stroked over her clit softly for a few seconds as a reward.

“Such an honest subbie, you please us, sweetheart. Now, we’re going to use this particular piece of equipment first. This is called a spanking bench. It can be used for either punishment spankings or erotic spankings. We’re going to give you an erotic spanking now, both as a reward and it’s also to let you take the edge off so you’ll be able to focus better during the rest of the scene.” While Jenna had heard Mitch’s words, Colt was fairly certain she didn’t fully understand exactly how a spanking could be a reward.

“I can see that you don’t understand how a spanking can be a reward, but let me assure you it very much is. This will be your first real test of trust, pet, now step forward and bend over the bench at the waist.” The smell of well-cared-for leather was predominant in the entire room, and the bench she knelt on brought the scent even closer.

The softly padded bench she was kneeling on was built to allow unlimited access to the submissive restrained on it. As Jenna kneeled on the padded knee boards and leaned forward, Colt moved to the front and Mitch stayed behind her.Oh yeah, Jenna, you’re flashing him with everything, damn, nothing embarrassing about this position. And being so wet it’s practically running down the insides of my legs isn’t gonna tell him a thing, damn body, it’s like it’s connected to my ears but not my damned brain!

Colt watched a huge grin cross Grayson’s face, in all the years they’d done scenes together, Colt could count on one hand the number of times he’d seen the other man smile during a scene, let alone flash a grin that spread across his entire face. Jesus, the man looked like he’d just been told one of the funniest jokes ever written. Damn but he wished he knew what had gone through her pretty little head to get that reaction.

Colt returned his focus to the beauty before him. “Grab the legs of the bench here.” When she did as instructed, he continued. “Now, since you are new to this, we’ll be using breakaway restraints. They will give you the feel of restraint, which adds a lot to the pleasure to the experience, I assure you, but you will know that you can get out if you feel panic start to overtake you. Now, I’ve secured your wrists so I want you to pull away with a fast, strong motion. It’s important that you see how this type of strap works.”

Jenna pulled hard with both hands and felt the straps release. “Thank you, Master.” Jenna’s voice was laced with relief and sincerity. Colt and Grayson had talked extensively about how the idea of being truly restrained might send her into a flashback or panic attack, as they were certain the asshole that had raped her had no doubt had to restrain her, or she’d have run from him. It hadn’t escaped his notice that she was referring to him as Master and to Grayson as Sir, and it filled him with pride that she’d already made the distinction in her mind. She might not fully understand the significance of it, but she would soon.

“Master Mitch…that is how you will address Doms referred at The Club, is going to be strapping down your legs at both the knees and ankles, this will keep you in position and protect you from injury. Those straps are not breakaways because the legs are so much stronger, typically, and if we provide you with the experience we have planned, you’ll be using those strong muscles a lot in response to the pleasure.” Smiling at her, he softly brushed her hair off to the side so that it fell over one shoulder. They needed to be able to see her face so they could gauge her reactions as accurately as possible. Even though Grayson was an extremely strong empath, lust and desire were like static to the connection, so they’d be using body language and facial expressions to make sure she was responding positively to her spanking. The goal was to give just enough pain to arouse and then send her cartwheeling into orgasm, not to cause any pain she would see as nothing more than pain. As they finished strapping her in and Grayson moved to get the large paddle and flogger they’d planned to use, he continued speaking directly in front of her, cupping her small, delicate face between his large palms, providing support so she was able to look up at him without straining her neck muscles. “When you are in The Club, you will be expected to address every Dom as Master Mitch, Master Ethan, etcetera, and any Domme as Mistress Rachel, etcetera. Beware of her by the way, she is wicked with a crop and a cane and will use one on any sub she can find the least fault with. Now, the only man you are allowed to refer to simply as Master is the man you belong to. I am the only man you will ever call Master, Jenna. Are we clear?”

Jenna searched his face for any hint of deception, but saw only sincere passion. “Yes, Master.” She gave him a small smile, and his heart melted in to a mushy puddle.You are so gone, Matthews, Christ, who knew love would feel so much like handing over your heart to the woman. Any man who thinks he’s the one in control is lying to himself. She fucking owns me.And surprisingly, he didn’t mind that revelation at all, as a matter of fact, something about it was completely satisfying.

* * * *

As Mitch listened to his friend’s thoughts, he couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that shot through him. And he promised himself he’d renew his efforts with Rissa immediately upon returning to The Club, he was tired of waiting for her to come around. He was going to have a little strategy session with Bryant, Alex, Zach, and Colt and they were going to help him bring her around. He was tired of letting her “think about things,” nope, her “thinking period” had officially ended. It was now time for action. But right now, it was time to work a little magic on this sweet sub’s ass. Smiling to himself, he moved to the side and ran his hand down the length of her spine in a caress so light she shivered. God, she was so very responsive. She was as sensual a woman as he’d ever seen, he hoped Rissa would be the same.

Mitch spoke in a soft, but firm voice. “Turn off your mind, Jenna. Let the sensations wash over you like the waves of the ocean push over the shore. Consider how you feel when you are floating on an air mattress in the water, just drifting wherever the waves take you, knowing you are safe and just basking in the warm embrace of safety being provided by the Doms you have entrusted with your body and pleasure. Remember everything you feel is for your pleasure and enjoyment. Our enjoyment will be coming from yours.” His first swat landed solidly on her left ass cheek. He held his hand over the spot, keeping the heat to the skin, enhancing the effect. He’d seen her tense and then heard her soft groan as she felt the small sting morph into pleasure that he knew had gone straight to her clit. Mitch looked up at Colt and smiled, Jenna was going to enjoy this spanking a lot.

Mitch gave her several more swats with his open palm, each one varying in placement, intensity, and timing. Keeping her off-balance would be a big factor in keeping her on the edge long enough to build the orgasm to a point that it would clear all other thoughts from her head and keep her focused for the rest of their time in the playroom. Running his fingers through her drenched folds, he showed them to Colt before saying, “I think someone is enjoying her spanking, what do you think, Master Colt?” Mitch and Colt moved to change places, and she lifted her half-lidded eyes to him, Mitch sucked his fingers in to his mouth. “Christ, you are so fucking sweet, I love the taste of you, sweetheart.” Jenna watched as he painted his lips with her juices before sucking his fingers into his mouth, humming with pleasure.

“Now Master Colt is going to give you a chance to experience a couple of other implements we are both fond of using.”

At Mitch’s words Colt lightly drew the flogger up and then back down her back and over both ass cheeks before flicking her softly with its soft strips of leather. The contrast of sensations, a soft tickle to a slow buildup to a low-burning sting was enough to cause Jenna to moan out loud. “Oh God, that feels amazing, what is it?” She immediately gasped as she received a hard swat to her upper thighs that really hurt. Her eyes flew wide open, and she cried out at the sharp blow.

Colt had planned for her to have that exact reaction, he had needed a reason to bring her back from the edge, and she’d delivered it exactly as he’d expected. Jenna had become so lost in the feelings she was experiencing, she hadn’t even realized she was speaking out loud. “Did you have permission to speak, pet?”

“Oh, no, I’m sorry.” And then she belatedly added, “Master,” just as he gave her another sharp slap directly on the crease between her ass and thighs, a very sensitive spot. She’d be remembering those for a couple of days, he thought with a small smile.